45 research outputs found

    Nutraceutical based on the Quran and the Sunnah

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    The world is witnessing a return to what is natural, both environmentally and back to fitrah, our innate nature. This does not apply to food, and cosmetic sector only, but also the health and Nutraceutical sectors. One of the evidences is the fastest growing sectors in the Global personal care market and Nutraceutical market as dictated by consumer lifestyle and awareness. Second, the tendency is for a move towards what is ethical, fair traded and Green healthy lifestyle. Halal Nutraceutical consumer are now starting to question the authenticity and integrity of the Halal nutraceuticals that they consumed, especially that came from the non-Muslim manufacturers and distributors in Singapore. Islamic Arabic medicine, Arab-Islamic medicine or Greco-Arab refers to medicine developed in the Golden Age of the Islamic Civilization. It is extended from Spain in the west to Central Asia and India in the East. „Prophetic Medicine? although popular amongst the masses of Muslims because of its doctrinal and theological contents was considered by most Muslim historians and physicians as distinct from scientific and analytical Islamic Medicine. Medicine of the Prophet is a combination of religious and medical information, providing advice and guidance on the two aims of medicine. First the preservation of health and second the restoration of health based on the Qur?anic guidance and the Prophetic traditions

    Kajian mengenai kandungan alkohol dalam produk minuman yang terdapat dalam pasaran

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    Isu utama kajian ini adalah mengenai kandungan alkohol di dalam minuman, di mana alkohol tersebut merujuk kepada etanol. Menurut Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), minuman ringan yang diproses bukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan arak dan mengandungi alkohol kurang daripada 1% adalah harus diminum. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengenalpasti minuman yang mempunyai alkohol di dalamnya dan untuk menentukan peratusan alkohol yang terdapat di dalam sampel minuman sama ada ia melebihi had peratusan yang telah ditetapkan oleh JAKIM atau sebaliknya. Selain itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti pengetahuan masyarakat Islam tentang alkohol di dalam minuman dan mengenalpasti kesan sampingan alkohol dalam kehidupan. Kaedah kajian yang digunakan ialah kajian makmal di mana Spektroskopi Ultra Lembayung (UL) digunakan dan kajian deskriptif daripada jawapan borang soal selidik seramai 108 responden daripada populasi 154 orang pelajar pascasiswazah Fakulti Sains, UTM. Daripada UL, sampel minuman yang mempunyai alkohol dapat dikenalpasti dengan membuat perbandingan spektrum antara etanol dan sampel minuman. Berdasarkan spektrum siri piawaian etanol, panjang gelombang maksimum ialah pada 260nm. Daripada 12 sampel minuman yang dikaji, terdapat tiga sampel minuman yang mempunyai panjang gelombang maksimum yang hampir sama dengan siri piawaian etanol. Ini menunjukkan hanya tiga sampel minuman yang dikaji mengandungi alkohol. Peratusan alkohol juga dapat ditentukan dengan membina keluk kalibrasi di mana ia dibina berdasarkan data siri piawaian etanol yang dianalisis menggunakan UL. Dengan merujuk keluk kalibrasi, satu persamaan yang terhasil digunakan untuk mengira peratusan etanol di dalam minuman. Hasil kajian deskriptif pula menunjukkan bahawa, pengetahuan responden terhadap penggunaan alkohol di dalam minuman adalah baik dan hampir kesemua responden mengetahui kesan sampingan sekiranya mengambil minuman beralkohol

    Phoenix dactylifera: discoveries through the eyes of science

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    Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), one of the oldest cultivated plants found generally in the Arabia Peninsula for its nutritive fruit that played a vital role to the mankind over the centuries. In fact, the history of date palm fruit had been documented in Surah Maryam verse 25, “And shake towards yourself holding the trunk of the palm tree, fresh and ripe dates will fall upon you”, and the Holy Quran also gave prominence to the date palm fruit for its extraordinary values. Consumption of date palm fruit is prevalent among Muslims during the fasting month due to its rich source of carbohydrates and dietary fibers which are strictly required by human body to stay rejuvenate. Interestingly, intensive scientific researches on Phoenix dactylifera had revealed numerous novel chemical constituents and pharmacological properties that possess multiple beneficial effects, supporting its employment in order to treat a variety of ailments in various traditional systems of medicine. Through the advancement of science and technology nowadays, the fruits of date palm are extensively utilized in the food processing industries producing a wide range of value-added products, credit to its great importance in human nutrition. However, the generation of date palm fruit wastes in the date palm agro industry as well as date processing industries has lead to environmental problems, thus, creating fascinating prospects for future research and development, such as utilizing the wastes as animal feed for farm animals to improve the production of high quality and safer meat products for human consumption

