5 research outputs found

    Deep tissue penetration of bottle-brush polymers via cell capture evasion and fast diffusion

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    Drug nanocarriers (NCs) capable of crossing the vascular endothelium and deeply penetrating into dense tissues of the CNS could potentially transform the management of neurological diseases. In the present study, we investigated the interaction of bottle-brush (BB) polymers with different biological barriers in vitro and in vivo and compared it to nanospheres of similar composition. In vitro internalization and permeability assays revealed that BB polymers are not internalized by brain-associated cell lines and translocate much faster across a blood–brain barrier model compared to nanospheres of similar hydrodynamic diameter. These observations performed under static, no-flow conditions were complemented by dynamic assays performed in microvessel arrays on chip and confirmed that BB polymers can escape the vasculature compartment via a paracellular route. BB polymers injected in mice and zebrafish larvae exhibit higher penetration in brain tissues and faster extravasation of microvessels located in the brain compared to nanospheres of similar sizes. The superior diffusivity of BBs in extracellular matrix-like gels combined with their ability to efficiently cross endothelial barriers via a paracellular route position them as promising drug carriers to translocate across the blood–brain barrier and penetrate dense tissue such as the brain, two unmet challenges and ultimate frontiers in nanomedicine

    A New Topical Eye Drop Containing LyeTxI-b, A Synthetic Peptide Designed from A <i>Lycosa erithrognata</i> Venom Toxin, Was Effective to Treat Resistant Bacterial Keratitis

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    Bacterial keratitis is an ocular infection that can lead to severe visual disability. Staphylococcus aureus is a major pathogen of the eye. We recently demonstrated the strong antimicrobial activity of LyeTxI-b, a synthetic peptide derived from a Lycosa erithrognatha toxin. Herein, we evaluated a topical formulation (eye drops) containing LyeTxI-b to treat resistant bacterial keratitis. Keratitis was induced with intrastromal injection of 4 &#215; 105 cells (4 &#181;L) in New Zealand female white rabbits. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and biofilm viability were determined. LyeTxI-b ocular toxicity was evaluated through chorioallantoic membrane and Draize tests. One drop of the formulation (LyeTxI-b 28.9 &#181;mol/L +0.5% CMC in 0.9% NaCl) was instilled into each eye four times a day, for a week. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy analysis, corneal histopathological studies and cellular infiltrate quantification through myeloperoxidase (MPO) and N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) detection were performed. LyeTxI-b was very effective in the treatment of keratitis, with no signs of ocular toxicity. Planktonic bacteria MIC was 3.6 &#181;mol/L and LyeTxI-b treatment reduced biofilm viability in 90%. LyeTxI-b eliminated bacteria and reduced inflammatory cellular activity in the eyes. Healthy and treated animals showed similar NAG and MPO levels. LyeTxI-b is a potent new drug to treat resistant bacterial keratitis, showing effective antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity