43 research outputs found

    Nutrient Cycling in Forage Production Systems

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    In most forage production systems, the nutrients needed for plant growth are provided by microbially mediated breakdown and release of plant-available mineral nutrients from dead plant tissues, livestock excreta, soil organic matter, and geochemically bound mineral forms. Even in fertilized forage systems, determining appropriate fertilizer application rates requires a systems approach on the part of the manager (e.g., Di and Cameron, 2000; Rotz et al., 2002). Fertilizer additions are simply one input in the system of inputs, outputs, pools, and fluxes that characterize nutrient cycling in a particular ecosystem

    Nitrogen and tillage management for corn following alfalfa

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    Rotating alfalfa with corn can increase corn yield potential through improved soil physical properties that enhance water infiltration and root extension, a reduction in disease and pest pressure (i.e., corn rootworm), and an enhanced soil microbial community

    Managing the Rotation from Alfalfa to Corn

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    This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu.This bulletin describes management practices for alfalfa termination and the two subsequent corn crops that will help utilize the benefits of alfalfa.This publication was funded by the Minnesota Agricultural Fertilizer Research and Education Council. The research summarized in this publication was supported by the Minnesota Agricultural Fertilizer Research and Education Council, the Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council, the North Central Region-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, the Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center, the Hueg-Harrison fellowship, the University of Minnesota, and the USDA-Agricultural Research Service

    Nutrient Cycling in Forage Production Systems

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    In most forage production systems, the nutrients needed for plant growth are provided by microbially mediated breakdown and release of plant-available mineral nutrients from dead plant tissues, livestock excreta, soil organic matter, and geochemically bound mineral forms. Even in fertilized forage systems, determining appropriate fertilizer application rates requires a systems approach on the part of the manager (e.g., Di and Cameron, 2000; Rotz et al., 2002). Fertilizer additions are simply one input in the system of inputs, outputs, pools, and fluxes that characterize nutrient cycling in a particular ecosystem

    Glycomic, Glycoproteomic, and Proteomic Profiling of Philippine Lung Cancer and Peritumoral Tissues: Case Series Study of Patients Stages I-III.

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) accounting for majority of lung cancers. Thus, it is important to find potential biomarkers, such as glycans and glycoproteins, which can be used as diagnostic tools against NSCLC. Here, the N-glycome, proteome, and N-glycosylation distribution maps of tumor and peritumoral tissues of Filipino lung cancer patients (n = 5) were characterized. We present several case studies with varying stages of cancer development (I−III), mutation status (EGFR, ALK), and biomarker expression based on a three-gene panel (CD133, KRT19, and MUC1). Although the profiles of each patient were unique, specific trends arose that correlated with the role of aberrant glycosylation in cancer progression. Specifically, we observed a general increase in the relative abundance of high-mannose and sialofucosylated N-glycans in tumor samples. Analysis of the glycan distribution per glycosite revealed that these sialofucosylated N-glycans were specifically attached to glycoproteins involved in key cellular processes, including metabolism, cell adhesion, and regulatory pathways. Protein expression profiles showed significant enrichment of dysregulated proteins involved in metabolism, adhesion, cell−ECM interactions, and N-linked glycosylation, supporting the protein glycosylation results. The present case series study provides the first demonstration of a multi-platform mass-spectrometric analysis specifically for Filipino lung cancer patients


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    Maize (Zea mays L.) was planted at three biweekly intervals in spring, 1978-81, on a productive, silty clay loam Typic Argiudoll in eastern Nebraska. (\u2715)N-depleted (NH(,4))(,2)SO(,4) was banded at 90 and 180 kg N ha(\u27-1) midway between maize rows at planting, or at the 4-, 8-, or 16-leaf growth stage in 1978-80. No N was applied in 1981 to allow study of residual treatment effects. Dry matter production, total N content, and fertilizer-derived N (FN) content of above-ground plants were determined at five growth stages in 1979-80 and at harvest every year. Surface soil samples were taken during maize growth and deep samples were procured after harvest, 1979-80. Soils were analyzed for mineral N and FN. High N supply moderated N management effects on maize growth, yield and N fertilizer use efficiency. Accumulated dry matter was usually greater for late- than early-planted maize during vegetative growth, but average relative growth rate was faster for the early planting after silking. Delayed planting reduced FN recovery at both N rates. Application of 180 kg N ha(\u27-1) at the 4-leaf stage decreased crop growth and final yield in 1980. Application of N at the 16-leaf stage increased rates of grain growth and N accumulation, resulting in greatest grain yield and FN recovery, especially with early planting. Grain yield was reduced by early N deprivation only when active N uptake ceased during early grain fill. Substantial amounts of residual FN accumulated in above-ground tissue the second year of treatment, especially with the higher N rate. Measurable amounts of NH(,4)(\u27+)-N derived from fertilizer were detected in soil 6 weeks after application. The amount of NH(,4)(\u27+)-N available to the crop during growth, in relation to the size of the developing root system and the availability of other N to the crop, may have been an important determinant of crop response. Early planting and application of a modest N rate very late in vegetative growth produced high grain yields and maximum recovery of FN in grain. Little mineral FN accumulated in the soil with this treatment, thereby reducing potential environmental problems

    Nitrogen and tillage management for corn following alfalfa

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    Rotating alfalfa with corn can increase corn yield potential through improved soil physical properties that enhance water infiltration and root extension, a reduction in disease and pest pressure (i.e., corn rootworm), and an enhanced soil microbial community.</p

    Forage Legume Roots and Nodules and Their Role in Nitrogen Transfer

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