135 research outputs found

    The Influence of Resilience on Coping Strategies and Disordered Eating

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    Dit onderzoek bestudeerde het verband tussen probleemgerichte- en emotiegerichte coping en eetproblematiek en onderzocht daarnaast of mentale veerkracht de relaties tussen probleemgerichte en emotiegerichte coping enerzijds en eetproblematiek anderzijds beĂŻnvloedt. Het doel van dit onderzoek was het verkrijgen van meer inzicht in de rol van mentale veerkracht als mogelijke moderator van de relatie tussen coping en eetproblematiek. Er is een eenmalige meting verricht bij jong volwassen vrouwen van 18 t/m 30 jaar uit de algemene populatie. Via e-mail en sociale media zijn online vragenlijsten verspreid die bruikbare gegevens opleverden van in totaal 188 vrouwen. Meetinstrumenten. Coping is gemeten middels de Utrechtse Coping Lijst (UCL) (Schreurs, Willige, van de Tellegen & Brosschot, 1988; Schreurs, Willige, van de Tellegen & Brosschot, 1993); mentale veerkracht is gemeten met behulp van de Resilience Scale-Nederlandse versie (RS-nl) (Portzky, 2008); en de mate van eetproblematiek is gemeten met de Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) (Fairburn & Beglin, 1994). De resultaten hebben aangetoond dat er een significant negatief verband bestaat tussen probleemgerichte coping en mate van eetproblematiek en een significant positief verband tussen emotiegerichte coping en eetproblematiek. De negatieve samenhang tussen probleemgerichte coping en eetproblematiek bleek sterker bij een lagere mate van mentale veerkracht. De positieve samenhang tussen emotiegerichte coping en eetproblematiek bleek eveneens sterker bij een lagere mentale veerkracht. Personen met een lage mentale veerkracht en een ineffectieve (emotiegerichte of weinig probleemgerichte) copingstijl bleken de meeste eetproblemen te ervaren, bij een hoge mentale veerkracht werd de minste eetproblematiek gerapporteerd, ongeacht de gehanteerde copingstijl

    Foreign capital and Earnings Management: International Evidence from Equity Market Opening

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    The opening of equity markets to foreign investors provides financing opportunities and disrupts the stock ownership structure for firms in these markets. In this paper, we study the effects of equity market opening on firms’ earnings management. Using international firm-level data, we find a significantly positive effect of equity market openness on firms’ income-increasing earnings management. We show that there are substantial heterogeneous effects across industries and firms. The positive effect is more pronounced in industries that are more dependent on external financing and firms that are financially constrained, suggesting that firms’ intrinsic need for equity finance contributes to income-increasing earnings management behaviors. In addition, the effect is weaker in the presence of BigN auditors, indicating the monitoring effect of relatively more reputable auditors. Overall, our results suggest that incentives to attract financing when a country opens its equity market to foreign investors have a detrimental effect on domestic firms’ reporting bias

    Does Weak Governance Cause Weak Stock Returns? An Examination of Firm Operating Performance and Investors\u27 Expectations

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    We investigate Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick\u27s (2003) finding that firms with weak shareholder rights exhibit significant stock market underperformance. If the relation between poor governance and poor returns is causal, we expect that the market is negatively surprised by the poor operating performance of weak governance firms. We find that firms with weak shareholder rights exhibit significant operating underperformance. However, analysts\u27 forecast errors and earnings announcement returns show no evidence that this underperformance surprises the market. Our results are robust to controls for takeover activity. Overall, our results do not support the hypothesis that weak governance causes poor stock returns

    Mixed martial arts as a way of life: going beyond the black belt and engaging in life-long learning

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    In this qualitative study, we explored the experiences of 10 adults who trained in mixed martial arts (MMA) to understand the meaning they ascribed to attaining the black belt and their martial arts journal overall. Using a conventional content analysis, four themes were derived from the data: importance of the black belt, benefits of training in MMA, dealing with injuries, and being part of the MMA community. Training in MMA was very positive, with both individual benefits (improved physical and mental health, skill development, and personal growth) and interpersonal benefits (relationship development and sense of community) being reported. Self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000) and goal setting theory (Locke & Latham, 2002) are used to discuss participants’ motivation in their pursuit of the black belt and continued training
