11 research outputs found

    Komitmen Pensyarah Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta Bertaraf Universiti Terhadap Organisasi

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tahap dan faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan komitmen pensyarah lnstiiusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta (IPTS) bertaraf universiti terhadap organisasi. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti status persepsi pensyarah IPTS bertaraf universiti terhadap pembolehubah tidak bersandar dan pembolehubah bersandar iaitu komitmen terhadap organisasi serta rnengenalpasti sumbangan pembolehubah tidak bersandar kepada komitmen terhadap organisasi. Populasi kajian merangkumi 457 orang pensyarah di empat buah IPTS bertaraf universiti iaitu Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Universiti Multimedia, Universiti Teknologi Petronas dan Universiti Tun Abdul Razak. Terdapat 332 daripada 457 set soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada pensyarah IPTS bertaraf universiti yang dapat digunakan untuk analisis seterusnya. Kajian ini menggunakan lima dimensi pembolehubah tidak bersandar iaitu ciriciri demografi terpilih, dimensi ciri-ciri kerja, dimensi sikap dan amalan pengurusan, dimensi nilai kerja dan dimensi kepemimpinan pentadbir serta satu pembolehubah bersandar iaitu komitmen terhadap organisasi. Aspek-aspek di dalam ciri-ciri dernografi terpilih adalah umur, jangka masa perkhidmatan dengan organisasi kini, jangka masa perkhidmatan dengan organisasi lain dan pendapatan. Aspek-aspek di dalam dimensi ciri-ciri ke rja adalah seperti identiti kerja, keragaman kemahiran, autonomi kerja, maklum balas kerja dan kerumitan kerja. Bagi dimensi sikap dan amalan pengurusan, terdapat enam aspek di daiam dimensi tersebut iaitu sikap kumpulan kerja terhadap organisasi, harapan terhadap pencapaian, cabaran kerja, kepentingan sumbangan pensyarah, keutuhan imej kendiri dan amalan pengurusan. Terdapat dua aspek di dalam dimensi nilai kerja iaitu nilai kerja intrinsik dan nilai kerja ekstrinsik. Bagi dimensi kepemimpinan pentadbir pula terdapat tiga aspek iaitu pemikiran, hubungan dengan pensyarah dan ciri-ciri tingkah laku dan personaliti pentadbir. Kajian mendapati status persepsi pensyarah IPTS bertaraf universiti terhadap empat dimensi pembolehubah tidak bersandar menunjukkan tiga aspek dalam dimensi ciri-ciri ke rja berada pada status persepsi yang sederhana memuaskan iaitu keragaman kemahiran, autonomi ke rja dan maklum balas kerja. Dua aspek lagi iaitu identiti kerja dan kerumitan kerja berada pada status persepsi yang memuaskan. Kajian juga mendapati empat aspek dalam dimensi sikap dan amalan pengurusan mendapat status persepsi yang sederhana memuaskan iaitu sikap kumpulan kerja terhadap organisasi, harapan terhadap pencapaian, kepentingan sumbangan pensyarah dan amalan pengurusan, manakala dua aspek lagi dalam dimensi sikap dan amalan pengurusan mendapat status persepsi yang memuaskan iaitu cabaran kerja dan keutuhan imej kendiri. Kedua-dua aspek dalam dimensi nilai kerja iaitu nilai kerja intrinsik dan nilai kerja ekstrinsik mendapat status persepsi yang memuaskan. Kesemua aspek dalam dimensi kepemimpinan pentadbir iaitu pemikiran, hubungan dengan pensyarah dan ciri-ciri tingkah laku dan personaliti adalah berada pada status persepsi yang sederhana memuaskan. Kajian mendapati tahap komitmen pensyarah IPTS terhadap organisasi adalah berada pada tahap sederhana. Dapatan kajian juga mendapati hanya satu aspek dalam ciri-ciri demografi terpilih iaitu jangkamasa perkhidmatan dengan organisasi kini yang mempunyai perkaitan yang bererti dengan komitrnen terhadap organisasi. Kesemua aspek dalam dimensi ciri-ciri kerja mempunyai perkaitan yang positif dan bererti dengan komitmen terhadap organisasi. Begitu juga dengan kesemua aspek dalam dimensi sikap dan amalan pengurusan mempunyai perkaitan yang positif dan bererti dengan komitmen terhadap organisasi. Kedua-dua aspek dalam dimensi nilai kerja iaitu nilai kerja intrinsik dan nilai keja ekstrinsik juga mempunyai perkaitan yang positif dan bererti dengan komitmen terhadap organisasi. Kesemua aspek dalam dimensi kepemimpinan pentadbir didapati tidak rnempunyai perkaitan yang bererti dengan komitrnen terhadap organisasi. Enam aspek dalam pembolehubah tidak bersandar iaitu amalan pengurusan, keragaman kemahiran, nilai ke ja intrinsik, kepentingan sumbangan pensyarah, cabaran keja serta autonomi ke rja menyumbang 41 peratus varians terhadap komitmen terhadap organisasi. Kajian menyarankan bahawa model komitmen terhadap organisasi boleh digunakan sebagai rangka kajian yang sesuai untuk mengkaji komitmen terhadap organisasi dan membentuk suatu model pilihan komitmen terhadap organisasi yang lebih komprehensif dalam konteks di Malaysia. Kajian juga menyarankan beberapa cadangan kepada pihak pentadbir organisasi dan pihak pensyarah dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan komitrnen pensyarah IPTS bertaraf universiti terhadap organisasi. Kajian ini juga mencadangkan bahawa kajian pada masa akan datang harus meliputi semua kumpulan pensyarah di IPTS bertaraf kolej dan kolej universiti serta kumpulan pensyarah di lnstitusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA)

