16 research outputs found

    Leveraging Automated Mixed-Low-Precision Quantization for Tiny Edge Microcontrollers

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    The severe on-chip memory limitations are currently preventing the deployment of the most accurate Deep Neural Network (DNN) models on tiny MicroController Units (MCUs), even if leveraging an effective 8-bit quantization scheme. To tackle this issue, in this paper we present an automated mixed-precision quantization flow based on the HAQ framework but tailored for the memory and computational characteristics of MCU devices. Specifically, a Reinforcement Learning agent searches for the best uniform quantization levels, among 2, 4, 8 bits, of individual weight and activation tensors, under the tight constraints on RAM and FLASH embedded memory sizes. We conduct an experimental analysis on MobileNetV1, MobileNetV2 and MNasNet models for Imagenet classification. Concerning the quantization policy search, the RL agent selects quantization policies that maximize the memory utilization. Given an MCU-class memory bound of 2 MB for weight-only quantization, the compressed models produced by the mixed-precision engine result as accurate as the state-of-the-art solutions quantized with a non-uniform function, which is not tailored for CPUs featuring integer-only arithmetic. This denotes the viability of uniform quantization, required for MCU deployments, for deep weights compression. When also limiting the activation memory budget to 512 kB, the best MobileNetV1 model scores up to 68.4% on Imagenet thanks to the found quantization policy, resulting to be 4% more accurate than the other 8-bit networks fitting the same memory constraints

    Work-in-Progress: Quantized NNs as the Definitive solution for inference on low-power ARM MCUs?

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    High energy efficiency and low memory footprint are the key requirements for the deployment of deep learning based analytics on low-power microcontrollers. Here we present work-in-progress results with Q-bit Quantized Neural Networks (QNNs) deployed on a commercial Cortex-M7 class microcontroller by means of an extension to the ARM CMSIS-NN library. We show that i) for Q=4 and Q=2 low memory footprint QNNs can be deployed with an energy overhead of 30% and 36% respectively against the 8-bit CMSIS-NN due to the lack of quantization support in the ISA; ii) for Q=1 native instructions can be used, yielding an energy and latency reduction of 3c3.8 7 with respect to CMSIS-NN. Our initial results suggest that a small set of QNN-related specialized instructions could improve performance by as much as 7.5 7 for Q=4, 13.6 7 for Q=2 and 6.5 7 for binary NNs

    PULP-NN: A computing library for quantized neural network inference at the edge on RISC-V based parallel ultra low power clusters

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    We present PULP-NN, a multicore computing library for a parallel ultra-low-power cluster of RISC-V based processors. The library consists of a set of kernels for Quantized Neural Network (QNN) inference on edge devices, targeting byte and sub-byte data types, down to INT-1. Our software solution exploits the digital signal processing (DSP) extensions available in the PULP RISC-V processors and the cluster's parallelism, improving performance by up to 63 7 with respect to a baseline implementation on a single RISC-V core implementing the RV32IMC ISA. Using the PULP-NN routines, the inference of a CIFAR-10 QNN model runs in 30 7 and 19.6 7 less clock cycles than the current state-of-the-art ARM CMSIS-NN library, running on an STM32L4 and an STM32H7 MCUs, respectively. By running the library kernels on the GAP-8 processor at the maximum efficiency operating point, the energy efficiency on GAP-8 is 14.1 7 higher than STM32L4 and 39.5 7 than STM32H7

    PULP-NN: Accelerating Quantized Neural Networks on Parallel Ultra-Low-Power RISC-V Processors

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    We present PULP-NN, an optimized computing library for a parallel ultra-low-power tightly coupled cluster of RISC-V processors. The key innovation in PULP-NN is a set of kernels for quantized neural network inference, targeting byte and sub-byte data types, down to INT-1, tuned for the recent trend toward aggressive quantization in deep neural network inference. The proposed library exploits both the digital signal processing extensions available in the PULP RISC-V processors and the cluster\u2019s parallelism, achieving up to 15.5 MACs/cycle on INT-8 and improving performance by up to 63 7 with respect to a sequential implementation on a single RISC-V core implementing the baseline RV32IMC ISA. Using PULP-NN, a CIFAR-10 network on an octa-core cluster runs in 30 7 and 19.6 7 less clock cycles than the current state-of-the-art ARM CMSIS-NN library, running on STM32L4 and STM32H7 MCUs, respectively. The proposed library, when running on a GAP-8 processor, outperforms by 36.8 7 and by 7.45 7 the execution on energy efficient MCUs such as STM32L4 and high-end MCUs such as STM32H7 respectively, when operating at the maximum frequency. The energy efficiency on GAP-8 is 14.1 7 higher than STM32L4 and 39.5 7 higher than STM32H7, at the maximum efficiency operating point. This article is part of the theme issue \u2018Harmonizing energy-autonomous computing and intelligence\u2019

    CMix-NN: Mixed Low-Precision CNN Library for Memory-Constrained Edge Devices

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    Low-precision integer arithmetic is a necessary ingredient for enabling Deep Learning inference on tiny and resource-constrained IoT edge devices. This brief presents CMix-NN, a flexible open-sourceCMix-NN is available at https://github.com/EEESlab/CMix-NN. mixed low-precision (independent tensors quantization of weight and activations at 8, 4, 2 bits) inference library for low bitwidth Quantized Networks. CMix-NN efficiently supports both Per-Layer and Per-Channel quantization strategies of weights and activations. Thanks to CMix-NN, we deploy on an STM32H7 microcontroller a set of Mobilenet family networks with the largest input resolutions ( 224 imes 224 ) and higher accuracies (up to 68% Top1) when compressed with a mixed low precision technique, achieving up to +8% accuracy improvement concerning any other published solution for MCU devices