    Science in the muslim world: contribution of UTM scientist

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    Nowadays, there are many products and technologies that have been contributed by scientists all over the world. Thus, this paper is emphasized more on the contribution of the Muslim scientists in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) which an innovation-led and graduate- focused Research University. UTM is the oldest public engineering and technological university in Malaysia. The university specializes in technical studies, with separate faculties as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Biomedical engineering. UTM also has faculties in Islamic civilization, education, pure sciences, management and human resources development. Mostly, each faculty has its own contribution of products and research. Therefore, focus has narrowed down to choose one of the faculties which Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FChe). FChe was established on the 1st June 2010. FChe can be divided into three departments which are Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Polymer Engineering and Department of Bioprocess Engineering. This case study is to emphasize the contribution of scientists in each department in FChe toward community nowadays and their current products. The focus has given to three excellent scientists (researchers) in each department. In Department of Chemical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Zainuddin Bin Abd Manan, Prof. Dr. Arshad Bin Ahmad and Associate Prof. Ramlan Bin Aziz. In Department of Polymer Engineering, attention will give to Prof. Dr. Azman Bin Hassan, Dr. Agus Bin Arsad and Assoc Prof Dr Wan Aizan while in Department of Bioprocess Engineering, Prof. Dr. Mohamad Roji Sarmidi, Prof. Dr. Ani Idris and Prof. Dr. Rosli Md Alia

    Hiperrealiti: Isu pembinaan nilai dalam pemikiran pasca moden

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    Marshall McLuhan merupakan individu pertama yang pembicaraan gagasan hiperrealiti dalam pemikiran pasca moden. Beliau meramalkan bahawa peralihan teknologi dari era teknologi mekanik ke era teknologi elektronik akan membawa peralihan fungsi teknologi sebagai kesinambungan badan manusia kepada kesinambungan sistem saraf. Televisyen, komputer dan internet telah memungkinkan umat manusia hidup dalam dunia yang disebut sebagai global village, sebuah desa besar, di mana segala sesuatu dapat disebarluaskan, diinformasikan dan dikonsumsi bersama dalam dimensi ruang dan waktu yang mengecil. McLuhan membaca fenomena ini sebagai kemenangan manusia moden untuk menguasai ruang dan waktu. Gagasan ini dikembangkan pula oleh Baudrillard. Pemikirannya berdasarkan kepada beberapa andaian hubungan manusia dan media yang disebut sebagai realiti mediascape. Perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi mampu mereproduksi realiti masa lalu dengan menciptakan realiti baru dengan imaginasi buatan dan menyinari fantasi dan ilusi menjadi kenyataan. Inilah dunia hiperrealiti: realiti yang lebih nyata dari yang nyata, palsu dan meledak-ledak. Realiti-realiti hiper menjadi model dan gambaran yang bermetamofora mengawal fikiran dan tindak-tanduk manusia. Realiti kini tidak lagi memiliki asal-usul, rujukan ataupun makna yang benar. Tokoh-tokoh seperti Rambo, boneka Barbie, Jurrasic Park, atau Star Trek Voyager yang merupakan gambaran realiti tanpa rujukan, namun nampak lebih real dan nyata. Dalam keadaan seperti ini, realiti kebenaran, fakta dan objektif kehilangan makna dan kebebasannya

    Ibn Al-Baitar: the pioneer of botanist and pharmacist

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    Ahmad Ibn Al-Baitar was one of the greatest scientists of Muslim Spain and also a well-known botanist and pharmacist of a Middle Ages. By using all the knowledge he learnt from Abu Al-Ábbas, he start collecting plants in and around Andalusia before he left Spain for plants collecting expeditions and travel along the North African coast before he authored his valuable books at Egypt. Ibn Al-Baitar’s major contribution, Kitab Al-Jame’, described about the basic medicines and nutrients derived from plants, animals, and minerals which hold a high status among botanist up to 18th century. He did not write something without first having observation and he had full confidence in inferences and deductions. Besides that, Ibn Al-Baitar was the first who specifies the timing of medicines, which one to be taken during the night and which were to be taken during the day

