2 research outputs found

    Efecto en el 铆ndice de cicatrizaci贸n de la realizaci贸n de nanofracturas en la huella 贸sea de reparaci贸n de roturas del tend贸n supraespinoso del hombro

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    El dolor de hombro es la tercera causa de dolor musculoesquel茅tico en Espa帽a, siendo la rotura de los tendones del manguito rotador el principal motivo de disfunci贸n del hombro y, posiblemente, la patolog铆a tendinosa humana m谩s frecuente. Afecta al 25 % de la poblaci贸n por encima de los 60 a帽os, alcanzando cifras del 50 % en torno a los 80 a帽os. El manejo terap茅utico conservador de las roturas degenerativas del manguito rotador debe ser, casi siempre, la primera opci贸n, pues hasta un 75 % de los pacientes mejoran sus niveles de dolor a los 2 a帽os de seguimiento con un programa de ejercicios de estiramiento y fortalecimiento asociado a la modificaci贸n de su actividad laboral y/o recreacional y a la toma de f谩rmacos antiinflamatorios. Cuando fracasa el tratamiento conservador, est谩 indicada la reparaci贸n quir煤rgica. Durante las dos 煤ltimas d茅cadas, la reparaci贸n de los tendones del manguito rotador por v铆a artrosc贸pica se ha consolidado como alternativa eficaz y reproducible a la t茅cnica abierta. No obstante, hasta un 40 % de las reparaciones tendinosas no consiguen la curaci贸n del tend贸n al hueso. Adem谩s, la tasa de tendones que vuelven a romperse (re-roturas) tras el tratamiento quir煤rgico supera el 20 % en diversas series. Por ello, vienen estudi谩ndose en los 煤ltimos a帽os aquellos factores que puedan influir en el proceso de cicatrizaci贸n del tend贸n afecto, como la realizaci贸n de nanofracturas (u orificios a nivel humeral proximal, de 1 mm de di谩metro y 9 mm de profundidad) durante la reparaci贸n quir煤rgico que hemos demostrado mediante este trabajo que mejoran la tasa de curaci贸n tendinosa

    Footprint preparation with nanofractures in a supraspinatus repair cuts in half the retear rate at 1-year follow-up. A randomized controlled trial

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    Purpose: To evaluate if adding nanofractures to the footprint of a supraspinatus tear repair would have any effect in the outcomes at one-year follow-up. Methods: Multicentric, triple-blinded, randomized trial with 12-months follow-up. Subjects with isolated symptomatic reparable supraspinatus tears smaller than 3 cm and without grade 4 fatty infiltration were included. These were randomized to two groups: In the Control group an arthroscopic supraspinatus repair was performed; in the Nanofracture group the footprint was additionally prepared with nanofractures (1 mm wide, 9 mm deep microfractures). Clinical evaluation was done with Constant score, EQ-5D-3L, and Brief Pain Inventory. The primary outcome was the retear rate in MRI at 12-months follow-up. Secondary outcomes were: characteristics of the retear (at the footprint or at the musculotendinous junction) and clinical outcomes. Results: Seventy-one subjects were randomized. Two were lost to follow-up, leaving 69 participants available for assessment at 12-months follow-up (33 in the Control group and 36 in the Nanofracture Group). The Nanofracture group had lower retear rates than the Control group (7/36 [19.4%] vs 14/33 [42.4%], differences significant, p = 0.038). Retear rates at the musculotendinous junction were similar but the Nanofracture group had better tendon healing rates to the bone (34/36 [94.4%] vs. 24/33 [66.71%], p = 0.014). Clinically both groups had significant improvements, but no differences were found between groups. Conclusion: Adding nanofractures at the footprint during an isolated supraspinatus repair lowers in half the retear rate at 12-months follow-up. This is due to improved healing at the footprint