31 research outputs found


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    The relationship between the composition of the precursor (polymer component, φ), the features of the synthesis process (charge generation, maximum temperature, waste gases) and physico-chemical properties of the complex oxide La0.9M0.1MnO3±y (M=Li,Na,K,Rb,Cs) was studied.The research results were funded by RFBR according to the research project № 19-03-00230

    Synthesis and catalytic activity of lanthanum manganite doped with alkali metals

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    The research results were funded by RFBR according to the research project № 19-03-00230, and were obtained in the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Ed-ucation and Science of Russia (project №4.6653.2017/8.9) and UrFU program of competitiveness enhancement (project code 14.594.21.0011)

    The activity of matrix metalloproteinases and the concentration of their tissue inhibitors in the blood serum of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, depending on the stage of compensation of the disease

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    The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis on the possible reason for the decrease in the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) as a consequence of the high concentration of their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) in the blood serum of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Material and methods. In the experimental part of the article, we used the blood serum of patients under observation in the clinic of the Federal Research Center of Fundamental and Translational Medicine. According to the content of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1С) in blood serum, the patients were divided into 3 groups: at the stage of compensation (6.0–6.5 % HbA1С), at the stage of subcompensation (6.6–7.0 % HbA 1С) and decompensation (> 7.0 % HbA1С). The activity of MMPs 2 and 7 in blood serum samples was measured by a fluorimetric method using a fluorescent substrate specific for these MMPs. The concentration of TIMP-1 (inhibitor of all non-membrane-bound MMPs) and TIMP-2 (active against MMP-2 and -7) in blood serum were determined by enzyme immunoassay. Results and discussion. In patients with T2DM, the MMP-2 and -7 activities decreased, more pronouncedly at the stage of decompensation. An increase in the concentration of TIMP-1 was observed in the serum of all patients, while no significant changes in the content of TIMP-2 were found. At the stage of decompensation, a decrease in MMP activity was accompanied by a decrease in the content of insulin, C-peptide and a corresponding increase in the level of proinsulin. An inverse correlation was found between the concentrations of TIMP-1 and insulin in patients at the stage of decompensation of T2DM. It is assumed that the activity of MMP-2 and -7, in comparison with their inhibitors, forms stronger correlations with the parameters of carbohydrate metabolism

    Phase Structure in a Hadronic Chiral Model

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    We study the phase diagram of a hadronic chiral flavor-SU(3) model. Heavy baryon resonances can induce a phase structure that matches current results from lattice-QCD calculations at finite temperature and baryon density. Furthermore, we determine trajectories of constant entropy per net baryon in the phase diagram.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Synthesis of lanthanum manganite powders via combustion reactions: some aspects of the influence of magnetic field and charge generation in precursors on the formation of properties

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    The mutual influence of the process of electric charge generation in nitrate organic precursors and a constant external magnetic field on the magnetic properties formation was considered for lanthanum strontium manganite La0.7 Sr0.3 MnO3±y powders obtained via combustion reactions. The investigated properties of the obtained samples include hysteresis, magnetocaloric and magnetoresistive effects. The correlation between formation process of extended ensembles of nanoparticles and the functional properties of complex oxide materials was also discussed. The manifestation of a strong magneto-gas-selective effect has been ob-served during the combustion of precursors in a constant magnetic field, which affects the charge generation process. © Ostroushko A.A., Gagarin I.D., Kudyukov E.V., Zhulanova T.Yu., Permyakova A.E., Russkikh O.V., 2023.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 22-23-00718ABSTRACT The mutual influence of the process of electric charge generation in nitrate organic precursors and a constant external magnetic field on the magnetic properties formation was considered for lanthanum strontium manganite La0.7Sr0.3MnO3±y powders obtained via combustion reactions. The investigated properties of the obtained samples include hysteresis, magnetocaloric and magnetoresistive effects. The correlation between formation process of extended ensembles of nanoparticles and the functional properties of complex oxide materials was also discussed. The manifestation of a strong magneto-gas-selective effect has been observed during the combustion of precursors in a constant magnetic field, which affects the charge generation process. KEYWORDS complex oxides, lanthanum manganite, synthesis, combustion reactions, nitrate-organic systems, nanoparticles, charges generation, magnetic properties, magneto-gas selective effect ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research was financially supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 22-23-00718). The research was carried out using the equipment of the Ural Center for Collective Use “Modern Nanotechnologies”

