7 research outputs found

    Valoraci贸n de las competencias de los profesionales con maestr铆a que demandan las escuelas de administraci贸n de empresas en las universidades m谩s representativas del departamento de Lambayeque seg煤n el modelo UNED, 2015

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    El concepto de competencias se sigue implementando cada vez m谩s en el 谩mbito laboral a nivel mundial, haciendo que las empresas requieran de colaboradores competentes, los cuales les permita tener mayor efectividad en las actividades profesionales que desempe帽en. La presente investigaci贸n busc贸 determinar la valoraci贸n de las competencias de los profesionales con maestr铆a que demandan las escuelas de administraci贸n de empresas en las universidades m谩s representativas del departamento de Lambayeque, tomando como referencia el modelo UNED. La metodolog铆a que se utiliz贸 para la valoraci贸n de dichas competencias radic贸 en la aplicaci贸n directa de encuestas y entrevistas a los encargados de la selecci贸n y reclutamiento de personal de las universidades m谩s representativas del departamento de Lambayeque, lo cual permiti贸, conseguir informaci贸n acerca de las exigencias en cuanto al perfil esperado que los profesionales con maestr铆a deben tener para desempe帽ar de manera eficiente los desaf铆os que se les presentar谩n al instante de iniciar su vida laboral en dichas entidades. Con la culminaci贸n de este estudio se pudo determinar que las competencias m谩s valoradas fueron la capacidad para tomar decisiones y para resolver conflictos, lo cual no deja de lado que los profesionales son conscientes de la necesidad de formarse en valores como la 茅tica, la responsabilidad y el respeto hacia los dem谩s fomentando as铆 actitudes como el aprendizaje continuo y la pro actividad.Tesi

    Forest plot comparing the Gn dosage per woman randomized between the GnRH-ant group and the GnRH-a long-protocol group.

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    <p>Forest plot comparing the Gn dosage per woman randomized between the GnRH-ant group and the GnRH-a long-protocol group.</p

    Forest plot comparing the clinical pregnancy rate per woman randomized between the GnRH-ant group and the GnRH-a long-protocol group.

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    <p>Forest plot comparing the clinical pregnancy rate per woman randomized between the GnRH-ant group and the GnRH-a long-protocol group.</p

    Forest plot comparing the incidence of OHSS per woman randomized between the GnRH-ant group and the GnRH-a long-protocol group.

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    <p>Forest plot comparing the incidence of OHSS per woman randomized between the GnRH-ant group and the GnRH-a long-protocol group.</p

    Literature screening flow diagram.

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    <p><i>From</i>: Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, The PRISMA Group (2009). <i>P</i>referred <i>R</i>eporting <i>I</i>tems for <i>S</i>ystemetic Reviews and <i>M</i>eta-<i>A</i>nalyses: The PRISMA Statement. PLoS Med 6(7): e1000097. doi:<a href="https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed1000097" target="_blank">10.1371/journal.pmed1000097</a>.<b> For more information, visit <a href="http://www.prisma-statement.org" target="_blank">www.prisma-statement.org</a></b>.</p

    Artificial Peroxidase/Oxidase Multiple Enzyme System Based on Supramolecular Hydrogel and Its Application as a Biocatalyst for Cascade Reactions

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    Inspired by delicate structures and multiple functions of natural multiple enzyme architectures such as peroxisomes, we constructed an artificial multiple enzyme system by coencapsulation of glucose oxidases (GOx) and artificial peroxidases in a supramolecular hydrogel. The artificial peroxidase was a functional complex micelle, which was prepared by the self-assembly of diblock copolymer and hemin. Compared with catalase or horseradish peroxidase (HRP), the functional micelle exhibited comparable activity and better stability, which provided more advantages in constructing a multienzyme with a proper oxidase. The hydrogel containing the two catalytic centers was further used as a catalyst for green oxidation of glucose, which was a typical cascade reaction. Glucose was oxidized by oxygen (O<sub>2</sub>) via the GOx-mediated reaction, producing toxic intermediate hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>). The produced H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> further oxidized peroxidase substrates catalyzed by hemin-micelles. By regulating the diffusion modes of the enzymes and substrates, the artificial multienzyme based on hydrogel could successfully activate the cascade reaction, which the soluble enzyme mixture could not achieve. The hydrogel, just like a protective covering, protected oxidases and micelles from inactivation via toxic intermediates and environmental changes. The artificial multienzyme could efficiently achieve the oxidation task along with effectively eliminating the toxic intermediates. In this way, this system possesses great potentials for glucose detection and green oxidation of a series of substrates related to biological processes