61 research outputs found

    The diurnal nature of future extreme precipitation intensification

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    Short‐duration, high‐impact precipitation events in the extratropics are invariably convective in nature, typically occur during the summer, and are projected to intensify under climate change. The occurrence of convective precipitation is strongly regulated by the diurnal convective cycle, peaking in the late afternoon. Here we perform very high resolution (convection‐permitting) regional climate model simulations to study the scaling of extreme precipitation under climate change across the diurnal cycle. We show that the future intensification of extreme precipitation has a strong diurnal signal and that intraday scaling far in excess of overall scaling, and indeed thermodynamic expectations, is possible. We additionally show that, under a strong climate change scenario, the probability maximum for the occurrence of heavy to extreme precipitation may shift from late afternoon to the overnight/morning period. We further identify the thermodynamic and dynamic mechanisms which modify future extreme environments, explaining both the future scaling's diurnal signal and departure from thermodynamic expectations

    Non-Stationary Large-Scale Statistics of Precipitation Extremes in Central Europe

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    Extreme precipitation shows non-stationary behavior over time, but also with respect to other large-scale variables. While this effect is often neglected, we propose a model including the influence of North Atlantic Oscillation, time, surface temperature and a blocking index. The model features flexibility to use annual maxima as well as seasonal maxima to be fitted in a generalized extreme value setting. To further increase the efficiency of data usage maxima from different accumulation durations are aggregated so that information for extremes on different time scales can be provided. Our model is trained to individual station data with temporal resolutions ranging from one minute to one day across Germany. The models are selected with a stepwise BIC model selection and verified with a cross-validated quantile skill index. The verification shows that the new model performs better than a reference model without large scale information. Also, the new model enables insights into the effect of large scale variables on extreme precipitation. Results suggest that the probability of extreme precipitation increases with time since 1950 in all seasons. High probabilities of extremes are positively correlated with blocking situations in summer and with temperature in winter. However, they are negatively correlated with blocking situations in winter and temperature in summer

    Weather impacts on various types of road crashes: a quantitative analysis using generalized additive models

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    Adverse weather conditions can have different effects on different types of road crashes. We quantify the combined effects of traffic volume and meteorological parameters on hourly probabilities of 78 different crash types using generalized additive models. Using tensor product bases, we model non-linear relationships and combined effects of different meteorological parameters. We evaluate the increase in relative risk of different crash types in case of precipitation, sun glare and high wind speeds. The largest effect of snow is found in case of single-truck crashes, while rain has a larger effect on single-car crashes. Sun glare increases the probability of multi-car crashes, in particular at higher speed limits and in case of rear-end crashes. High wind speeds increase the probability of single-truck crashes and, for all vehicle types, the risk of crashes with objects blown on the road. A comparison of the predictive power of models with and without meteorological variables shows an improvement of scores of up to 24%, which makes the models suitable for applications in real-time traffic management or impact-based warning systems. These could be used by authorities to issue weather-dependent driving restrictions or situation-specific on-board warnings to improve road safety

    Temperature dependence of tropospheric ozone under NOx reductions over Germany

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    Due to the strong temperature dependence of surface ozone concentrations (O3), future warmer conditions may worsen ozone pollution levels despite continued efforts on emission controls of ozone precursors. Using longterm measurements of hourly O3 concentrations co-located with NOx concentrations in stations distributed throughout Germany, we assess changes in the climate penalty in summertime, defined as the slope of ozonetemperature relationship during the period 1999?2018. We find a stronger temperature sensitivity in the urban stations over the southwestern regions, especially in the first period of the study (1999?2008). We show a decrease in the climate penalty in most of stations during the second period of the study (2009?2018), with some exceptions (e.g. Berlin) where the climate penalty did not show significant changes. A key motivation of this study is to provide further insights into the impacts of NOx reductions in the O3-temperature relationship. For that, we propose a statisti-cal approach based on Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) to describe ozone production rates, inferred from hourly observations, as a function of NOx and temperature, among other variables relevant during the O3 production. The GAMs confirm lower O3 production rates during the second period (2009?2018) at most of the stations and a decreasing sensitivity to temperature. We observe that a large number of stations are transitioning to NOx-limited chemistry, consistent with a decreasing temperature dependence of O3 at moderate-high temperatures as a result of sustained NOx reductions. Moreover, the GAMs results showed changes in the shape of the function representing the O3-temperature relationship when comparing the first and second period, which suggest changes in VOC influencing the temperature dependence of O3. From these results, we infer effective VOC reductions over time that have also contributed to the observed decrease of O3 production rates. Thus, our analysis indicates that emissions reductions have been effective in a number of stations, particularly in the southwestern regions. However, we notice that in a few stations (e.g. Berlin) additional emission reductions should be required to effectively mitigate the temperature dependence of O3

