50 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Kekuasaan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kinerja Guru Pada SMA Negeri Di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    S: The problem and objectives of this research are how the condition of power that used by the principal on the Public Senior High Schools in the Regent of North Minahasa, and to explain the influence of the factors of power by the principal to the teacher's performance. This research was conducted in North Minahasa on six Public Senior High Schools with 69 respondents sample. It used stratified random sampling technique. Data was collected by using questionnaire technique in the form of statement/questions measured by Likert scale. The analysis method used here is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research indicated that: (1) the exertion of power by the principal to increase the teacher's performance is more of legitimate power. (2) besed on determinant coefycient value, that symoltantly USAge of legitimate power, reward power, coercive power, expert power, and referent power have influence to teacher's performance. Therefore, it is suggested that the further research could try to obtain other variables which are possibly better in establishing an increasing model of the teacher's performance

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat Di Puskesmas Gorua Kecamatan Tobelo Utara Kebupaten Halmahera Utara

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    The evidence suggests also that Gorua health centers still lack the human resources in this casemedical personnel. This study uses qualitative methods. Data were collected through interviews and observation techniques. Interviews were conducted at 45 of the informant elements service providers and service recipients. This study consists of four dimensions, namely communication, resources, disposition, and organizational structure / bureaucracy, it turns out that the low isindicated that human resource dimensions Goruahealth centers still lack themedicalpersonnel. The conclusion that can be drawn from these resultsis that in general, the implementation of public health care policy in health centers Tobelo Gorua Northern District high enough, but not obtimal. This is due to that health center Gorua There are still limitations, namely in terms of the human resources of medical personnel(doctor). Generallyrecommendedadviceto the Government of North Halmahera in order to make Government Area of the health services. And in accordance with 4 (four) Indicator research problems. The government is expected to improve themanagement of public services provision of Human Resources (HR) in this case themedical personnel who considered capable of providing anytindakkanin accordance with the competencyowned

    Kajian Implementasi Rekruitmen Pejabat Struktural Pada Jabatan Karir Pegawai Negeri Sipil Di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara

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    Absrtact: The purpose of this study was to describe, analyze, and interpret: 1). Competencies and skills of structural, 2). Recruitment process of structural, 3). Constraints encountered in implementation of the recruitment of structural. This study is a qualitative research through observation, interviews and documentation. Methods of analysis was performed by qualitative data analysis techniques. The results show that the competence and expertise possessed by each employee was still low, because of most the Class III employees were recruited, but was dominated by the functional employee, such as teachers, doctors and nursing. There were some positions to be filled in the structural level that have not been occupied, because no employees were eligible for the positions, particularly with respect to rank. In addition, the competence of the recruited employees, have not been met. However, when viewed from the other side, that the authority is generally performed when a person who occupies a particular position can not afford to run a good job, so the Government Regulation No. 9 of 2003 can be implemented. This has been one of the Regents authority. It can be concluded that there were three major obstacles in the implementation of structural recruitment of officials in the District of North Bolaang Mongondow, namely human resources, conditions of employment facilities, and work programs that provide such a huge impact on the performance of the institution. North Bolaang Mongondow Regency has limited capacity of the division of human resources that are competent, ie the number of local government officials that were recruited were not based on the analysis of the needs of each Unit (SKPD), and also the competence and skills did not become the main consideration in the recruitment process. It is thus recommended to optimize the process of recruiting officials in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency necessary to optimize the implementation of Government Regulation No. 13 of 2003, as well as provide input to the head area as the party\u27s decision to give a person to occupy certain positions

    Strategi Peningkatan Penerimaan Daerah Melalui Pendapatan Asli Daerah Dari Retribusi Di Kota Manado..

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    This study aimed to: (1). Knowing the condition of acceptance of Manado City area primarily sourced from levy sources of revenue. (2) Determine strategy to increase revenue from the levy in the city of Manado. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative method in which the research method was used to examine the condition of natural objects (as his opponent is an experiment) where the researcher is a key instrument, conducted the data collection techniques triangulation (combined) and data analysis is inductive. The results showed revenue is a real contribution given by the local community to support the autonomous status granted to the area. Improved performance of Original Region Revenue through a levy can be done by improving the administration of local revenues, as well as through regulatory reform local taxation and levies. Levies in the city of Manado has undergone significant improvement by increasing the number and activity of domestic activities. Suggestions that may be filed as follows: in order to prioritize efforts to increase revenue by evaluating and improving systems that have been implemented, because it still has considerable prospects and potential and Inviting community participation so as to help provide a source of information material in order to periodically evaluate the level of development in general revenue levy, particularly regarding pay resources and increase public service efficienc

