180 research outputs found

    Cutaneous manifestations in patients with viral hepatitis B and C

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    S-a efectuat un studiu retrospectiv pe un lot de 63 de pacienţi, cu vârste cuprinse între 25-65 de ani (b/f – 36/27), cu hepatită virală B şi C, consultaţi de medicul dermatolog, în Spitalul Raional Anenii Noi, pe parcursul anilor 2011-2015. S-au luat în consideraţie datele clinico-evolutive şi paraclinice. Rezultate. Din totalul bolnavilor, hepatita virală B a fost constatată la 37 de pacienţi, hepatita virală C – la 19 pacienţi, hepatita virală mixtă, B şi C – la 5 pacienţi şi hepatita virală C, asociată cu HIV – la 2 pacienţi. Spectrul maladiilor cutanate, depistate de medicul dermatolog, pe parcursul anilor respectivi, s-a prezentat în felul următor: psoriazis vulgar diseminat – 19 cazuri; dermatită solară – 7 cazuri; porfirie cutanată tardivă – 6 cazuri; dermatită seboreică, urticarie acută, parapsoriazis, lichen plan, tinea pedis – câte 3 cazuri; eczemă microbiană, herpes zoster, purpură reumatoidă, scabie – câte 2 cazuri; mastocitoză, tinea cruris, foliculite, pitiriazis versicolor, molluscum contagios, neurodermită circumscrisă – câte 1 caz. Concluzii. Hepatita virală B şi C se asociază cu psoriazis la o treime din bolnavii evidenţiaţi, iar la o pătrime din totalul bolnavilor, se constată sensibilitatea crescută la RUV.A retrospective research of 63 patients aged 25 to 65 years old (m/f – 36/27) with viral hepatitis B and C was done, patients have been consulted by a dermatologist at Anenii Noi Regional Hospital during 2011-2015. The clinico-evolutive and laboratory data were taken into account. Results. Viral hepatitis B was found in 37 cases, viral hepatitis C in 19 cases, mixed B and C viral hepatitis in 5 cases, respectively, while viral hepatitis C associated with HIV was detected in 2 pateients. Cutaneous diseases observed by dermatologist ranged, as follows: cutaneous psoriasis in 7 cases, porphyria cutanea tarda in 6 cases, seborrheic dermatitis, acute urticaria, parapsoriasis, lichen planus and tinea pedis 3 cases of each; microbial eczema, herpes zoster, rheumatoid purpura and scabies 2 cases of each; mastocytosis, tinea cruris, folliculitis, pityriasis versicolor, molluscum contagiosum, circumscribed neurodermatitis 1 case of each disease, respectively. Conclusions. Viral hepatitis B and C were associated with psoriasis in one third of cases, while one-fourth of them have shown an increased sensitivity to UV light

    A range of sexualy transmitted infections, detected at the time of preventive healthcare procedure

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    Au fost studiate fişele a 13 543 de persoane cu vârste cuprinse între 17-50 de ani din raionul Anenii Noi, încadrate în controlul profilactic pentru perioada 2011-2015. Examenul obiectiv şi investigaţiile de laborator respective au permis depistarea unui şir de infecţii cu transmitere sexuală şi anume: 0,21% – sifilis; 0,33% – infecţie gonococică; 5,08% – candidoză urogenitală; 0,89% – vaginoză bacteriană provocată de Trichomonas vaginalis şi 12,8% cu Gardrenella vaginalis. Concluzii. Se constată prevalenţa infecţiilor urogenitale, produse de Gardrenella vaginalis şi Candida albicans.Medical files of 13543 patients aged 17 to 50 years old, originated from Anenii Noi region, who have passed preventive healthcare procedure during 2011-2015, were examined. Clinical inspection and laboratory methods have detected a wide range of sexually transmitted infections, as follows: in 0.21% of cases – syphilis, in 0.33% of cases – gonococcal infection, in 5.08% of cases – urogenital candidiasis, in 0.89% of cases – bacterial vaginosis caused by Trichomonas vaginalis and in 12.8% of cases by Gardnerella vaginalis. Conclusions. A prevalence of Gardnerella vaginalis and Candida albicans induced by urogenital infections was established