    Using statistical models to depict the response of multi-timescale drought to forest cover change across climate zones

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    The interaction between forest and climate exhibits regional differences due to a variety of biophysical mechanisms. Observational and modeling studies have investigated the impacts of forested and non-forested areas on a single climate variable, but the influences of forest cover change on a combination of temperature and precipitation (e.g., drought) have not been explored, owing to the complex relationship between drought conditions and forests. In this study, we use historical forest and climate datasets to explore the relationship between forest cover fraction and drought from 1992–2018. A set of linear models and an analysis of variance approach are utilized to investigate the effect of forest cover change, precipitation and temperature on droughts across different timescales and climate zones. Our findings reveal that precipitation is the dominant factor (among the three factors) leading to drought in the equatorial, temperate and snow regions, while temperature controls drought in the arid region. The impact of forest cover changes on droughts varies under different precipitation and temperature quantiles. Precipitation modulates forest cover's impact on long-term drought in the arid region, while temperature modulates the impact of forest cover changes on both short- and long-term drought in the arid region as well as only on long-term drought in the temperate region. Forest cover can also modulate the impacts of precipitation and temperature on drought. High forest cover leads to a combined effect of precipitation and temperature on long-term drought in arid and snow regions, while precipitation is the only dominant factor in low forest cover conditions. In contrast, low forest cover triggers a strong combined effect of precipitation and temperature on drought in the temperate region. Our findings improve the understanding of the interaction between land cover change and the climate system and further assist decision-makers to modulate land management strategies in different regions in light of climate change mitigation and adaptation

    Modeling hourly weather-related road traffic variations for different vehicle types in Germany

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    Weather has a substantial influence on people’s travel behavior. In this study we analyze if meteorological variables can improve predictions of hourly traffic counts at 1400 stations on federal roads and highways in Germany. Motorbikes, cars, vans and trucks are distinguished. It is evaluated in how far the mean squared error of Poisson regression models for hourly traffic counts is reduced by using precipitation, temperature, cloud cover and wind speed data. It is shown that in particular motorbike counts are strongly weather-dependent. On federal roads the mean squared error is reduced by up to 60% in models with meteorological predictor variables, when compared to models without meteorological variables. A detailed analysis of the models for motorbike counts reveals non-linear relationships between the meteorological variables and motorbike counts. Car counts are shown to be specifically sensitive to weather in touristic regions like seaside resorts and nature parks. The findings allow for several potential applications like improvements of route planning in navigation systems, implementations in traffic management systems, day-ahead planning of visitor numbers in touristic areas or the usage in road crash modelling

    Interannual variations in the seasonal cycle of extreme precipitation in Germany and the response to climate change

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    Annual maxima of daily precipitation sums can be typically described well with a stationary generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution. In many regions of the world, such a description does also work well for monthly maxima for a given month of the year. However, the description of seasonal and interannual variations requires the use of non-stationary models. Therefore, in this paper we propose a non-stationary modeling strategy applied to long time series from rain gauges in Germany. Seasonal variations in the GEV parameters are modeled with a series of harmonic functions and interannual variations with higher-order orthogonal polynomials. By including interactions between the terms, we allow for the seasonal cycle to change with time. Frequently, the shape parameter ξ of the GEV is estimated as a constant value also in otherwise instationary models. Here, we allow for seasonal–interannual variations and find that this is beneficial. A suitable model for each time series is selected with a stepwise forward regression method using the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). A cross-validated verification with the quantile skill score (QSS) and its decomposition reveals a performance gain of seasonally–interannually varying return levels with respect to a model allowing for seasonal variations only. Some evidence can be found that the impact of climate change on extreme precipitation in Germany can be detected, whereas changes are regionally very different. In general, an increase in return levels is more prevalent than a decrease. The median of the extreme precipitation distribution (2-year return level) generally increases during spring and autumn and is shifted to later times in the year; heavy precipitation (100-year return level) rises mainly in summer and occurs earlier in the year

