16 research outputs found

    A filtered no arbitrage model for term structures from noisy data

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    We consider an affine term structure model of interest rates, where the factors satisfy a linear diffusion equation. We assume that the information available to an agent comes from observing the yields of a finite number of traded bonds and that this information is not sufficient to reconstruct exactly the factors. We derive a method to obtain arbitrage-free prices of illiquid or non traded bonds that are compatible with the available incomplete information. The method is based on an application of the Kalman filter for linear Gaussian systems

    A Filtered No Arbitrage Model for the Term Structures from Noisy Data

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    We consider the problem of pricing in financial markets when agents do not have access to full information. The particular problem concerns the pricing of non traded or illiquid bonds on the basis of the observations of the yields of traded zero-coupon bonds

    A filtered no arbitrage model for term structures from noisy data

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    We consider an affine term structure model of interest rates, where the factors satisfy a linear diffusion equation. We assume that the information available to an agent comes from observing the yields of a finite number of traded bonds and that this information is not sufficient to reconstruct exactly the factors. We derive a method to obtain arbitrage-free prices of illiquid or non traded bonds that are compatible with the available incomplete information. The method is based on an application of the Kalman filter for linear Gaussian systems. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The volatility of the instantaneous spot interest rate implied by arbitrage pricing - A dynamic Bayesian approach

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    This paper considers the estimation of the volatility of the instantaneous short interest rate from a new perspective. Rather than using discretely compounded market rates as a proxy for the instantaneous short rate of interest, we derive a relationship between observed LIBOR rates and certain unobserved instantaneous forward rates. We determine the stochastic dynamics for these rates under the risk-neutral measure and propose a filtering estimation algorithm for a time-discretised version of the resulting interest rate dynamics based on dynamic Bayesian updating in order to estimate the volatility function. Our time discretisation can be justified by the fact that data are observed discretely in time. The method is applied to US Treasury rates of various maturities to compute a (posterior) distribution for the parameters of the volatility specification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A filtered no arbitrage model for term structures from noisy data

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    We consider an affine term structure model of interest rates, where the factors satisfy a linear diffusion equation. We assume that the information available to an agent comes from observing the yields of a finite number of traded bonds and that this information is not sufficient to reconstruct exactly the factors. We derive a method to obtain arbitrage-free prices of illiquid or non traded bonds that are compatible with the available incomplete information. The method is based on an application of the Kalman filter for linear Gaussian systems.Term structure of interest rates Linear estimation Kalman filter