    The public perception of adopting hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCV) are leading as alternative energy-saving vehicles that replace non-renewable energy use and support sustainable transport systems for developing and developed countries. Public adoption of new transport technologies is vital for the successful evolution of a sustainable energy system. Previous studies have focused more on people’s attitudes towards hydrogen energy as alternative fuel energy. This article aims to assess the public perception of the adoption of HFCV in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The overall results of this study found that demand-side action for HFCV among the public is influenced by supply-side aspects, including support infrastructure, characteristics of HFCV, operational costs, safety concerns, competitive markets, and the social equilibrium of the innovation. The current study also found that most respondents have a scant idea of the environmental benefits of using HFCV. The evidence from this study suggests that stakeholders should educate the public regarding the benefits of HFCV - an essential step when adopting new technologies. It is timely to seek innovative solutions and address appropriate policies for both energy security and environmental concerns globally in the transportation sector for the sake of present and future sustainability

    Challenges for source separation of food waste and turning waste into compost for island-based hotels

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    The practice of turning food waste into compost among hoteliers in Malaysian islands is still far behind compared to the government’s target of 8% by 2020. This paper aims to identify challenges associated with implementing sources of separation of food waste, turning waste into compost, and proposing relevant actions using island-based hotels on Langkawi Island as a case study. This study adopted the mixed-method approach. The researcher distributed sets of questionnaire surveys to 42 hoteliers, followed by observation and interviews with 23 hoteliers. This study identified the lack of space, existing facilities, expertise, funding, adequate knowledge and support from the hotel management affected the activities separation and composting of food waste at their hotel. The study also suggested five key actions for achieving sustainable food waste management for the hotel sector in Langkawi via separate and compost food waste strategies. Those actions are (1) monitor by establishing a unique team of the hotel staff; (2) cooperation with the contractor of taking waste hotel; (3) systematic waste collection with fixed schedule; (4) waste audit and waste mapping; and (5) adequate infrastructure. This study provides information and guidelines to help hoteliers reduce food waste, save hotel operation costs, and maintain the hotel’s focus on environmentally friendly practices

    Challenges in implementation of MyGAP among paddy farmers

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    Good agricultural practice (MyGAP) has been introduced as a guide in implementing sustainable agriculture, which concerns the economy, environment, and society in producing high-quality food that is safe to be consumed. The number of paddy farming areas that have been certified with MyGAP is still low. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the challenges of implementing MyGAP among the paddy farmers and proposing relevant actions, using the Sekinchan paddy field as a case study. Qualitative techniques were conducted by observations in the fieldwork and the interviews with eight paddy farmers and two officers from the technical department. By using qualitative content analysis, six challenges associated with the implementation of MyGAP were identified such as (1) complexity of MyGAP certification system, (2) inadequate knowledge, (3) lack of pro-environment behaviour among paddy farmer, (4) ineffective communication, (5) lack of technology and (6) lack of monitoring and enforcement. This paper's suggested relevant recommendation to provide a platform for developing and improving policy and guidelines in MyGAP. From the findings, some recommendations are put forward in the pursuit of MyGAP in Sekinchan. The findings contributed to a better understanding of where attention should be directed, and which recommendations would better impact the implementation of MyGAP among the paddy farmers