    Эффективность и безопасность применения препарата бедаквилин в режимах лечения у больных туберкулезом, сочетанным с ВИЧ-инфекцией, в Удмуртской Республике

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    The objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of bedaquiline in new chemotherapy regimens in HIV-positive tuberculosis patients.Subjects and Methods. Treatment results of 60 patients with TB/HIV co-infection using treatment regimens containing bedaquiline were analyzed.Results. Patients with TB/HIV co-infection demonstrated poor adherence to treatment, so 46/60 (76.6%) patients did not complete the intensive phase of chemotherapy. The use of bedaquiline did not cause a critical prolongation of the QT according to ECG results, manifestations of arrhythmia, and it was well combined with ART. Sputum conversion (by culture) was registered in the following cases: by the end of the 2nd month of chemotherapy in 36/60 (60.0%) patients, by the end of the 6th month of chemotherapy – in 11/14 (78.6%) patients.Цель исследования: оценить эффективность и безопасность препарата бедаквилин в новых режимах химиотерапии больных туберкулезом с ВИЧ-инфекцией.Материалы и методы. Проанализированы результаты лечения 60 больных с сочетанием туберкулеза и ВИЧ-инфекции при использовании в схемах противотуберкулезной терапии препарата бедаквилин.Результаты. Пациенты с ТБ/ВИЧ-и отличались низкой приверженностью к лечению, поэтому 46/60 (76,6%) пациентов не закончили интенсивную фазу химиотерапии. Применение бедаквилина не вызывало критического удлинения интервала QT на ЭКГ, проявлений аритмии, хорошо сочеталось с АРТ. Прекращение бактериовыделения (метод посева) зарегистрировано: к концу 2-го месяца ХТ у 36/60 (60,0%) пациентов, к концу 6-го месяца ХТ – у 11/14 (78,6%) пациентов

    State of health of the children's population and prospects of development paediatrics service of the Udmurt republic

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    By the purpose of sectional examination was to reveal a modern state of health of the children's population, to spot prospects of development pediatric of a service of the Udmurt Republic. For reception of the information the traditional receptions and methods of study of a state of health of children regulated by effective legal basis were utilized. Fixed, that the state of health of the children's population of Udmurtiya is worsened, in connection with, than the introduction sparing health of technologies is necessary. By the reasons of progressive deterioration of health of children were an acceleration of stressful situations in daily life of children, intensification of educational process, deterioration of power supply of children, both in educational establishment, and in family, rising of a load on an organism of the child of the factors of ecological hazard, considerable propagation of abundance among children asocial and deviation of the shapes of behavior. The organizational and practical operation of an operating controls of public health services in the field of protection of a maternity and childhood is guided on maintenance of availability and rising of quality of a medical care to the women and children, down stroke of a maternal, children's and infantile case rate and mortalities, decrease of children’s physical inability.Целью данного исследования была оценка современного состояния здоровья детского населения, определение перспективы развития педиатрической службы Удмуртской Республики. Материалы и методы. Для получения информации использовались традиционные приемы и методы изучения состояния здоровья детей, регламентированные действующей нормативно-правовой базой. Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что состояние здоровья детского населения Удмуртии ухудшается, в связи с чем, необходимо внедрение здоровьесберегающих технологий. Причинами прогрессивного ухудшения здоровья детей явились учащение стрессовых ситуаций в повседневной жизни детей, интенсификация учебного процесса, ухудшение качества питания детей, как в образовательном учреждении, так и в семье, повышение нагрузки на организм ребенка факторов экологического риска, значительный рост распространенности среди детей асоциальных и девиантных форм поведения. Организационная и практическая работа органов управления здравоохранения в области охраны материнства и детства должна быть направлена на обеспечение доступности и повышение качества медицинской помощи женщинам и детям, снижение материнской, детской и младенческой заболеваемости и смертности, уменьшение дет-ской инвалидности