45 research outputs found

    Prikaz DESIGN procedure za edukaciju “Užina za 5!” namijenjene adolescentima

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    Educiranje adolescenata o pravilnoj prehrani temelj je za stvaranje pravilnih prehrambenih navika i njihovo zadržavanje u odrasloj dobi. Osmišljavanje i provođenje edukacijskih programa zahtijeva financijske i ljudske resurse kao i vrijeme. Zbog toga su edukatori neprestano u potrazi za provjerenim sustavnim procedurama i metodama ne bi li povećali učinkovitost edukacijskih programa. Jedna od njih je DESIGN procedura edukacije u nutricionizmu prema kojoj je za što uspješniju edukaciju važno provesti šest koraka – od identifikacije problema ciljane skupine i specifičnog ponašanja na kojega treba utjecati, preko istraživanja determinanti koje utječu na specifično ponašanje, pravilnog odabira i primjene teorija za promjenu ponašanja, definiranja općih edukacijskih ciljeva, sve do raspisivanja detaljnih edukacijskih planova i osmišljavanja plana evaluacije. Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati primjenu DESIGN procedure edukacije u nutricionizmu na primjeru razvoja edukacijskog programa „Užina za 5!“ namijenjenog adolescentima

    Utjecaj nasljeđa i okoliša na vršnu koštanu gustoću: pregled istraživanja u Hrvatskoj

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    One of the main determinants of who will develop osteoporosis is the amount of bone accumulated at peak bone density. There is poor agreement, however, on when peak bone density occurs. Ethnic differences were observed in age at peak bone density and their correlates. Since the diagnosis of osteoporosis and osteopaenia is based on the comparison between patients’ bone mineral density (BMD) and optimal peak bone density in healthy young people (T-score), it is of great importance that each country should provide its own reference peak bone density data. This review article presents our published results on peak bone density in Croatia and compares them with findings in other populations. Our research included 18 to 25-year-old students from Zagreb University and their parents. The results showed that peak bone mass in young Croatian women was achieved before the age of twenty, but BMD continued to increase after the mid-twenties in the long-bone cortical skeleton. BMD was comparable to the values reported by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and other studies that included the same age groups, except for the cortical part of the radius, where it was signifi cantly lower. Men achieved peak bone density in the spine later than women, which cannot be explained by different diet or physical activity. As expected, heredity was more important for peak bone density than the environmental factors known to be important for bone health. However, the infl uence of heredity was not as strong as observed in most other populations. It was also weaker in the cortical than in the trabecular parts of the skeleton. Future research should include young adolescent population to defi ne the exact age of achieving peak bone density in different skeletal sites.Vršna koštana gustoća je jedna od najvažnijih pretpostavki za nastanak osteoporoze. Poznati su rizični faktori za vršnu koštanu gustoću, ali vrijeme njezinog postizanja nije u potpunosti defi nirano. S obzirom na to da se dijagnoza osteoporoze i osteopenije temelji na usporedbi mineralne gustoće kosti (BMD) pojedinca s prosječnom vršnom koštanom gustoćom u mladoj, odrasloj populaciji (T vrijednost), vrlo je značajno da svaka zemlja utvrdi vrijednosti vršne koštane gustoće za svoju populaciju. U ovom smo radu prikazali naša istraživanja i objavljene rezultate o vršnoj koštanoj gustoći u hrvatskoj populaciji i usporedili rezultate s drugim istraživanjima u svijetu. Naše je istraživanje obuhvatilo studentsku populaciju u dobi od 18 do 25 godina i njihove roditelje. Rezultati su pokazali da se u našoj populaciji vršna koštana gustoća postiže prije 20. godine na trabekularnoj kosti, a na kortikalnom dijelu skeleta nakon 25. godine života. Vrijednosti vršne koštane gustoće u našoj populaciji slične su onima iz studije National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), kao i iz ostalih studija koje su obuhvatile istu dobnu skupinu, osim na kortikalnom dijelu skeleta, gdje su u našoj populaciji nađene značajno niže vrijednosti. Kasnije postizanje vršne koštane gustoće u muškaraca nego u žena bilo je najizraženije na kralježnici, što se nije moglo objasniti različitim prehrambenim navikama i razinom tjelesne aktivnosti među spolovima. Nasljeđe je imalo veći utjecaj na koštanu gustoću od okolišnih faktora, ali taj utjecaj nije bio toliko značajan kao u većini drugih istraživanja. Utjecaj nasljeđa na vršnu koštanu gustoću bio je manji na kortikalnom nego na trabekularnom dijelu skeleta. Bilo bi važno proširiti istraživanje na mladu adolescentnu populaciju i tako točnije defi nirati vrijeme postizanja vršne koštane gustoće na pojedinim dijelovima skeleta