    Psoriasis in children and adolescents

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    Material şi metode. S-a efectuat un studiu retrospectiv pe un lot de 103 pacienţi cu psoriazis, cu vârste cuprinse între 1 an şi 17 ani (băieţi/fetiţe – 64/39), trataţi în Spitalul de Dermatologie şi Maladii Comunicabile. Rezultate. Repartizarea conform vârstei a fost următoarea: până la 5 ani – 11, până la 10 ani – 16, până la 15 ani – 29 şi până la 17 ani – 47 de pacienţi. Durata maladiei a oscilat între 3 luni şi 11 ani, media fiind de 3,8 ani. În 69,9% cazuri, maladia a debutat în perioada rece a anului. Anamneza familială pozitivă s-a înregistrat în 45,6% cazuri, inclusiv: rude de gradul I – 45, rude de gradul II – 2 cazuri. S-a depistat un spectru de factori declanşatori posibili: stresul psihoemoţional – 17, infecţii respiratorii acute – 15, focare de infecţie cronică – 32 (tonzilită – 13, gastrită – 9, uretrită – 4, carie dentară – 2, colecistită – 2, pancreatită – 2). S-a constatat asocierea psoriazisului cu alte maladii, inclusiv: obezitate de gradul II-III şi acnee vulgară – câte 7 cazuri, veruci vulgare – 2, pitiriazis rozat şi epilepsie – câte 1 caz. Psoriazis vulgar (papule şi placarde) s-a constatat la 73 de pacienţi, iar cel acut (gutat) – la 15 pacienţi. Localizarea erupţiei în pliuri şi pe faţă s-a evidenţiat, respectiv, în 15,5% şi 11,6% cazuri. Artropatie psoriazică s-a observat la 15 pacienţi, inclusiv: artrită interfalangiană distală – 5 cazuri, oligoartrită simetrică – 4, poliartrită simetrică seronegativă – 3, spondilită şi coxoileită – 3 cazuri. Afectări unghiale s-au înregistrat în 4,85% cazuri. Pruritul s-a constatat în 83% cazuri. Schimbări paraclinice depistate: anemie – 31%, limfocitoză – 27,1%, VSH accelerată – 18,4%, proteina C reactivă (4+) – 1,94% cazuri. S-a indicat tratament de rutină, inclusiv UVB în bandă îngustă 311 nm. Concluzii. Repartiţia cazuisticii luate în studiu, conform formelor clinice de boală, a conchis că psoriazisul a avut, cel mai des, un aspect vulgar, în plăci şi placarde, inclusiv, cu localizări în pliuri şi pe faţă, urmat de psoriazisul gutat, semnalat frecvent ca o formă de debut a bolii la copii şi, oarecum mai rar, psoriazisul artropatic. Rolul unor factori declanşatori ai maladiei este evident în cazuistica studiată. De menţionat, prezenţa pruritului în marea majoritate a cazurilor.Material and methods. A retrospective research has been done on 103 patients with psoriasis, aged from 1 till 17 years old (male/female ratio – 64/39) and treated in Hospital of Dermatology and Communicable Diseases. Results. Repartition of patients by the age was as follows: up to 5 years – 11 cases, up to 10 years – 16 cases, up to 15 years – 29 and up to 17 years – 47 patients respectively. Duration of the disease oscillated between 3 months and 11 years, mean age is about 3.8 years. In 69.9% of cases the disease occurred in cold time of the year. An aggravated heredity has been observed in 45.6% of cases: 1st degree relatives – 45 cases, 2nd degree relatives – in 2 cases. A large spectrum of possible trigger factors was detected: emotional stress – 17 cases, acute respiratory infections – 15 cases, chronic infections – 32 cases (tonsillitis – 13, gastritis – 9, urethritis – 4, dental caries – 2 cases, cholecystitis – 2, pancreatitis – 2 cases). Association of psoriasis with some comorbidities was observed: the 2nd-3rd degree obesity, as well as acne vulgaris – 7 cases respectively, common warts – 2 cases, pityriasis rosea and epilepsy – 1 case each. Cutaneous psoriasis (papules and plaques) – was described in 73 patients and acute (guttate) in 15 patients. Skin folds and face involvement was present in 15.5% and 11.6% of patients, respectively. Psoriatic arthritis was observed in 15 patients as follows: distal interphalangeal arthritis – 5 cases, symmetric oligoarthritis - 4, seronegative symmetric polyarthritis – 3, spondyloarthropathy and sacroileitis – 3 cases respectively. Nail involvement was registered in 4.85% of cases. 83% of patients complained of pruritus. Paraclinical deviations included the following: anemia – in 31% of cases, lymphocytosis – 27.1%, ESR acceleration – 18.4%, C reactive protein 4+ -1.94% of cases. Patients have received an obvious treatment, inclusively a 311 nm narrowband UVB phototherapy. Conclusions. Distribution of the clinical forms of disease has shown a significant prevalence of papules and plaques, inclusively with face and skin folds involvement, followed by guttate psoriasis as the most frequent form of debut in children, as well as psoriatic arthritis. Trigger factors were also indicted in the research. It is important to mention the presence of pruritus in the majority of cases