    Implikasi pandemik COVID-19 terhadap tingkah laku masyarakat bagi menggelakkan pembaziran makanan sepanjang Ramadan

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    Usaha bagi mencapai kelestarian pengurusan sisa makanan dalam kalangan isi rumah tidak lengkap tanpa menganalisis tingkah laku masyarakat bagi menguruskan sisa makanan. Kajian mengenai persepsi dan tingkah laku masyarakat kurang diberikan perhatian oleh penyelidik terutama dalam isu pembaziran makanan sepanjang Ramadan. Oleh itu, kajian ini telah meneliti jurang kajian dengan menjalankan kajian mengenai tingkah laku masyarakat bagi mengelakkan pembaziran makanan sepanjang Ramadan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah soal selidik atas talian dan data sokongan berkaitan penjanaan sisa sepanjang Ramadan di seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia. Hasil kajian tinjauan ini mendapati masyarakat mempunyai kesedaran tinggi mengenai pembaziran sisa makanan sepanjang Ramadan pada tahun 2020. Hal ini disebabkan, masyarakat Malaysia yang beragama Islam lebih memilih sambutan Ramadan pada tahun 2020 secara bersederhana dan mengambil kira keselamatan kesihatan dari wabak penyakit COVID-19. Tambahan pula, kerajaan telah menghadkan waktu operasi dan bilangan peniaga di bazar Ramadan untuk mengelakkan risiko penyebaran COVID-19 di tempat awam. Selain itu, kerajaan juga mula mengalakkan rakyat untuk membeli makanan di bazar secara atas talian dengan mewujudkan aplikasi e-bazar. Hasil data sokongan daripada Perbadanan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam (SWCorp) menunjukkan bahawa terdapat penurunan jumlah bagi penghasilan sisa pepejal sebanyak 6.02% sepanjang Ramadan 2020 dibandingkan Ramadan 2019. Keseluruhan hasil kajian ini memberikan maklumat mengenai tingkah laku masyarakat terhadap pengurusan sisa makanan sepanjang Ramadan di Semenanjung Malaysia. Kajian ini juga menjadi garis panduan kepada pihak berkepentingan untuk mengambil strategi yang relevan ke arah mengurangkan penjanaan sisa makanan semasa dan selepas pandemik COVID-1

    Kesan pandemik COVID-19 terhadap jaminan bekalan makanan di Malaysia

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    Pandemik Covid-19 telah mengakibatkan masalah global yang lebih besar terutama dari segi jaminan bekalan makanan ketika perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP) yang dijalankan di seluruh dunia. Malaysia tidak berkecuali terkesan dengan pandemik Covid-19 dan telah memperlahankan aktiviti sektor ekonomi termasuk sektor pertanian. Oleh itu, kertas kajian ini membincangkan secara mendalam mengenai kesan pandemik Covid-19 terhadap jaminan bekalan makanan di Malaysia terutama dari aspek penawaran dan permintaan bekalan makanan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif yang melibatkan analisis dokumen rasmi dan tidak rasmi untuk mendapatkan maklumat mengenai jaminan bekalan makanan semasa pandemik Covid-19. Semasa PKP berlangsung, terdapat petani tempatan yang menghadapi masalah lambakan hasil pertanian akibat penutupan beberapa sektor sokongan seperti peruncitan, pengangkutan dan perkhidmatan makanan. Rantaian dalam sektor pertanian turut terjejas kerana kekurangan input pertanian dan tenaga buruh. Keadaan ini bertambah sukar apabila ketidakcukupan kemudahan penyimpanan bahan makanan mentah dan ia menyebabkan hasil pertanian menjadi rosak. Pada masa yang sama, permintaan bekalan makanan dalam kalangan masyarakat terus meningkat semasa pelaksanaan PKP kerana berlakunya pembelian panik terhadap barang keperluan asas. Kajian ini juga mengutarakan cadangan ke arah meningkatkan kestabilan jaminan bekalan makanan negara terutamanya dalam menghadapi sebarang krisis

    An Analysis of Environmental Dimensions Affected in Adoption of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles: A Study in Shah ALAM Industrial AREA, Selangor