    Consumption of ultra-processed foods does not affect neuromuscular and cardiovascular fitness but alters gut microbiota in elite basketball players

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    To enhance recovery, athletes often consume ready-to-eat foods, specialized sports foods and/or supplements that belong to the group of ultra-processed foods (UPFs), which may affect their health. The aim of this study was to estimate consumption of UPFs in basketball players and to determine whether there is a difference in anthropometric characteristics, neuromuscular and cardiovascular fitness and microbiota composition between players in relation to the proportion of daily energy from processed foods. The study involved 17 elite male basketball players (>18 years) from Croatia during the competitive season. After cluster analysis of daily energy contribution from NOVA food groups, 35% of players were clustered into higher UPFs consumption group. No differences in anthropometric characteristics, neuromuscular and cardiovascular fitness were observed between players who consumed more UPFs and those who consumed less UPFs. Players with higher consumption of UPFs had lower abundance of the order Veillonellales-Selenomonadales in their respective microbiotas, more precisely, of family Veillonellaceae (p = 0.040) and the genus Agathobacter (p = 0.025). These results suggest that the consumption of UPFs did not affect athletes’ performance but does impact their gut microbiota. Further studies on this issue are warranted to establish nutritional guidelines for athletes regarding the consumption of UPFs

    Motivations Associated with Food Choices among Adults from Urban Setting

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    Motivation for food choices is one of the most important determinant of eating behavior, because it comes from within the person. The aim of this study was to observe food choice motivations and estimate differences in demographic and health characteristics towards food choice motives in the adult population (n = 675; 54% women, ≥18 years) from urban setting. Food choice motivations were assessed using an online questionnaire validated by the EATMOT project. Using K-Means cluster analysis, participants were divided into two clusters of six motivational categories for food choices. Regarding the most and least important motivations, participants in cluster 1 chose food based on emotional motivations, and in cluster 2, they chose based on environmental and political motivations. In addition, younger and obese individuals had more pronounced emotional motivations. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the need to address emotional motivations for healthier food choices among overweight and young people. In addition, the prevalence of health motivations and growing awareness of sustainability indicate a willingness to take actions that benefit personal health and the environment. Apart from providing education, it is society’s responsibility to create an environment that promotes the implementation of acquired knowledge and changes in dietary habits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How the number and type of primary school meals affect food variety and dietary diversity?

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    School meals should encourage a varied and diverse diet, since children may eat up to three meals at school per day. The aim of this study was to assess food variety and dietary diversity among primary school children regarding the number and type of school meals. Dietary records for three non-consecutive days were used to estimate the food variety score (FVS) and dietary diversity score (DDS) of 195 children (52.3% boys) aged 8-9 years from schools in the city of Zagreb. For analysis, children were divided into 5 groups according to the number and type of school meals consumed: non-consumers (23.1%), breakfast consumers (30.3%), lunch consumers (5.6%), breakfast and lunch consumers (13.3%), and breakfast, lunch and snack consumers (27.7%). The children had an average FVS of 14.3 (12.6 - 16.7) and DDS of 5.7 (5.0 - 6.0). The food group with the highest frequency of consumption was starchy staple (99.9% of children), while legumes, seeds, and nuts were consumed least frequently (15.4%). The number and type of school meals were moderately correlated (r = 0.313, p < 0.001) with FVS and weakly (r = 0.230, p = 0.02) with DDS. In addition, children who ate breakfast and lunch or breakfast, lunch, and snack from school meals had significantly higher FVS (p < 0.001) and DDS (p = 0.027) compared to children who ate fewer school meals or ate no school meal. Children (50%) who ate breakfast, lunch, and snacks from school meals were more likely (p = 0.022) to consume dark green leafy vegetables. The number of school meals may affect the food variety and dietary diversity, with children who eat more school meals having better quality. However, the values obtained by the index suggest that both parents and school food services should provide more varied meals in terms of different foods and food groups