    Dermatological aspects in diabetes mellitus, type I

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    Studiul retrospectiv, realizat pe durata anilor 2011-2015, a cuprins 71 de bolnavi cu diabet zaharat, tip I (vârste – 2-61 de ani; b/f – 34/37). Rezultate. Durata medie a maladiei – 4,5 ani. Repartizarea bolnavilor conform vârstei a fost următoarea: 2-18 ani (lotul I) – 11 cazuri; 19-61 de ani (lotul II) – 60 de cazuri. Spectrul maladiilor cutanate, depistate la bolnavii respectivi, a fost următorul: lotul 1 – dermatită atopică, impetigo contagios, streptodermie uscată, neurodermită circumscrisă, eczemă dishidrozică, onicodistrofi i, vitiligo – câte 1 caz şi acnee vulgară – 2 cazuri; lotul 2 – eczeme, furunculoză, rozacee – câte 6 cazuri, candidoză – 20 de cazuri, prurit cutanat – 5 cazuri, psoriazis, zona zoster – câte 3 cazuri, ulcere arteriale la nivelul gambelor – 2 cazuri, alte patologii (lichen plan, xantoame, porfirie cutanată tardivă) – câte 1 caz. Concluzii. Menţionăm prezenţa maladiilor, cauzate de diminuarea funcţiei de protecţie cutanată şi a mucoaselor, la adulţii cu diabet zaharat, tip I. Studiul efectuat relevă o prevalenţă înaltă atât a candidozei, cât şi a altor maladii – furunculoză, eczeme, prurit cutanat.A 5 year restrospective study of 71 patients with type I diabetes mellitus (aged 2 to 61 years old; m/f – 34/37) was done. Results. Mean age – 45 years old. In accordance with their age patients were devided in 2 groups: the 1st group included patients aged 1 to 18 years old – 11 cases; the 2nd group was made of patients from 19 to 61 years old – 60 cases. Cutaneous diseases established in patients with type I diabetes milletus ranged, as follows: the 1 st group – atopic dermatitis, contagious impetigo, dry streptoderma, circumscribed neurodermitis, dyshidrotic eczema, nail dystrophy, vitiligo – 1 case of each and acne vulgaris – 2 cases, correspondingly; the 2nd group – eczema, furunculosis, rosacea 6 cases of each disease; candidiasis in 20 cases, pruritus in 5 cases, psoariasis, herpes zoster – 3 cases of each; arterial ulcers in 2 cases and other manifestations – 1 case of each (lichen planus, xantomatosis, porphyria cutanea tarda). Conclusions. It is important to mention presence of dermatoses induced by altered protective function of skin and mucous membranes in patients with diabtes milletus type I. An increased prevalence of candidiasis, as well as other dermatoses, such as furunculosis, eczema and pruritus has been established in the study