    Hubungan Kemampuan Kerja Dengan Kinerja Aparat Pemerintah Di Kecamatan Kema Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    The purpose of this research is to explain the relationship work ability and governmental apparatus performance. This research was conducted in the Kema sub district with 38 respondents sample. It used area sampling technique and stratified random sampling. Data was collected by using questionnaire technique in the form of questions measured by Likert scale. The analysis method used here is descriptive and correlation analysis by the simple regression analysis. Data analysis was conducted by using SPSS version 12,0 computer program. The results of this research indicated that: (1) based on the descriptive analysis shown that the work ability and governmental apparatus performance both are high category. (2) based on the simple regression analysis shown that the relationship between work ability and governmental apparatus performance is positive and significant. Based on this research may suggestion to the Head of Kema sub district that require to maintain and develop the attitude in work to all apparatus continually

    Kualitas Kinerja Tenaga Medis di Rumah Sakit Sitti Maryam Kota Manado

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    Based on the result observation at the Sitti Maryam Hospital Manado city still has some problems such asconcerning the quality performance of medical personnel as service providers to the community. Assessment of theperformance of qualified medical personnel by providing good service views of the reliability, responsiveness,assurance, emphaty, and tangibles. For the purpose of this study is to know the performance quality of medicalpersonnel at the Sitti Maryam Hospital Manado city. The research use descriptive qualitative research. Informantresearch as much as 8 (eight) informant that is, one leadership of hospital, two doctors, one person nurse, one personstaff employees hospital, and three patients. Data collection techniques use are observation techniques, interviewtechniques, and documentation techniques, as well as data analysis techniques that are use are data reduction, datapresentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on result of research through observations, data collection andinterview process that the researcher did, then research on the quality performance of medical personnel in the SittiMaryam Hospital not good enough, in view of the indicators of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy andtangibles. For reliability is still not good, because the services provided are not time there are still some medicalpersonnel who performed the task has not been maximum. And also the lack of surgeons that resulted in patientshaving to wait for health services. For the responsiveness is still not good, because the parient complains against theprovision of service that are not on time is not good responded. For the assurance is good, because welfare thepatient treated at Sitti Maryam Hospital is guaranteed. For emphaty is not good because there are still some nursesand employees Sitti Maryam Hospital is less good to speak to the patient. And for the tangibles is not good, becausefor general facilities such as chairs in each ward is still lacking in meeting the needs of patiens

    Kinerja Kantor Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan Cabang Manado

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    In practice, the performance of the resulting Government seems to have not yet showed better conditions change significantly. Some government officials still shows low level of accountability, responsiveness and efficiency in the conduct of the service. Effected by the importance of the role of institutional performance on one side and the number of issues that bind them on the other hand, issues concerning the performance of the institutions as well as public service apparatus became one of the important issues in the reform of public administration in different countries, including for the context of Indonesia at the present time. The performance of the public service are often interchangeable with government performance measurement, it is not too surprising since basically the public service became the responsibility of the Government and related agencies that provide services to the community. BPJS health is a legal entity formed for national health assurance program organize (JKN) and is responsible to the President and has the task to organize national health guarantee.Based on some of the opinions or theories of performance then the author refers to the performance of theory Kumorotomo which States that the performance can be formulated through indicators-charge indicators will namely, efficiency, effectiveness, fairness and responsiveness. The reason this performance theory used is that problems are found, the situation can be solved or sought solution by using the performance theory. This research is a descriptive methode using qualitative approach by digitally describe data obtained from research results about Performance Office BPJS Health Branch of Manado. In qualitative research, data collection is done by observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The overall conclusion of all indicators that there is, the performance of the Office organizer of social security (BPJS) to Manado Branch Health currently is already quite good, in terms of efficiency because of the service in accordance with the procedure. For effectiveness, it's been pretty good, but should be optimized again about the socialization of social security program so that people understand the concept of JKN, system funding, aware of the benefits to the community as well as the procedures for his service to the service of their health. And then for Justice is already good enough. And responsiveness, the overall service provided to the community already is good enough just yet to a maximum until the required leadership role in directing and supervising the performance of the employee in order that the overall performance is better