    Healthy lifestyle education from Halal nutraceutical concept

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    The world is witnessing a return to what is natural, both environmentally and back to fitrah, our innate nature. This does not apply to food, and cosmetic sector only, but also the health and nutraceutical sectors. One of the evidences is the fastest growing sectors in the global personal care market and nutraceutical market as dictated by consumer lifestyle and awareness. This article aims to explore on the healthy lifestyle education contained in nutraceutical concept based on Islamic perspectives. This study used document analysis on primary and secondary documents as methodological approach. This study found that Arab-Islamic medicine or Greco-Arab refers to medicine developed in the Golden Age of the Islamic Civilization. It is extended from Spain in the west to Central Asia and India in the East. ‘Prophetic Medicine’ although popular amongst the masses of Muslims because of its doctrinal and theological contents was considered by most Muslim historians and physicians as distinct from scientific and analytical Islamic Medicine. Medicine of the Prophet is a combination of religious and medical information, providing advice and guidance on the two aims of medicine. First the preservation of health and second the restoration of health based on the Qur’anic guidance and the Prophetic traditions

    Cloud and rain: perspective of Quran and science

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    Science and Islam have been proven to be interrelated with each other in many aspects of life. Most of the phenomena that occur in this world has been described in the Quran. As Muslims, Allah has instructed us to study the phenomena that occur in our surroundings. Therefore, it is vital to relate all of our scientific findings with the Quran. This paper will discuss on the process of cloud formation and rain based on the Quran and science. The hydrological cycle which is the major process involved in the formation of cloud and rain will also be described in this paper. The scientific view proposes that the formation of cloud begins with the evaporation of sea water into the sky. After some time, when the cloud is unable to hold water inside it, thus, it results in falling rain. In the Quran, this phenomena is described in Surah Ar-Rum: 48 and Surah An-Nur: 43. Also, there are several verses in the Quran that mention the importance of rain to all living things as stated in Surah Al-A’raf:57 and Surah Qaf:9. In the aspect of science, rain has large effects to certain processes such as the leaching and fertilization of soil. As a conclusion, the scientific explanation on the formation of cloud and rain, has been stated in the Quran in which they are consistent with each other

    Science of ICT: computer as a Qalam

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    The paper aims to discuss on how computer replacing the Qalam or in other word, pen as a medium of knowledge transferring. Pointed out from Surah (Al-Alaq, 96:1-5), "Proclaim! (Or read) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, who created, created man out 0f (mere) clot of congealed blood. Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful — He who taught (the use of) the pen, Taught man that which he knew not.”, clearly mentioning the word Qalam (pen) as a tool in seeking knowledge. In today’s Muslim world, the word Qalam infers to the computer. The paper will look into both function of Qalam and computer and the relationship between both. Indeed, computer functioning as a Qalam is able to assist human beings in becoming an insan guided by the Quran and Sunnah. Nevertheless, another important aspect to be discussed in the paper is on the transition of knowledge captured from the ICT point of view. There are four (4) stages of the transition of knowledge that related to the science of ICT which is data, information, knowledge and wisdom. Each of the transition stages is related with the book of Allah which is Al-Quran. The subsection in the paper will further explain the connection between those transition and Ayah in the Holy Quran

    A review of discrimination against women in shariah courts

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    Criticism of Shariah courts is no longer regarded as a new issue. Given that the majority of clients in the Shariah Courts are women, causes the issue of discrimination affecting women in the administration of the Shariah Court itself. This study will identify some critical issues regarding gender bias which occurred in the Shariah Court. The method used in this research is the study of literature by examine several mediums such as the Quran, books, Enactment Act, newspapers, and web sites of certain organizations related to the issue of gender bias. The study found that women-related issues that arise in the Shariah Court is not true and sometimes is seen as a bit excessive while the allocated Shariah Court jurisdiction was doing its best. However, as a professional body, the Shariah Court should accept criticism from the positive side and to strive harder towards improving a better system administration