60 research outputs found

    Patrick-Murray Administration Celebrates Grand Opening of Old Colony Housing Development

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    <p>This case report presents the use of near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging using indocyanine green (ICG) and its potential for the evaluation of soft tissue viability in a traumatic case. Standard implementation of this novel imaging modality might decrease the number of surgical debridement procedures in complex traumatic wounds.</p

    Deep sternal wound infection after open heart surgery: current treatment insights. A retrospective study of 36 cases

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    The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the results of reconstructing infected post-sternotomy wounds, with either sternal plating and/or pectoralis major flap transposition or pedicled omentoplasty after previous vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) therapy. Between January 2005 and December 2010, 36 patients, suffering from deep sternal wound infection (DSWI) after coronary artery bypass grafting procedure, received (plastic) reconstructive surgery. All patients, treated in the Maastricht University Medical Centre (Departments of Plastic Surgery and Cardiothoracic Surgery), were selected for this study. For 22 patients, sternal refixation and reconstruction were obtained by sternal internal plate fixation combined with bilateral pectoralis major advancement flap. In 11 patients, a pedicled omentoplasty was performed, with or without split-skin graft and additional VAC therapy. Three patients only received a pectoralis plasty. We evaluated preoperative characteristics and post-operative course. Twenty-four patients (66.7%) had an uneventful post-operative course. Complications in the other patients included wound dehiscence, herniation of the donor site and infection of sternal plating material. Average sternal wound healing after sternal plating plus pectoralis plasty, pectoralis plasty and omentoplasty respectively accounted 7.7, 8.0 and 11.6 weeks. From our experience, we recommend VAC therapy plus delayed sternal plating and additional bilateral pectoralis major flap advancement as first repair option in case of DSWI. However, individual clinical conditions need to be taken into account when making a decision between the different available reconstructive options. Omentoplasty should be reserved for cases in which the sternum has recurrently fallen open after previous sternal plate refixation, or for cases in which the sternum defect is too extended

    Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging for Real-Time Intraoperative Guidance in Anastomotic Colorectal Surgery:A Systematic Review of Literature

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    Purpose: The aims of this review are to determine the feasibility of near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) angiography in anastomotic colorectal surgery and to determine the effectiveness of the technique in improving imaging and quantification of vascularization, thereby aiding in decision making as to where to establish the anastomosis. Methods: A systematic literature search of PubMed and EMBASE was conducted. Searching through the reference lists of selected articles identified additional studies. All English language articles presenting original patient data regarding intraoperative NIRF angiography were included without restriction of type of study, except for case reports, technical notes, and video vignettes. The intervention consisted of intraoperative NIRF angiography during anastomotic colorectal surgery to assess perfusion of the colon, sigmoid, and/or rectum. Primary outcome parameters included ease of use, added surgical time, complications related to the technique, and costs. Other relevant outcomes were whether this technique changed intraoperative decision making, whether effort was taken by the authors to quantify the signal and the incidence of postoperative complications. Results: Ten studies were included. Eight of these studies make a statement about the ease of use. In none of the studies complications due to the use of the technique occurred. The technique changed the resection margin in 10.8% of all NIRF cases. The anastomotic leak rate was 3.5% in the NIRF group and 7.4% in the group with conventional imaging. Two of the included studies used an objective quantification of the fluorescence signal and perfusion, using ROIs (Hamamatsu Photonics) and IC-Calc® respectively. Conclusions: Although the feasibility of the technique seems to be agreed on by all current research, large clinical trials are mandatory to further evaluate the added value of the technique

    Perioperative Hyperspectral Imaging to Assess Mastectomy Skin Flap and DIEP Flap Perfusion in Immediate Autologous Breast Reconstruction: A Pilot Study.

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    Mastectomy skin flap necrosis (MSFN) and partial DIEP (deep inferior epigastric artery perforator) flap loss represent two frequently reported complications in immediate autologous breast reconstruction. These complications could be prevented when areas of insufficient tissue perfusion are detected intraoperatively. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a relatively novel, non-invasive imaging technique, which could be used to objectively assess tissue perfusion through analysis of tissue oxygenation patterns (StO2%), near-infrared (NIR%), tissue hemoglobin (THI%), and tissue water (TWI%) perfusion indices. This prospective clinical pilot study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of HSI for tissue perfusion assessment and to identify a cut-off value for flap necrosis. Ten patients with a mean age of 55.4 years underwent immediate unilateral autologous breast reconstruction. Prior, during and up to 72 h after surgery, a total of 19 hyperspectral images per patient were acquired. MSFN was observed in 3 out of 10 patients. No DIEP flap necrosis was observed. In all MSFN cases, an increased THI% and decreased StO2%, NIR%, and TWI% were observed when compared to the vital group. StO2% was found to be the most sensitive parameter to detect MSFN with a statistically significant lower mean StO2% (51% in the vital group versus 32% in the necrosis group, p < 0.0001) and a cut-off value of 36.29% for flap necrosis. HSI has the potential to accurately assess mastectomy skin flap perfusion and discriminate between vital and necrotic skin flap during the early postoperative period prior to clinical observation. Although the results should be confirmed in future studies, including DIEP flap necrosis specifically, these findings suggest that HSI can aid clinicians in postoperative mastectomy skin flap and DIEP flap monitoring

    A Dedicated Robotic System for Open (Super-)Microsurger 0079

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    Today, robotic assistance is employed for numerous microsurgical procedures in a great variety of surgical disciplines. As technology evolves, new robotic platforms will emerge, thereby creating a new era for microsurgery. Future advances in both software and mechatronics will take current practice to the next level by enhancing surgeons’ precision to “superhuman” precision and by offering improved ergonomics for the surgeon. Moreover, incorporation of novel imaging modalities such as 3-D imaging, stereotactic operation, spectrometric imaging, and real-time navigation systems will further enhance surgical performance and patients’ outcomes. This chapter provides an overview of robotic microsurgery platforms and their applications in plastic and microsurgery. The first dedicated robotic microsurgery platform created specifically for microsurgery at the authors’ institution is presented (MUSA, Microsure B.V., The Netherlands). In addition, current research and development of novel platforms for robotic microsurgery will be highlighted. Finally, future directions of robotic microsurgery are proposed
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