    Scabies and trichomycosis incidence in children from Anenii Noi region

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    Generalităţi. Studiul retrospectiv a vizat 6639 de copii, cu vârste cuprinse între 1-18 ani (b/f – 4144/2495), asistaţi în secţia dermatovenerologică a Spitalului Raional Anenii Noi, pe parcursul anilor 2011-2015. Rezultate. În cohorta respectivă a fost depistat următorul spectru de maladii contagioase: tricofiţie – 6 bolnavi (vârstă – 7-17 ani; b/f – 3/3); microsporie – 309 bolnavi (b/f – 160/149), fiind cu vârste cuprinse între 1-6 ani, în jumătate din cazuri; scabie – 257 de bolnavi, dintre care 71,3% din cazuri, cu vârste cuprinse între 1-14 ani. Concluzii. Studiul efectuat relevă prevalenţa microsporiei şi scabiei la copiii consultaţi. Menţionăm prevalenţa microsporiei din totalul pilomicozelor, fiind constatată în marea lor majoritate, la copiii mici şi preşcolari. Media raportului microsporie/tricofiţie a fost 51,5/1.A retrospective research, in 6639 children aged 1 to 18 years old (m/f – 4144/2495), treated by a dermatologist in Anenii Noi Regional Hospital during 2011-2015, has been done. Results. A range of cutaneous infections were detected, such as: trichophytosis in 6 cases (aged 7 to 17 years old, m/f-3/3); microsporosis in 309 cases ( a half of patients were aged 1 to 6 years old, m/f-160/149); scabies in 257 patients from whom 71,3% aged 1 to 14 years old. Conclusions. Present study reveals the prevalence of microsporosis and scabies among of examined children. It is importanat to mention predominance of miscrosporosis in toddlers and preschool age children. Average ratio between microsporisis and trichopytosis was 51.5/1

    The modern suture material used in the Oro-maxillo-facial surgery

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    Catedra Chirurgie Oro-Maxilo-Facială şi implantologie orală „Arsenie Guţan”, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The management of surgery operations in the Oro- maxillo-facial surgery becomes impossible without a high- quality suture material. The reaction of the biological tissue in the implantation depends on the chemical and physical characteristis of the material. It is necessary to mention that the suture material is a foreign body which remains in the tissue after the operation and the use of the modern synthetical surgery thread is a result of reducing of post-operation’s difficulties. In the order to study the aims and the problems of the present work I have studied more than 85 histories of the wounded patients of the OMF surgeries’ department , aged from 20 to 80 years, among them: 56 men and 29 women, one of them has been operated, the practice on which has studied the influence of the „Monotime” Péters Surgical (France). Intervenţiile chirurgicale îndeplinite în Chirurgie OMF nu se pot fi închipuite fără utilizarea unui material de sutură de înaltă calitate. Reacţia ţesuturilor biologice la implantarea materialului de sutură depinde de caracteristicile lui fizice şi chimice. În decursul activităţii practice este necesar de a nu uita faptul că materialul de sutură este un agent străin care după operaţie este lăsat în ţesuturile corpului uman. Astfel,utilizînd materialele sintetice, putem evita apariţia unor complicaţii postoperatorii. La realizarea scopului şi obiectivelor au fost studiate 85 de fişe de observaţie ale pacienţilor cu plăgile regiunii OMF, secţia Chirurgie OMF CNŞPMU, în vârsta de 20-80 ani, 56 bărbaţi şi 29 femei. La unul dintre pacienţi s-a efectuat o operaţie, scopul căreea a fost studierea acţiunii materialului “Monotime” Péters Surgical (Franţa)

    Regulatory framework for dietary supplements in the Republic of Moldova

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    Introduction. Dietary supplements have gained increased popularity worldwide due to their potential health benefits and their use is often driven by the desire to supplement an individual's diet with essential nutrients. However, their regulatory status is often unclear, leading to concerns starting with their definition and ending with their quality and safety. In the Republic of Moldova (RM), there is a growing market for dietary supplements (DS), and there is a need for a clear regulatory framework to ensure the safety, efficacy and quality of these products. Aim. The aim of this study is to examine the regulatory framework regarding DS in the RM, including their registration, labeling, marketing, and safety requirements. This study seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of the regulatory landscape for DS in Moldova, and to identify any gaps or shortcomings in the current regulatory framework. Material and methods. A literature review was conducted to identify relevant legal documents, policies, and guidelines related to DS in the RM. Additionally, information was collected from National Agency for Public Health, responsible for regulating DS and from industry sources. Results. The regulatory framework for DS in the RM is governed by two main state structures: Ministry of Health of RM and National Agency of Public Health (NAPH), within the Law no. 306 of 30.11.2018 on food safety and the sanitary regulation on DS, approved by Government Decision no. 538 of 02.09.2009, which includes provisions for the registration, notification, labeling, marketing, and safety of DS, that were based on the legislative transpositions of Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 June 2002. According to this directive, DS must be registered or notified with the NAPH and meet certain quality and safety standards. Additionally, DS labeling must include specific information about the product's ingredients, dosage, and intended use. DS are not subject to the same level of pre-market testing and approval as medications. This means that companies can sell DS without first demonstrating that they are safe and effective. DS can contain fillers or other inactive ingredients, and the amount of active ingredient can vary from batch to batch, and may also be contaminated with harmful substances, such as heavy metals, pesticides or even prescription drugs. Many DS make claims about their health benefits, but these claims are not always supported by scientific evidence, and companies can make false claims or exaggerate the effectiveness of their products without consequence. Conclusions. The regulatory framework for DS in the RM provides some protections for consumers, including requirements for registration, labeling, dosage and some proof of safety. However, the enforcement of these regulations may be inadequate. There is a need for continued efforts to ensure that consumers have access to safe DS. This may include improving the enforcement of existing regulations, creation of a more standardized and rigorous regulatory framework that include stricter rules on labeling and advertising, mandatory safety testing, and clearer guidelines on dosage and ingredients, and increasing public awareness of the risks and benefits of DS

