400 research outputs found

    Are black holes big enough to quench cooling in cluster cool cores?

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    Total energy arguments (e.g., Fabian et al. 2002) suggest that black holes need to have masses significantly in excess of the prediction from the classic black hole mass - velocity dispersion relation (M-sigma) in order to offset the cooling losses in massive cool core clusters. This suggests that the black holes may be too small to power such clusters. However, Lauer et al. (2007) argue that the black hole mass - bulge luminosity relationship is a better predictor of black hole masses in high luminosity galaxies and that this relationship predicts significantly higher masses in BCGs. They find slow increase in the velocity dispersion with luminosity and a more rapid increase in effective radii with luminosity seen in BCGs as opposed to less luminous galaxies. Motivated by these results and the theoretical work of Boylan-Kolchin et al. (2006) on isolated mergers, we perform high-resolution cosmological simulations of dry mergers in a massive galaxy cluster identified in the Millennium Run including both the dark matter halos and stellar bulges of merging galaxies. We demonstrate that the BCG clearly evolves away from the size-luminosity relation as defined by the smaller galaxies (i.e., the relation bends) and we also see a bending in the luminosity-sigma relation. As black hole mass is expected to be proportional to the mass and luminosity of the stellar bulge of the BCGs (if they were formed in predominantly dissipationless mergers), our findings are consistent with those of Lauer et al. (2007) on a qualitative level and suggest that the black holes in BCGs may indeed be more massive than predicted from the standard M-sigma relation.Comment: submitted to the conference proceedings of "The Monster's Fiery Breath

    Chaotic cold accretion onto black holes

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    Using 3D AMR simulations, linking the 50 kpc to the sub-pc scales over the course of 40 Myr, we systematically relax the classic Bondi assumptions in a typical galaxy hosting a SMBH. In the realistic scenario, where the hot gas is cooling, while heated and stirred on large scales, the accretion rate is boosted up to two orders of magnitude compared with the Bondi prediction. The cause is the nonlinear growth of thermal instabilities, leading to the condensation of cold clouds and filaments when t_cool/t_ff < 10. Subsonic turbulence of just over 100 km/s (M > 0.2) induces the formation of thermal instabilities, even in the absence of heating, while in the transonic regime turbulent dissipation inhibits their growth (t_turb/t_cool < 1). When heating restores global thermodynamic balance, the formation of the multiphase medium is violent, and the mode of accretion is fully cold and chaotic. The recurrent collisions and tidal forces between clouds, filaments and the central clumpy torus promote angular momentum cancellation, hence boosting accretion. On sub-pc scales the clouds are channelled to the very centre via a funnel. A good approximation to the accretion rate is the cooling rate, which can be used as subgrid model, physically reproducing the boost factor of 100 required by cosmological simulations, while accounting for fluctuations. Chaotic cold accretion may be common in many systems, such as hot galactic halos, groups, and clusters, generating high-velocity clouds and strong variations of the AGN luminosity and jet orientation. In this mode, the black hole can quickly react to the state of the entire host galaxy, leading to efficient self-regulated AGN feedback and the symbiotic Magorrian relation. During phases of overheating, the hot mode becomes the single channel of accretion (with a different cuspy temperature profile), though strongly suppressed by turbulence.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS: added comments and references. Your feedback is welcom

    AGN Feedback and Bimodality in Cluster Core Entropy

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    We investigate a series of steady-state models of galaxy clusters, in which the hot intracluster gas is efficiently heated by active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback and thermal conduction, and in which the mass accretion rates are highly reduced compared to those predicted by the standard cooling flow models. We perform a global Lagrangian stability analysis. We show for the first time that the global radial instability in cool core clusters can be suppressed by the AGN feedback mechanism, provided that the feedback efficiency exceeds a critical lower limit. Furthermore, our analysis naturally shows that the clusters can exist in two distinct forms. Globally stable clusters are expected to have either: 1) cool cores stabilized by both AGN feedback and conduction, or 2) non-cool cores stabilized primarily by conduction. Intermediate central temperatures typically lead to globally unstable solutions. This bimodality is consistent with the recently observed anticorrelation between the flatness of the temperature profiles and the AGN activity (Dunn & Fabian 2008) and the observation by Rafferty et al. (2008) that the shorter central cooling times tend to correspond to significantly younger AGN X-ray cavities.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the proceedings of "The Monster's Fiery Breath: Feedback in Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters", Eds. Sebastian Heinz, Eric Wilcots (AIP conference series

    The Fermi Bubbles: Gamma-ray, Microwave, and Polarization Signatures of Leptonic AGN Jets

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    The origin of the Fermi bubbles and the microwave haze is yet to be determined. To disentangle different models requires detailed comparisons between theoretical predictions and multi-wavelength observations. Our previous simulations have demonstrated that the primary features of the Fermi bubbles could be successfully reproduced by recent jet activity from the central active galactic nucleus (AGN). In this work, we generate gamma-ray and microwave maps and spectra based on the simulated properties of cosmic rays (CRs) and magnetic fields in order to examine whether the observed bubble and haze emission could be explained by leptons contained in the AGN jets. We also investigate the model predictions of the polarization properties of the Fermi bubbles. We find that: (1) The same population of leptons can simultaneously explain the bubble and haze emission given that the magnetic fields within the bubbles are very close to the exponentially distributed ambient field, which can be explained by mixing in of the ambient field followed by turbulent field amplification; (2) The centrally peaked microwave profile suggests CR replenishment, which is consistent with the presence of a more recent second jet event; (3) The bubble interior exhibits a high degree of polarization because of ordered radial magnetic field lines stretched by elongated vortices behind the shocks; highly-polarized signals could also be observed inside the draping layer; (4) Enhancement of rotation measures could exist within the shock-compressed layer because of increased gas density and more amplified and ordered magnetic fields. We discuss the possibility that the deficient haze emission at b<-35 degrees is due to the suppression of magnetic fields, which is consistent with the existence of lower-energy CRs causing the polarized emission at 2.3 GHz. Possible AGN jet composition in the leptonic scenario is also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, matched with MNRAS published versio

    Shock heating by FR I radio sources in galaxy clusters

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    Feedback by active galactic nuclei (AGN) is frequently invoked to explain the cut-off of the galaxy luminosity function at the bright end and the absence of cooling flows in galaxy clusters. Meanwhile, there are recent observations of shock fronts around radio-loud AGN. Using realistic 3D simulations of jets in a galaxy cluster, we address the question what fraction of the energy of active galactic nuclei is dissipated in shocks. We find that weak shocks that encompass the AGN have Mach numbers of 1.1-1.2 and dissipate at least 2% of the mechanical luminosity of the AGN. In a realistic cluster medium, even a continuous jet can lead to multiple shock structures, which may lead to an overestimate of the AGN duty cycles inferred from the spatial distribution of waves.Comment: accepted by MNRAS Letter

    Cosmic ray confinement in fossil cluster bubbles

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    Most cool core clusters of galaxies possess active galactic nuclei (AGN) in their centers. These AGN inflate buoyant bubbles containing non-thermal radio emitting particles. If such bubbles efficiently confine cosmic rays (CR) then this could explain ``radio ghosts'' seen far from cluster centers. We simulate the diffusion of cosmic rays from buoyant bubbles inflated by AGN. Our simulations include the effects of the anisotropic particle diffusion introduced by magnetic fields. Our models are consistent with the X-ray morphology of AGN bubbles, with disruption being suppressed by the magnetic draping effect. We conclude that for such magnetic field topologies, a substantial fraction of cosmic rays can be confined inside the bubbles on buoyant rise timescales even when the parallel diffusivity coefficient is very large. For isotropic diffusion at a comparable level, cosmic rays would leak out of the bubbles too rapidly to be consistent with radio observations. Thus, the long confinement times associated with the magnetic suppression of CR diffusion can explain the presence of radio ghosts. We show that the partial escape of cosmic rays is mostly confined to the wake of the rising bubbles, and speculate that this effect could: (1) account for the excitation of the Hα\alpha filaments trailing behind the bubbles in the Perseus cluster, (2) inject entropy into the metal enriched material being lifted by the bubbles and, thus, help to displace it permanently from the cluster center and (3) produce observable γ\gamma-rays via the interaction of the diffusing cosmic rays with the thermal intracluster medium (ICM).Comment: submitte