    CMix-NN: Mixed Low-Precision CNN Library for Memory-Constrained Edge Devices

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    Low-precision integer arithmetic is a necessary ingredient for enabling Deep Learning inference on tiny and resource-constrained IoT edge devices. This brief presents CMix-NN, a flexible open-sourceCMix-NN is available at https://github.com/EEESlab/CMix-NN. mixed low-precision (independent tensors quantization of weight and activations at 8, 4, 2 bits) inference library for low bitwidth Quantized Networks. CMix-NN efficiently supports both Per-Layer and Per-Channel quantization strategies of weights and activations. Thanks to CMix-NN, we deploy on an STM32H7 microcontroller a set of Mobilenet family networks with the largest input resolutions ( 224 imes 224 ) and higher accuracies (up to 68% Top1) when compressed with a mixed low precision technique, achieving up to +8% accuracy improvement concerning any other published solution for MCU devices

    PULP-TrainLib: Enabling On-Device Training for RISC-V Multi-core MCUs Through Performance-Driven Autotuning

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    An open challenge in making Internet-of-Things sensor nodes "smart'' and self-adaptive is to enable on-chip Deep Neural Network (DNN) training on Ultra-Low-Power (ULP) microcontroller units (MCUs). To this aim, we present a framework, based on PULP-TrainLib, to deploy DNN training tasks on RISC-V-based Parallel-ULP (PULP) MCUs. PULP-TrainLib is a library of parallel software DNN primitives enabling the execution of forward and backward steps on PULP MCUs. To optimize PULP-TrainLib's kernels, we propose a strategy to automatically select and configure (autotune) the fastest among a set of tiling options and optimized floating-point matrix multiplication kernels, according to the tensor shapes of every DNN layer. Results on an 8-core RISC-V MCU show that our auto-tuned primitives improve MAC/clk by up to 2.4x compared to "one-size-fits-all'' matrix multiplication, achieving up to 4.39 MAC/clk - 36.6x better than a commercial STM32L4 MCU executing the same DNN layer training workload. Furthermore, our strategy proves to be 30.7x faster than AIfES, a state-of-the-art training library for MCUs, while training a complete TinyML model

    BrightNet: A Deep CNN for OLED-Based Point of Care Immunofluorescent Diagnostic Systems

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    An automatic tool, targeting low-cost, low-power, point-of-care embedded system, is proposed for fluorescence diagnostic imaging. This allows for a quick and accurate diagnosis even when used by nonexpert operators. To achieve this goal, an embedded system has been equipped with an end-to-end deep-learning algorithm that does not require manual parameter tuning to perform a diagnosis. The proposed deep convolutional model, named BrightNet, is based on a single-shot detector neural network, modified to estimate the brightness of the detected fluorescent spots in a low-density protein or DNA microarray and finalize the diagnosis. Several optimization steps are presented to compress the inference model size, which is required for the deployment into a portable resource-constrained device. The resulting inference time is about 66 [ms] on an i7 3770K desktop CPU and is estimated to be lower than 5 [s] on an ARM-Cortex M7 considering 1.1 7 109 multiply-accumulate operations. BrightNet has been successfully validated for the detection and discrimination of four different serotypes of the dengue virus in a set of human samples as well as for the diagnosis of West Nile virus in horse sera. When evaluated on the considered diagnostic tasks, BrightNet provides better average accuracy than a state-of-the-art variational approach that requires operator intervention, with significant additional advantages of complete automation and quicker diagnosis

    A TinyML Platform for On-Device Continual Learning with Quantized Latent Replays

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    In the last few years, research and development on Deep Learning models & techniques for ultra-low-power devices- in a word, TinyML - has mainly focused on a train-then-deploy assumption, with static models that cannot be adapted to newly collected data without cloud-based data collection and fine-tuning. Latent Replay-based Continual Learning (CL) techniques (Pellegrini et al., 2020) enable online, serverless adaptation in principle, but so far they have still been too computation- and memory-hungry for ultra-low-power TinyML devices, which are typically based on microcontrollers. In this work, we introduce a HW/SW platform for end-to-end CL based on a 10-core FP32 -enabled parallel ultra-low-power (PULP) processor. We rethink the baseline Latent Replay CL algorithm, leveraging quantization of the frozen stage of the model and Latent Replays (LRs) to reduce their memory cost with minimal impact on accuracy. In particular, 8-bit compression of the LR memory proves to be almost lossless (-0.26% with 3000LR) compared to the full-precision baseline implementation, but requires 4times less memory, while 7-bit can also be used with an additional minimal accuracy degradation (up to 5%). We also introduce optimized primitives for forward and backward propagation on the PULP processor, together with data tiling strategies to fully exploit its memory hierarchy, while maximizing efficiency. Our results show that by combining these techniques, continual learning can be achieved in practice using less than 64MB of memory - an amount compatible with embedding in TinyML devices. On an advanced 22nm prototype of our platform, called VEGA, the proposed solution performs on average 65 times faster than a low-power STM32 L4 microcontroller, being 37times more energy efficient - enough for a lifetime of 535h when learning a new mini-batch of data once every minute