    Vrednovanje niza fotografija kao pomoćnog alata za provođenje dijetetičkih metoda u djece

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    Determining children’s food consumption is challenging and requires dietetic methods that provide adequate specificity for describing, but also for quantifying food intake. To help survey respondents indicate food portion sizes, photograph series can be used, but these must be validated in a nationally representative sample of the population. The aim of the present study was to validate photograph series as a portion size measurement aid during dietary assessment of children in Croatia. This study involved 28 mothers of children aged 3 months to 10 years, who were asked to select one of four photographs in a series that best represented the quantity of food served to them. Of the 21 series tested, 17 were found to be appropriate for assessing food portion sizes. Participants were worst at assessing portion sizes of banana (29.3%), porridge (22.8%), hot dogs (20,3%) and plain yoghurt (19.1%). Further studies are needed to determine why these foods are poorly recognized so that photographs can be modified accordingly and validated.Određivanje unosa hrane kod djece je zahtjevno i traži dijetetičke metode koje će biti prikladno specifične za opisivanje kao i za kvantificiranjeunosa hrane. Niz fotografija može se upotrijebiti kako bi se ispitanicima pomoglo pokazati veličinu porcije hrane, ali tefotografije trebaju biti vrednovane na nacionalno reprezentativnom uzorku stanovništva. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je vrednovatiniz fotografija kao pomoć u mjerenju veličine porcija tijekom prehrambene procjene djece u Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 28majki djece u dobi od 3 mjeseca do 10 godina koje su trebale odabrati jednu od četiri fotografije u nizu koja najbolje odgovarakoličini hrane koja im je poslužena. Od 21 ispitanog niza 17 ih je bilo primjereno za procjenu veličine porcija hrane. Sudionicesu najlošije procijenile veličinu porcije banane (29,3%), kaše (22,8%), hrenovki u tijestu (20,3%) i običnog jogurta (19,1%). Potrebnasu daljnja istraživanja kako bi se utvrdilo zbog čega se ove vrste hrane loše prepoznaju, kako bi se fotografije mogle poboljšati ivrednovati

    The proportion of differently processed foods in the diet of Croatian school-aged children and its impact on daily energy and nutrient intake

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    In countries around the world, a dietary shift is observed in which the consumption of highly processed foods increases over unprocessed or minimally processed foods. The objective of this study was to observe the proportion of processed foods in the diet of school-aged children and to assess how this relates to sex, weight status and school meal consumption. The aim was to assess the impact of processed foods on overall diet quality in terms of ultra-processed foods contribution to total daily energy intake. Dietary intake was observed from dietary records for three non-consecutive days of 168 children (50.6% boys) aged 8.3 ± 0.5 years. All foods and beverages were classified into four groups according to NOVA food classification system. The contribution of each NOVA food group to total daily energy intake was calculated and the mean nutrient intake of children divided into terciles according to total daily energy intake from ultra-processed foods was compared. Anthropometric measurements were performed according to standard protocols, while sex and age z-scores were obtained using AnthroPlus software. Results show that unprocessed or minimally processed foods (38.1% kcal) and ultra-processed foods (38.1% kcal) had the highest proportion of dietary intake. There was no difference in NOVA food groups intake by sex or weight status, while number of school meals may contribute to the intake of processed culinary ingredients. Children who had higher energy intake from ultra-processed foods had lower intake of animal proteins (p=0.009), polyunsaturated fatty acids (p=0.014), vitamin A (p=0.027) and most minerals, but higher intake of carbohydrates (p=0.014) and copper (p=0.014) compared to children with lower energy intake from ultra-processed foods. In conclusion, school-aged children had equal share of energy from unprocessed or minimally processed foods and from ultra-processed foods. Higher share of energy from ultra-process foods may contribute to poor overall nutrition

