1,932 research outputs found

    What to learn from dilepton transverse momentum spectra in heavy-ion collisions?

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    Recently the NA60 collaboration has presented high precision measurements of dimuon spectra double differential in invariant mass MM and transverse pair momentum pTp_T in In-In collisions at 158AGeV158 {\rm AGeV}. While the MM-dependence is important for an understanding of in-medium changes of light vector mesons and is pTp_T integrated insensitive to collective expansion, the pTp_T-dependence arises from an interplay between emission temperature and collective transverse flow. This fact can be exploited to derive constraints on the evolution model and in particular on the contributions of different phases of the evolution to dimuon radiation into a given MM window. We present arguments that a thermalized evolution phase with T>170MeVT > 170 {\rm MeV} leaves its imprint on the spectra.Comment: Contributed to 19th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2006 (QM 2006), Shanghai, China, 14- 20 Nov 200

    Bayesian Analysis for Penalized Spline Regression Using WinBUGS

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    Penalized splines can be viewed as BLUPs in a mixed model framework, which allows the use of mixed model software for smoothing. Thus, software originally developed for Bayesian analysis of mixed models can be used for penalized spline regression. Bayesian inference for nonparametric models enjoys the flexibility of nonparametric models and the exact inference provided by the Bayesian inferential machinery. This paper provides a simple, yet comprehensive, set of programs for the implementation of nonparametric Bayesian analysis in WinBUGS. Good mixing properties of the MCMC chains are obtained by using low-rank thin-plate splines, while simulation times per iteration are reduced employing WinBUGS specific computational tricks.

    Tuning the Level of Concurrency in Software Transactional Memory: An Overview of Recent Analytical, Machine Learning and Mixed Approaches

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    Synchronization transparency offered by Software Transactional Memory (STM) must not come at the expense of run-time efficiency, thus demanding from the STM-designer the inclusion of mechanisms properly oriented to performance and other quality indexes. Particularly, one core issue to cope with in STM is related to exploiting parallelism while also avoiding thrashing phenomena due to excessive transaction rollbacks, caused by excessively high levels of contention on logical resources, namely concurrently accessed data portions. A means to address run-time efficiency consists in dynamically determining the best-suited level of concurrency (number of threads) to be employed for running the application (or specific application phases) on top of the STM layer. For too low levels of concurrency, parallelism can be hampered. Conversely, over-dimensioning the concurrency level may give rise to the aforementioned thrashing phenomena caused by excessive data contention—an aspect which has reflections also on the side of reduced energy-efficiency. In this chapter we overview a set of recent techniques aimed at building “application-specific” performance models that can be exploited to dynamically tune the level of concurrency to the best-suited value. Although they share some base concepts while modeling the system performance vs the degree of concurrency, these techniques rely on disparate methods, such as machine learning or analytic methods (or combinations of the two), and achieve different tradeoffs in terms of the relation between the precision of the performance model and the latency for model instantiation. Implications of the different tradeoffs in real-life scenarios are also discussed

    Multiple regions of TBP participate in the response to transcriptional activators in vivo

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    We used mutant yeast and human TBP molecules with an altered DNA-binding specificity to examine the role of TBP in transcriptional activation in vivo. We show that yeast TBP is functionally equivalent to human TBP for response to numerous transcriptional activators in human cells, including those that do not function in yeast. Despite the extensive conservation of TBP, its ability to respond to transcriptional activators in vivo is curiously resistant to clustered sets of alanine substitution mutations in different regions of the protein, including those that disrupt DNA binding and basal transcription in vitro. Combined sets of these mutations, however, can attenuate the in vivo activity of TBP and can differentially affect response to different activation domains. Although the activity of TBP mutants in vivo did not correlate with DNA binding or basal transcription in vitro, it did correlate with binding in vitro to the largest subunit of TFIID, hTAFII250. Together, these data suggest that TBP utilizes multiple interactions across its surface to respond to RNA polymerase II transcriptional activators in vivo; some of these interactions appear to involve recruitment of TBP into TFIID, whereas others are involved in response to specific types of transcriptional activators

    Interpretation of Recent SPS Dilepton Data

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    We summarize our current theoretical understanding of in-medium properties of the electromagnetic current correlator in view of recent dimuon data from the NA60 experiment in In(158 AGeV)-In collisions at the CERN-SPS. We discuss the sensitivity of the results to space-time evolution models for the hot and dense partonic and hadronic medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and the contributions from different sources to the dilepton-excess spectra.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2006) v2: references added, minor typos correcte

    GGNN: Graph-based GPU Nearest Neighbor Search

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    Approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search in high dimensions is an integral part of several computer vision systems and gains importance in deep learning with explicit memory representations. Since PQT and FAISS started to leverage the massive parallelism offered by GPUs, GPU-based implementations are a crucial resource for today's state-of-the-art ANN methods. While most of these methods allow for faster queries, less emphasis is devoted to accelerate the construction of the underlying index structures. In this paper, we propose a novel search structure based on nearest neighbor graphs and information propagation on graphs. Our method is designed to take advantage of GPU architectures to accelerate the hierarchical building of the index structure and for performing the query. Empirical evaluation shows that GGNN significantly surpasses the state-of-the-art GPU- and CPU-based systems in terms of build-time, accuracy and search speed

    Semiparametric Regression During 2003–2007

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    Semiparametric regression is a fusion between parametric regression and nonparametric regression and the title of a book that we published on the topic in early 2003. We review developments in the field during the five year period since the book was written. We find semiparametric regression to be a vibrant field with substantial involvement and activity, continual enhancement and widespread application

    Extraction of coherent structures in a rotating turbulent flow experiment

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    The discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) are used to extract and study the dynamics of coherent structures in a turbulent rotating fluid. Three-dimensional (3D) turbulence is generated by strong pumping through tubes at the bottom of a rotating tank (48.4 cm high, 39.4 cm diameter). This flow evolves toward two-dimensional (2D) turbulence with increasing height in the tank. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements on the quasi-2D flow reveal many long-lived coherent vortices with a wide range of sizes. The vorticity fields exhibit vortex birth, merger, scattering, and destruction. We separate the flow into a low-entropy ``coherent'' and a high-entropy ``incoherent'' component by thresholding the coefficients of the DWPT and DWT of the vorticity fields. Similar thresholdings using the Fourier transform and JPEG compression together with the Okubo-Weiss criterion are also tested for comparison. We find that the DWPT and DWT yield similar results and are much more efficient at representing the total flow than a Fourier-based method. Only about 3% of the large-amplitude coefficients of the DWPT and DWT are necessary to represent the coherent component and preserve the vorticity probability density function, transport properties, and spatial and temporal correlations. The remaining small amplitude coefficients represent the incoherent component, which has near Gaussian vorticity PDF, contains no coherent structures, rapidly loses correlation in time, and does not contribute significantly to the transport properties of the flow. This suggests that one can describe and simulate such turbulent flow using a relatively small number of wavelet or wavelet packet modes.Comment: experimental work aprox 17 pages, 11 figures, accepted to appear in PRE, last few figures appear at the end. clarifications, added references, fixed typo
