3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the relationship between milk glutathione peroxidase activity, milk composition and various parameters of subclinical mastitis under seasonal variations

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    The aims of this study were to evaluate the Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in milk, and various milk parameters [milk fat, milk protein, milk solids non-fat (SNF), somatic cell count (SCC), total bacteria count (TBC), electrical conductivity (EC)] in healthy dairy cows during lactation, and to demonstrate the significant correlations between GSH-Px activity, milk composition, SCC, TBC and EC under seasonal variations. The cows calving in January were assigned into the winter group (n = 30) while the other cows calving in August were assigned into the summer group (n = 30). Milk samples were collected weekly during lactation, and monthly average values of the parameters were determined. Although milk GSH-Px activity was variable during lactation, it was significantly higher in the winter group compared to the summer group of cows during the first five months of lactation (P<0.001). However, between the 6th and 10th months of lactation, GSH-Px activity was significantly higher in the summer group (P<0.001). In both groups of cows, GSH-Px activity was negatively correlated with SCC, TBC and EC during lactation. No correlation was found between GSH-Px activity and milk composition. In conclusion, the alteration of milk GSH-Px levels could be used as a diagnostic tool for monitoring udder health due to its relationship with the parameters of subclinical mastitis. Furthermore, cows calving in winter had higher GSH-Px activity than those calving in summer, especially during the first few months of lactation. These findings indicate that milk GSH-Px activity in cows during lactation could be influenced by seasonal variations.Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su, tijekom laktacje zdravih krava, procijeniti aktivnost glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px) u mlijeku te odrediti različite druge sastojke (mliječnu masti, mliječne bjelančevine, bezmasnu suhu tvar, broj somatskih stanica (SCC), ukupan broj bakterija (TBC), električnu provodljivost (EC) i prikazati značajnost korelacija između aktivnosti GSH-Px, sastava mlijeka, SCC, TBC i EC u uvjetima različitih sezona. Krave oteljene u siječnju raspoređene su u zimsku skupinu (n = 30), dok su ostale krave oteljene u kolovozu dodijeljene ljetnoj skupini (n = 30). Tijekom laktacije, uzorci mlijeka su prikupljani jednom tjedno i na temelju toga za svaki pokazatelj utvrđene su prosječne mjesečne vrijednosti. Iako je aktivnost GSH-Px u mlijeku tijekom laktacije bila varijabilna, krave iz zimske skupine imale su u prvih pet mjesci značajno (P<0,001) viÅ”u aktivnost GSH-Px u odnosu na krave iz ljetne skupine. Međutim, između 6. i 10. mjeseca laktacije, aktivnost GSH-Px bila je znatno viÅ”a u ljetnoj skupini krava (P<0,001). U obje skupine krava aktivnost GSH-Px bila je negativno povezana sa SCC, TBC i EC tijekom laktacije. Nije pronađena korelacija između aktivnosti GSH-Px i sastava mlijeka. Zaključno, na temelju njezinog odnosa s pokazateljima supkliničkog mastitisa, promjenjivost razine GSH-Px u mlijeku mogla bi se koristiti kao dijagnostički alat u praćenju zdravlja vimena. Nadalje, krave oteljene zimi imale su veću aktivnost GSH-Px od onih oteljenih ljeti, posebno tijekom prvih nekoliko mjeseci laktacije. Ovi rezultati upućuju na to da bi aktivnost GSH-Px u mlijeku krava tijekom laktacije mogla biti pod utjecajem sezonskih promjena

    MDA and GSH-Px activity in transition dairy cows under seasonal variations and their relationship with reproductive performance

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    Introduction: The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the blood glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels under seasonal variations in dairy cows during transition period, and to assess the relationship between chosen reproductive parameters, GSH-Px, and MDA

    Evalution of the relationship between milk glutathione peroxidase activity, milk composition and various parameters of subclinical mastitis under seasonal variations

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    YAZLIK, Murat Onur/0000-0002-0039-5597WOS: 000411813300003The aims of this study were to evaluate the Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in milk, and various milk parameters [milk fat, milk protein, milk solids non-fat (SNF), somatic cell count (SCC), total bacteria count (TBC), electrical conductivity (EC)] in healthy dairy cows during lactation, and to demonstrate the significant correlations between GSH-Px activity, milk composition, SCC, TBC and EC under seasonal variations. The cows calving in January were assigned into the winter group (n = 30) while the other cows calving in August were assigned into the summer group (n = 30). Milk samples were collected weekly during lactation, and monthly average values of the parameters were determined. Although milk GSH-Px activity was variable during lactation, it was significantly higher in the winter group compared to the summer group of cows during the first five months of lactation (P<0.001). However, between the 6th and 10th months of lactation, GSH-Px activity was significantly higher in the summer group (P<0.001). In both groups of cows, GSH-Px activity was negatively correlated with SCC, TBC and EC during lactation. No correlation was found between GSH-activity and milk composition. In conclusion, the alteration of milk GSH-Px levels could be used as a diagnostic tool for monitoring udder health due to its relationship with the parameters of subclinical mastitis. Furthermore, cows calving in winter had higher GSH-Px activity than those calving in summer, especially during the first few months of lactation. These findings indicate that milk GSH-Px activity in cows during lactation could be influenced by seasonal variations