    Diet Quality in Elderly Nursing Home Residents Evaluated by Diet Quality Index Revised (DQI-R)

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate diet quality in elderly nursing home residents and to point out the critical dietary components. The participants (277 females and 62 males) were recruited from all elderly nursing homes in Zagreb and each of elderly nursing homes was equally represented in this study. The age of subjects was ranging from 61 to 93 years; most of the females (53.4%) and males (53.2%) were between 70 and 80 years old. The dietary data from the multi pass 24-hour recall were used to compute the Diet Quality Index Revised (DQI-R). DQI-R is an instrument that provides a summary assessment of a diet’s overall healthfulness and is based on ten different aspects, including recommendations for both nutrient and food types. Pearson correlation analysis was used to compare the total DQI-R score with dietetic parameters and t-test was calculated between mean values of all the components of DQI-R as well as for total DQI-R score for men and women. The mean DQI-R score for the 339 sample was 62.1±11.7. The biggest number of participants satisfied recommendations about dietary cholesterol intake (88.5 % of participants) and dietary moderation score (71.1% of participants) but nobody satisfied recommendation about dietary diversity score. Only 3.2% of subjects had an adequate calcium intake (6.5% of male participants and only 2.5% of female participants). Recommended servings of fruit intake were satisfied by 19.8% of population, 30.4% satisfied vegetables recommendations and 38.6% recommendations for grains. According to DQI-R, beside positive dietary habits regarding dietary moderation and dietary cholesterol intake the population of elderly nursing home residents in the capital of Croatia needs improvement in other dietary habits in order to enhance successful aging

    Unos proteina u male djece: izvori iz hrane i čimbenici vezani za način života

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    The aims of this study were to determine the intake and sources of total, animal and plant protein in toddlers, as well as difference in protein intake in terms of demographic and anthropometric characteristics and socioeconomic status. The study was conducted on 130 toddlers (49.2% girls and 50.8% boys), mean age 23.5±0.7 months. The parents fulfilled the general questionnaire and 2-day food record. On average, toddlers’ intake was 3.5±0.1 g kg-1 of protein daily, and the overall population exceeded the recommended protein intake. The mean intake of animal and plant proteins was 2.3±0.1 g kg-1 per day and 1.2±0.05 g kg-1 per day, respectively. The group of meat, chicken, fish and eggs (32.1%) was the main contributor to total protein intake, followed by milk and dairy products (28.1%) and potatoes and cereals (15.7%). Differences in protein intake and the animal to plant protein ratio according to sex, infant body mass index, length of exclusive breastfeeding, and age at the time of introduction of solid foods were not statistically significant. A significantly (p=0.012) higher intake of plant protein was observed with increasing socioeconomic status (1.1±0.1 g kg-1 , 1.2±0.1 g kg-1 and 1.6±0.1 g kg-1 , respectively). Protein intake in this sample of toddlers exceeded the recommendation for daily protein intake. Animal protein intake was twice as high as plant protein intake, especially in families of lower socioeconomic statCilj ovog rada je utvrditi unos ukupnih proteina u male djece i proteina s obzirom na podrijetlo te identificirati njihove glavne izvore u ranom djetinjstvu. Cilj je također utvrditi postoji li razlika u unosu proteina s obzirom na demografske i antropometrijske karakteristike te socioekonomski status ispitanika. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 130-ero male djece (49,2% djevojčica i 50,8% dječaka) prosječne dobi od 23,5 ± 0,7 mjeseci. Podatci o ispitanicima su se prikupljali općim upitnikom i dnevnikom prehrane što su ga dva neuzastopna dana vodili roditelji. Djeca unose 3,5 ± 0,1 g/kgTM proteina na dan, a to znači više od preporuka. Pritom unose više proteina životinjskog (2,3 ± 0,1 g/kgTM) podrijetla nego biljnog (1,2 ± 0,05 g/kgTM). Skupina namirnica od mesa, peradi, ribe i jaja (32,1%) pridonosi najvećem unosu proteina, potom od mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda (28,1%) te skupina s krumpirom i žitaricama (15,7%). Razlika u unosu proteina te omjer onih životinjskih naprama biljnih s obzirom na spol, indeks djetetove tjelesne mase, trajanje isključivog dojenja te dobi u trenutku početka dohrane nije se pokazala statistički značajnom. S obzirom na socioekonomski status analizom podataka je zamijećeno da porastom socioekonomskog statusa djeca konzumiraju značajno više (p=0,012) biljnih proteina (1,1 ± 0,1 g/kgTM, 1,2 ± 0,1 g/kgTM, 1,6 ± 0,1 g/kgTM). Unos proteina u ovom uzorku male djece s područja Hrvatske višestruko premašuje važeće preporuke. Unos životinjskih proteina dvostruko je veći od unosa biljnih, što je posebice izraženo u obiteljima nižeg socioekonomskog statusa