    Clinical and epidemiological features of Herpes Zoster

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    Catedra Boli Infecţioase, Tropicale şi Parazitologie Medicală, USMF N.Testemiţanu, Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase T. CiorbăSummary. Herpes Zoster is an eruptive virosis with sporadic appearance determined by the reactivation of latent infection of VZV. The disease can relapse to those with immune deficits, being an unfavorable evolution indicator and in cases with HIV infection. The effected investigation about one group of patients with various ages with HZ permitted the making evident of some clinical and epidemiological aspects of the disease in young persons and the necessity to investigate them to HIV infection.Резюме. Герпес Зостер является вирусным заболеванием со спорадическими проявлениями, вызванными реактивацией латентной инфекции. Болезнь рецидивирует у лиц с иммунодефицитом, являясь прогностическим неблагоприятным признаком в случаях ВИЧ инфекции. Проведённые исследования больных с герпесом Зостер позволили выделить клинико - эпидемиологические особенности этой инфекции у молодых лиц и необходимость их обследования на наличие ВИЧ инфекции

    Infecția cu coronavirus de tip nou (COVID-19): protocol clinic național (ediția VIII) PCN-371

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    Acest protocol este elaborat și revizuit sistematic de grupul de lucru al Ministerului Sănătății al Republicii Moldova (MS), constituit din reprezentanți ai Comisiilor de specialitate ale MS, angajați ai Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” și Agenției Naționale pentru Sănătate Publică. Documentul nu este unul exhaustiv și se bazează pe recomandările actuale ale Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății privind infecția cu coronavirus de tip nou (COVID-19) și alte date disponibile la acest moment. Protocolul clinic național servește drept referință pentru elaborarea protocoalelor clinice instituționale, reieșind din posibilitățile reale ale fiecărei instituții medico-sanitare

    Smart homes for older people involved in rehabilitation activities - reality or dream, acceptance or rejection?

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    Introduction Recent statistics show an increase in the prevalence of the elderly population. The year 2012 was declared European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, and the European Commission launched campaigns like The Active and Assisted Living Joint Program (AAL JP). Rehabilitation in the elderly is a desideratum, but the problems of rehabilitation in the elderly are numerous. The aim of the study was to evaluate degree of acceptance/implementation of different technologies in Romania, of monitoring in the rehabilitation activity conducted at home. Material and methods the study comprised 154 persons with a mean age of 73.37 ± 7.33 years, of which 64 (41.6%) male and 90 (58.4%) female. All subjects completed a questionnaire regarding the living conditions and health status, about the degree of acceptance of intelligent technologies for monitoring current health status/reporting acute events. Results 18.2% used the Internet frequently, and the rest used it almost never or rarely. 71.9 % of patients agreed to wear a portable sensor (p=0.07 between men and women), 33.1% accepted videocam, 47.4% accepted a screen, 41.3% accepted living room monitoring, 68% sensor in the room on the wall and 69.1% accepted fall detection sensor. No significant differences were found regarding the acceptance vs rejection of personal sensors, living room monitoring, sensors in the room, fall detection sensors depending on the gender, income level, type of caregiving. Using of videocam and screen was influenced by type of care giving and income (p=0.002, p<0.001, respectively for screen p=0.032 and p=0.003). In conclusion, Romanian old people are not keen on using intelligent devices for health status related to acute event monitoring. More programs and measures are needed for device implementation in real life