21 research outputs found

    The Microbiome and Gut Endocannabinoid System in the Regulation of Stress Responses and Metabolism

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    The endocannabinoid system, with its receptors and ligands, is present in the gut epithelium and enteroendocrine cells, and is able to modulate brain functions, both indirectly through circulating gut-derived factors and directly through the vagus nerve, finally acting on the brain’s mechanisms regarding metabolism and behavior. The gut endocannabinoid system also regulates gut motility, permeability, and inflammatory responses. Furthermore, microbiota composition has been shown to influence the activity of the endocannabinoid system. This review examines the interaction between microbiota, intestinal endocannabinoid system, metabolism, and stress responses. We hypothesize that the crosstalk between microbiota and intestinal endocannabinoid system has a prominent role in stress-induced changes in the gut-brain axis affecting metabolic and mental health. Inter-individual differences are commonly observed in stress responses, but mechanisms underlying resilience and vulnerability to stress are far from understood. Both gut microbiota and the endocannabinoid system have been implicated in stress resilience. We also discuss interventions targeting the microbiota and the endocannabinoid system to mitigate metabolic and stress-related disorders

    Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor Deletion from Catecholaminergic Neurons Protects from Diet-Induced Obesity

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    High-calorie diets and chronic stress are major contributors to the development of obesity and metabolic disorders. These two risk factors regulate the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The present study showed a key role of the cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB1) in dopamine β-hydroxylase (dbh)-expressing cells in the regulation of SNS activity. In a diet-induced obesity model, CB1 deletion from these cells protected mice from diet-induced weight gain by increasing sympathetic drive, resulting in reduced adipogenesis in white adipose tissue and enhanced thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue. The deletion of CB1 from catecholaminergic neurons increased the plasma norepinephrine levels, norepinephrine turnover, and sympathetic activity in the visceral fat, which coincided with lowered neuropeptide Y (NPY) levels in the visceral fat of the mutant mice compared with the controls. Furthermore, the mutant mice showed decreased plasma corticosterone levels. Our study provided new insight into the mechanisms underlying the roles of the endocannabinoid system in regulating energy balance, where the CB1 deletion in dbh-positive cells protected from diet-induced weight gain via multiple mechanisms, such as increased SNS activity, reduced NPY activity, and decreased basal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity

    RGS4 is a negative regulator of insulin release from pancreatic β-cells in vitro and in vivo

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    Therapeutic strategies that augment insulin release from pancreatic β-cells are considered beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. We previously demonstrated that activation of β-cell M3 muscarinic receptors (M3Rs) greatly promotes glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS), suggesting that strategies aimed at enhancing signaling through β-cell M3Rs may become therapeutically useful. M3R activation leads to the stimulation of G proteins of the Gq family, which are under the inhibitory control of proteins known as regulators of G protein signaling (RGS proteins). At present, it remains unknown whether RGS proteins play a role in regulating insulin release. To address this issue, we initially demonstrated that MIN6 insulinoma cells express functional M3Rs and that RGS4 was by far the most abundant RGS protein expressed by these cells. Strikingly, siRNA-mediated knockdown of RGS4 expression in MIN6 cells greatly enhanced M3R-mediated augmentation of GSIS and calcium release. We obtained similar findings using pancreatic islets prepared from RGS4-deficient mice. Interestingly, RGS4 deficiency had little effect on insulin release caused by activation of other β-cell GPCRs. Finally, treatment of mutant mice selectively lacking RGS4 in pancreatic β-cells with a muscarinic agonist (bethanechol) led to significantly increased plasma insulin and reduced blood glucose levels, as compared to control littermates. Studies with β-cell-specific M3R knockout mice showed that these responses were mediated by β-cell M3Rs. These findings indicate that RGS4 is a potent negative regulator of M3R function in pancreatic β-cells, suggesting that RGS4 may represent a potential target to promote insulin release for therapeutic purposes

    Cannabinoid type-1 receptor signaling in central serotonergic neurons regulates anxiety-like behavior and sociability

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    The endocannabinoid system possesses neuromodulatory functions by influencing the release of various neurotransmitters, including γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate. A functional interaction between endocannabinoids and the serotonergic system has already been suggested. Previously, we showed that cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor mRNA and protein are localized in serotonergic neurons of the raphe nuclei, implying that the endocannabinoid system can modulate serotonergic functions. In order to substantiate the physiological role of the CB1 receptor in serotonergic neurons of the raphe nuclei, we generated serotonergic (5-HT) neuron-specific CB1 receptor-deficient mice, using the Cre/loxP system with a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase under the control of the regulatory sequences of the tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene (TPH2-CreERT2), thus, restricting the recombination to 5-HT neurons of the central nervous system. Applying several different behavioral paradigms, we revealed that mice lacking the CB1 receptor in serotonergic neurons are more anxious and less sociable than control littermates. Thus, we were able to show that functional CB1 receptor signaling in central serotonergic neurons modulates distinct behaviors in mice