    A classification algorithm for selective dynamical downscaling of precipitation extremes

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    High-resolution climate data O(1km) at the catchment scale can be of great value to both hydrological modellers and end users, in particular for the study of extreme precipitation. While dynamical downscaling with convection-permitting models is a valuable approach for producing quality high-resolution O(1km) data, its added value can often not be realized due to the prohibitive computational expense. Here we present a novel and flexible classification algorithm for discriminating between days with an elevated potential for extreme precipitation over a catchment and days without, so that dynamical downscaling to convection-permitting resolution can be selectively performed on high-risk days only, drastically reducing total computational expense compared to continuous simulations; the classification method can be applied to climate model data or reanalyses. Using observed precipitation and the corresponding synoptic-scale circulation patterns from reanalysis, characteristic extremal circulation patterns are identified for the catchment via a clustering algorithm. These extremal patterns serve as references against which days can be classified as potentially extreme, subject to additional tests of relevant meteorological predictors in the vicinity of the catchment. Applying the classification algorithm to reanalysis, the set of potential extreme days (PEDs) contains well below 10% of all days, though it includes essentially all extreme days; applying the algorithm to reanalysis-driven regional climate simulations over Europe (12km resolution) shows similar performance, and the subsequently dynamically downscaled simulations (2km resolution) well reproduce the observed precipitation statistics of the PEDs from the training period. Additional tests on continuous 12km resolution historical and future (RCP8.5) climate simulations, downscaled in 2km resolution time slices, show the algorithm again reducing the number of days to simulate by over 90% and performing consistently across climate regimes. The downscaling framework we propose represents a computationally inexpensive means of producing high-resolution climate data, focused on extreme precipitation, at the catchment scale, while still retaining the advantages of convection-permitting dynamical downscaling

    Modeling seasonal variations of extreme rainfall on different timescales in Germany

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    We model monthly precipitation maxima at 132 stations in Germany for a wide range of durations from 1 min to about 6 d using a duration-dependent generalized extreme value (d-GEV) distribution with monthly varying parameters. This allows for the estimation of both monthly and annual intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves: (1) the monthly IDF curves of the summer months exhibit a more rapid decrease of intensity with duration, as well as higher intensities for short durations than the IDF curves for the remaining months of the year. Thus, when short convective extreme events occur, they are very likely to occur in summer everywhere in Germany. In contrast, extreme events with a duration of several hours up to about 1 d are conditionally more likely to occur within a longer period or even spread throughout the whole year, depending on the station. There are major differences within Germany with respect to the months in which long-lasting stratiform extreme events are more likely to occur. At some stations the IDF curves (for a given quantile) for different months intersect. The meteorological interpretation of this intersection is that the season in which a certain extreme event is most likely to occur shifts from summer towards autumn or winter for longer durations. (2) We compare the annual IDF curves resulting from the monthly model with those estimated conventionally, that is, based on modeling annual maxima. We find that adding information in the form of smooth variations during the year leads to a considerable reduction of uncertainties. We additionally observe that at some stations, the annual IDF curves obtained by modeling monthly maxima deviate from the assumption of scale invariance, resulting in a flattening in the slope of the IDF curves for long durations

    Subhourly rainfall in a convection-permitting model

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    Convection-permitting models (CPMs)—the newest generation of high-resolution climate models—have been shown to greatly improve the representation of subdaily and hourly precipitation, in particular for extreme rainfall. Intense precipitation events, however, often occur on subhourly timescales. The distribution of subhourly precipitation, extreme or otherwise, during a rain event can furthermore have important knock-on effects on hydrological processes. Little is known about how well CPMs represent precipitation at the subhourly timescale, compared to the hourly. Here we perform multi-decadal CPM simulations centred over Catalonia and, comparing with a high temporal-resolution gauge network, find that the CPM simulates subhourly precipitation at least as well as hourly precipitation is simulated. While the CPM inherits a dry bias found in its parent model, across a range of diagnostics and aggregation times (5, 15, 30 and 60 min) we find no consistent evidence that the CPM precipitation bias worsens with shortening temporal aggregation. We furthermore show that the CPM excels in its representation of subhourly extremes, extending previous findings at the hourly timescale. Our findings support the use of CPMs for modelling subhourly rainfall and add confidence to CPM-based climate projections of future changes in subhourly precipitation, particularly for extremes