12 research outputs found

    Connectivity of Actors and Diffusion of Ideas in HR Systems Configuration Process in Multinational Subsidiaries in Indonesia

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    Human Resource (HR) literature tends to overlook the process of HR systems configuration. Researching the process, this article particularly examines the phenomenon of connectivity and the diffusion of ideas among HR actors and other actors outside companies. Three case studies of multinational subsidiaries in Indonesia were conducted. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and corporate documents and were analyzed using a modified-grounded approach. The findings show similarities among elements of HR systems across the cases, showing connectivity of ideas and actors in the configuration process. The ideas constituting the HR systems within each company were adopted through a variety of channels of diffusion. This article proposes a typology of connectivity of actors that enables the diffusion and adoption of ideas across companies

    Who Kill Them? Menjelaskan Fenomena Karyawan Deadwood dari Perspektif Atasan

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     ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian – penting memahami fenomena karyawan bermasalah mengingat dampak yang dapat diakibatkannya pada kinerja perusahaan. Penelitian ini khususnya berkaitan dengan satu bentuk khusus dari karyawan bermasalah, yakni karyawan deadwood. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami sebab, proses, dan dampak dari terbentuknya karyawan deadwood agar dapat dikelola dengan lebih baik. Desain/Metodologi/Pendekatan – Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif eksploratif, dilakukan di PrintingCo dan PropertyCo. Penelitian ini menggunakan kacamata atasan dalam memahami fenomena karyawan deadwood. Temuan – Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepribadian karyawan merupakan faktor utama yang menentukan karyawan menjadi deadwood. Keterbatasan penelitian – Penilaian yang tampak cenderung kualitatif, perlu untuk dilihat secara lebih mendalam dan terukur lagi, apakah karyawan yang dinilai deadwood benar- benar telah melampaui batas dari penilaian standar kinerja Originality/value –Penelitian ini mengonfirmasi pandangan teoritis yang telah dengan pandangan di tingkat empiris, bahwa karyawan yang dikatakan sebagai deadwood adalah karyawan yang memiliki masalah kinerja yang rendah dan terjadi berulang kali. Keywords : Karyawan deadwood, kinerja, penelitian kualitatif, kacamata atasan


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    Tourism is a potential economic sector that contributes to more sustainable economic growth. Not only focusing on economic growth, tourism has also been proven in improving livelihoods as well as increasing benefits for local communities. Tourism can however be a field of rivalry or tension in the society. This article aims to analyse rivalry and clash happen among tourism actors and other elements of the society in Kinahrejo, also with government, which is caused by the growth of tourism in Kinahrejo. Emerging dark tourism in Kinahrejo has stimulated the growth of relevant businesses. However,the growth of tourism has also led to competition and friction in the management of local resources. This study looks at three forms of friction that occur in the management of Kinahrejo tourism assets. First, friction between the tourism actors in Kinahrejo caused by the desire to control the tourism resources. Second, friction between tourism business and stone sand mining business, caused by the lucrative offer of income. Third, friction with the government related to the relocation policy of the people of kinahrejo to a safer place and avoid the eruption of Mount Merapi. Completion of friction is done by optimizing the role of the community association in facilitating relationships between the various groups involved in tensions

    Actors, institutional change and stability in the Indonesian industrial relations system

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    This paper aims to analyse institutional changes in the Indonesian industrial relations system. Although mainly focuses on the labour reforms in the Post-Soeharto era, this paper extends the time line to incorporate changes in the Old and New Order periods in analysing change and stability. In addition to the portrait of the institutional changes, this paper also analyses the roles of different actors in the periods of change. While acknowledging some significant changes in the institutional logics, the paper also discovers the evidence of institutional stability across times and periods of Indonesian government. It concludes the current changes in the Indonesian IR context has resulted in some unexpected results. This case demonstrates that there is a mismatch of different institutional elements within the Indonesian IR system that impedes successful changes.15 page(s

    Institutional change, continuity and decoupling in the Indonesian industrial relations system

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    This article analyzes long run change and continuity within the Indonesian industrial relations (IR) system. Although focused more on labour reform in the post-Soeharto era, the analysis also extends the time line backwards to review key aspects of the Old and New Order periods so as to provide perspective for more recent developments. The article employs institutional theory in the analysis and highlights the roles of different actors during different periods of change. Data was collected through narrative interviews with relevant IR actors and taken from a range of secondary sources. While acknowledging profound changes in the logics and structures of Indonesian IR, the analysis also reveals evidence of institutional continuity across time. The article concludes that recent reforms have produced several negative outcomes for both workers and the labour movement, and have focused more on overt structural elements but less on cultural-cognitive and normative elements that determine behaviour within the new structures.18 page(s

    Actors amidst pressures : the configuration of HR systems within a multinational context

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    This paper focuses on the process of configuring human resource (HR) systems within multinational companies. It is argued that the process involves two major sources of complexity which stem from the HR systems and the multinational context. Three different theoretical stances, the rational choice, institutional, and actor perspectives are used to develop a theoretical standpoint of the process of configuration. It is suggested that a blended approach is necessary to allow a full conceptualization of the dynamic interactions of actors and their context which include different pressures and logics.14 page(s

    How to Find the Right Partner? Open Innovation Partner Selection Process

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    The aim of this paper is to gain an understanding of the partner selection process for open innovation. The inability to choose partners can lead to problems such as opportunistic behavior, the failure of open innovation, and a reluctance to collaborate. Therefore, partner selection is crucial in open innovation. Attention is directed to the determining factors that must be considered in the selection of a partner. The contents of the paper are mainly based on in-depth interviews with experts and practitioners who represent both organizations and individuals as actors in open innovation activities. The results show that complementarity, compatibility, and trust are important considerations in selecting the right partner. The implication of this research is that a managerial approach is needed that supports the company’s ability to find and evaluate external sources of knowledge to support innovation. The originality of this article is to provide an understanding that the existence of an organization in a network helps organizations access external knowledge resources. Involving external parties in the company’s innovation process accelerates innovation. In this case, getting the right partner is very important