    Chronic social stress lessens the metabolic effects induced by a high-fat diet

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    Stress has a major impact on the modulation of metabolism, as previously evidenced by hyperglycemia following chronic social defeat (CSD) stress in mice. Although CSD-triggered metabolic dysregulation might predispose to pre-diabetic conditions, insulin sensitivity remained intact, and obesity did not develop, when animals were fed with a standard diet (SD). Here, we investigated whether a nutritional challenge, a high-fat diet (HFD), aggravates the metabolic phenotype and whether there are particularly sensitive time windows for the negative consequences of HFD exposure. Chronically stressed male mice and controls (CTRL) were kept under (i) SD-conditions, (ii) with HFD commencing post-CSD, or (iii) provided with HFD lasting throughout and after CSD. Under SD conditions, stress increased glucose levels early post-CSD. Both HFD regimens increased glucose levels in non-stressed mice but not in stressed mice. Nonetheless, when HFD was provided after CSD, stressed mice did not differ from controls in long-term body weight gain, fat tissue mass and plasma insulin, and leptin levels. In contrast, when HFD was continuously available, stressed mice displayed reduced body weight gain, lowered plasma levels of insulin and leptin, and reduced white adipose tissue weights as compared to their HFD-treated non-stressed controls. Interestingly, stress-induced adrenal hyperplasia and hypercortisolemia were observed in mice treated with SD and with HFD after CSD but not in stressed mice exposed to a continuous HFD treatment. The present work demonstrates that CSD can reduce HFD-induced metabolic dysregulation. Hence, HFD during stress may act beneficially, as comfort food, by decreasing stress-induced metabolic demands

    Association of Innate and Acquired Aerobic Capacity With Resilience in Healthy Adults: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial of an 8-Week Web-Based Physical Exercise Intervention

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    BackgroundPhysical activity alleviates chronic stress. The latest research suggests a relationship between resilience and physical fitness. Beneficial adaptations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, sympathetic nervous system, endocannabinoid system, and tryptophan pathway, which are induced by an active lifestyle, are considered to be conducive to resilience. However, detailed knowledge on the molecular link between the effects of acute and chronic physical exercise and improved resilience to stress in humans is missing. Moreover, the relationship between innate and acquired aerobic capacity and resilience is poorly understood. ObjectiveThe aim of this study is to implement a human exercise intervention trial addressing the following main hypotheses: a high innate aerobic capacity is associated with high resilience to stress, and web-based physical exercise training improves aerobic capacity of physically inactive adults, which is accompanied by improved resilience. In this setting, we will analyze the relationship between resilience parameters and innate and acquired aerobic capacity as well as circulating signaling molecules. MethodsA total of 70 healthy, physically inactive (<150 minutes/week of physical activity) adults (aged 18-45 years) will be randomly assigned to an intervention or control group. Participants in the intervention group will receive weekly training using progressive endurance and interval running adapted individually to their remotely supervised home training performance via web-based coach support. A standardized incremental treadmill exercise test will be performed before and after the intervention period of 8 weeks to determine the innate and acquired aerobic capacity (peak oxygen uptake). Before and after the intervention, psychological tests and questionnaires that characterize parameters implicated in resilience will be applied. Blood and saliva will be sampled for the analysis of cortisol, lactate, endocannabinoids, catecholamines, kynurenic acid, and further circulating signal transducers. Statistical analysis will provide comprehensive knowledge on the relationship between aerobic capacity and resilience, as well as the capacity of peripheral factors to mediate the promoting effects of exercise on resilience. ResultsThe study was registered in October 2019, and enrollment began in September 2019. Of the 161 participants who were initially screened via a telephone survey, 43 (26.7%) fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were included in the study. Among the 55% (17/31) of participants in the intervention group and 45% (14/31) of participants in the control group who completed the study, no serious adverse incidents were reported. Of 43 participants, 4 (9%) withdrew during the program (for individual reasons) and 8 (19%) have not yet participated in the program; moreover, further study recruitment was paused for an indeterminate amount of time because of the COVID-19 pandemic. ConclusionsOur study aims to further define the physiological characteristics of human resilience, and it may offer novel approaches for the prevention and therapy of mental disorders via an exercise prescription. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID)DERR1-10.2196/2971

    CK2 acts as a potent negative regulator of receptor-mediated insulin release in vitro and in vivo

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulate virtually all physiological functions including the release of insulin from pancreatic β-cells. β-Cell M3 muscarinic receptors (M3Rs) are known to play an essential role in facilitating insulin release and maintaining proper whole-body glucose homeostasis. As is the case with other GPCRs, M3R activity is regulated by phosphorylation by various kinases, including GPCR kinases and casein kinase 2 (CK2). At present, it remains unknown which of these various kinases are physiologically relevant for the regulation of β-cell activity. In the present study, we demonstrate that inhibition of CK2 in pancreatic β-cells, knockdown of CK2α expression, or genetic deletion of CK2α in β-cells of mutant mice selectively augmented M3R-stimulated insulin release in vitro and in vivo. In vitro studies showed that this effect was associated with an M3R-mediated increase in intracellular calcium levels. Treatment of mouse pancreatic islets with CX4945, a highly selective CK2 inhibitor, greatly reduced agonist-induced phosphorylation of β-cell M3Rs, indicative of CK2-mediated M3R phosphorylation. We also showed that inhibition of CK2 greatly enhanced M3R-stimulated insulin secretion in human islets. Finally, CX4945 treatment protected mice against diet-induced hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance in an M3R-dependent fashion. Our data demonstrate, for the first time to our knowledge, the physiological relevance of CK2 phosphorylation of a GPCR and suggest the novel concept that kinases acting on β-cell GPCRs may represent novel therapeutic targets