    Effectiveness of applying dietary recommendations for energy and fat intake in kindergartens in the city of Zadar over a ten-year period

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    U Hrvatskoj su 2007. godine objavljene preporuke i standard za organizaciju prehrane u predškolskim ustanovama, pri čemu je jedan od ciljeva bio regulacija unosa masti i masnih kiselina. Stoga, cilj ovog rada je bio procijeniti i usporediti energijsku vrijednost i količinu masti i masnih kiselina u obrocima koji se nude u 5 predškolskih ustanova na području grada Zadra, nakon desetgodišnje implementacije novih preporuka i standarda. Ukupno 45 cjelodnevnih jelovnika (4 obroka) prikupljalo se tijekom 2007./2008. i 2018./2019. godine, pri čemu je masa namirnica u normativima izvagana, a sastojci i način pripreme prikupljani su intervjuom s kuhinjskim osobljem. Energijska vrijednost te količina masti i masnih kiselina izračunata je pomoću Američkih i Danskih tablica s kemijskim sastavom hrane i pića. U oba perioda prikupljanja energijska vrijednost jelovnika manja je od dnevnih preporučenih vrijednosti (80-84 %), kao i unosi ukupnih masti i masnih kiselina. Primijećeni je porast vrijednosti ω-6 masnih kiselina u 2018./2019. godini naspram 2007./2008. (3,4 g/dan vs. 4,5 g/dan; p=0,015). Nadalje postoje velike varijacije u količini ukupnih masti i masnih kiselina unutar jelovnika. Skupina meso, perad, riba i jaja (18 %) pridonose najvećem unosu ukupnih masti, potom mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi (14 %) te žitarice i proizvodi, krumpir i riža (11 %). Nije utvrđeno sustavno unaprjeđenje jelovnika te je potrebno identificirati kritične elemente u sustavu zbog kojih je unatoč postojanju preporuka i standarda izostalo unaprjeđenje prehrane.In 2007, the new dietary recommendations for the organization of nutrition in kindergartens were published in Croatia, and one of the most important goals in them was to regulate the intake of fats and fatty acids. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the energy value and the amount of fats and fatty acids in 5 kindergartens in the city of Zadar at an interval of 10 years after the implementation of the new dietary recommendations. A total of 45 daily menus (4 meals) were collected in 2007/2008 and 2018/2019, from which the amount of food was weighed to determine the portion size of the meals and their composition. The energy value and the amount of fats and fatty acids from the daily menus were calculated using the American and Danish food and beverage nutrient databases. The results show that in both periods of menu collection, the energy value was reduced (80-84% of recommendations) and the amounts of total fats and fatty acids were below recommendations. An increase in the amount of ω-6 fatty acids was observed in 2018/2019 compared to 2007/2008 (3.4 g / day vs. 4.5 g / day; p = 0.015). In addition, there were large differences in the amount of fats and fatty acids within the menus. The meat, poultry, fish and eggs group (about 18%) contributes to the highest intake of total fats, followed by milk and dairy products (about 14%) and grains, grains products, potatoes and rice (11%). No systematic improvement of the menus in the kindergartens was observed and it is necessary to identify the critical elements in the system due to which there has been no improvement in nutrition despite the existence of recommendations