4 research outputs found

    Experiences of Nursing Students Participating in End-Of-Life Education Programs: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Metasynthesis

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    Objective: The aim of this review was to explore the experiences of nursing students participating in end-of-life education programs. Design: A systematic review. Data sources: Exhaustive literature searches were performed using seven electronic databases: Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL Plus, Dialnet Plus, Eric and Cuiden Plus. Review methods: In total, 6572 studies published from 2008 until 2018 were examined. The Critical Appraisal Skills Program was used to assess the quality of the studies included in the review. The findings were synthesized using meta-aggregation. Results: Seventeen studies were included in this systematic review, representing a sample of 606 nursing students. Simulation methods were most common among the educational programs analyzed. The analysis of qualitative data allowed us to identify 260 illustrations which were grouped into 14 categories and three themes: feelings and emotions during the performance of the pedagogical activity, end-of-life education among nursing students and competencies acquired on death and end-of-life. The most highlighted communication skills were learning to listen and building confidence to speak with the patient, family and the general public. Conclusions: End-of-life programs generally helped students acquire communication skills, learn concepts and improve the administration of this type of care. In addition, they perceived the experience as an opportunity to learn more about oneself, gain trust and support critical thinking. Nonetheless, the evidence available in this field is limited due to the small number of studies, plus the limited data reported. Thus, further studies on this subject are necessary

    Estudio del estado nutricional de los ancianos de Cantabria Study of the nutritional status of elders in Cantabria

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    Introducción: El envejecimiento de la población representa uno de los retos más importantes desde el punto de vista biosanitario. Objetivo: Valorar el estado nutricional de las personas de 65 y más años de Cantabria. Métodos: Un total de 1605 personas fueron evaluadas por medio del MNA; a) en atención primaria (59,9% en la consulta y 4,7% en domicilios) y, b) en residencias de ancianos (35,4%). Resultados: La puntuación nutricional (PN) obtenida de la suma de los ítems del MNA fue 23,4 &plusmn; 4,1 para las mujeres y 24,4 &plusmn; 4 en los varones (p Introduction: Population ageing is a main concern under the biosanitary point of view. Aim: To assess the nutritional status of people 65 year-old and older in Cantabria (Spain) Method: A total of 1605 persons were studied by means of the MNA (Mini Nutritional Assessment); a) by primary care (59.9% in the unit, and 4.7% at home) and, b) in nursing homes (35.4%). Results: Nutritional score (NS) was 23.4 &plusmn; 4.1 for women and 24.4 &plusmn; 4 in males (p < 0.001). We emphasize the fact that 22.3% of people studied in the nursing homes were malnourished or at risk of malnutrition, compared with 14.2% of those studied at the unit, and only 3.3% of the home visited elders. The correlation between the value of the NS and the subjective estimation of nutrition status showed a high value (0.65). We emphasize the negative correlation (-0.53) between BNI value and the incidence of skin lesions. Conclusion: Our results highlight the importance of identifying malnutrition or its risk in elders in order to prevent the negative consequences of this deficiency