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    The aim of the study is to identify the perceptions of respondents on environmental dimensions hat affected in adoption of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The study was conducted at Shah Alam industrial areas of Selangor, Malaysia, with the number of respondents are 120 respondents with various job positions that related with engineering and automobiles industry. The findings of the research shows that the dimensions of HFCV Internal Environmental total score of the items statement is 3.40 with the percentage of agreement in implementation is 3.72 percent, HFCV Environmental Information Systems shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.63 with the percentage of agreement on use to great extend is 42.5 percent, HFCV Cooperation with Customers shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.81 with the percentage of agreement on implementation is 44.2 percent. The findings on HFCV Eco Design shows that the total score of items statement is 4.02 with the percentage of agreement on implementation is 42.3 percent, HFCV Environmental Organizational Culture shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.37 with the percentage of agreement is 34.2 percent, HFCV Environmental Leadership shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.34 with the percentage of agreement is 48.2 percent. HFCV Proactive Green Innovation shows that the total score of items statement is 4.10 ahead of automobile got the highest mean score of 4.32 with the percentage of agreement is 41 percent. HFCV Environmental performance shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.87 with the percentage of agreement is 39 percent and the last environmental dimensions was HFCV Environmental Risks shows that the total score of the item statement is 4.00 with the percentage of agreement is 40 percen

    Impact of Information Technology Infrastructure on Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study on Private Universities In Iraq

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    AbstractThis study investigated the impact of information technology (IT) Infrastructure on Innovation performance as a critical issue in the Iraqi private Universities. The proposed design approach asked participants to respond to a self-reported questionnaire, five information technologies as the independent variable, and subjective measures of Innovation performance as the dependent variable. Factor analysis was performed to identify the banks’ IT Infrastructure with Innovation performance to tested. The study population consisted of six private Universities in Iraq. From these, 75 academics of the faculty were chosen. The hypothesis to test variables of the study was absorbed in a questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 75% and was prepared based on a number of measures related to the subject of study. Ranges of methods were used to analysis statistical data, and the results were extracted using SPSS. The regression analysis results indicated a positive and statistically significant association between IT Infrastructure and innovation performance. Based on this, we recommend the academics in the universities to use IT as a strategic tool to enhance innovation performance and expand their empirical knowledge in the context of private universities in Iraq

    An Analysis of Environmental Dimensions Affected in Adoption of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles: A Study in Shah ALAM Industrial AREA, Selangor

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    The aim of the study is to identify the perceptions of respondents on environmental dimensions hat affected in adoption of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The study was conducted at Shah Alam industrial areas of Selangor, Malaysia, with the number of respondents are 120 respondents with various job positions that related with engineering and automobiles industry. The findings of the research shows that the dimensions of HFCV Internal Environmental total score of the items statement is 3.40 with the percentage of agreement in implementation is 3.72 percent, HFCV Environmental Information Systems shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.63 with the percentage of agreement on use to great extend is 42.5 percent, HFCV Cooperation with Customers shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.81 with the percentage of agreement on implementation is 44.2 percent. The findings on HFCV Eco Design shows that the total score of items statement is 4.02 with the percentage of agreement on implementation is 42.3 percent, HFCV Environmental Organizational Culture shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.37 with the percentage of agreement is 34.2 percent, HFCV Environmental Leadership shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.34 with the percentage of agreement is 48.2 percent. HFCV Proactive Green Innovation shows that the total score of items statement is 4.10 ahead of automobile got the highest mean score of 4.32 with the percentage of agreement is 41 percent. HFCV Environmental performance shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.87 with the percentage of agreement is 39 percent and the last environmental dimensions was HFCV Environmental Risks shows that the total score of the item statement is 4.00 with the percentage of agreement is 40 percen

    The Drivers of Quality of Working Life (QWL): A Critical Review

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    Abstract: To achieve the quality of work life, regular effort is required by the organizations which offer the employees more opportunities for their job effectiveness and collaboration on the overall effectiveness. The high quality of work life (QWL) is essential for all organizations to continue attracting and retaining employees. QWL is a comprehensive program which is designed to increase employees' satisfaction. The purpose of this paper is to find the drivers that can affect the quality of work life. Based on an intensive literature review which was conducted to identify the frequency of eight drivers in 15 selected research papers, it has been chosen specific drivers which estimated to have an impact on QWL. The factors that investigated are: reward, benefits and compensation; job satisfaction; career development; top management involvement; communication; employee motivation; cohesion of work and life; and safety and security. The findings of the study reveal that the most frequent drivers are rewarded, benefits and compensation, followed by career development, communication, and safety and security respectively in order of frequency. The other drivers top management involvement, cohesion of work and life, job satisfaction and employee motivation were found to be less frequent in the literature review