7,723 research outputs found

    AYNEC: All you need for evaluating completion techniques in knowledge graphs

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    The popularity of knowledge graphs has led to the development of techniques to refine them and increase their quality. One of the main refinement tasks is completion (also known as link prediction for knowledge graphs), which seeks to add missing triples to the graph, usually by classifying potential ones as true or false. While there is a wide variety of graph completion techniques, there is no standard evaluation setup, so each proposal is evaluated using different datasets and metrics. In this paper we present AYNEC, a suite for the evaluation of knowledge graph completion techniques that covers the entire evaluation workflow. It includes a customisable tool for the generation of datasets with multiple variation points related to the preprocessing of graphs, the splitting into training and testing examples, and the generation of negative examples. AYNEC also provides a visual summary of the graph and the optional exportation of the datasets in an open format for their visualisation. We use AYNEC to generate a library of datasets ready to use for evaluation purposes based on several popular knowledge graphs. Finally, it includes a tool that computes relevant metrics and uses significance tests to compare each pair of techniques. These open source tools, along with the datasets, are freely available to the research community and will be maintained.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-75394-

    The incorporation and use of ICT in early childhood education. A study on infrastructure, teachihng methods and teacher training in Andalusia

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    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados de un estudio realizado durante el curso 2015-16 sobre la dotación tecnológica con que cuentan las aulas de Educación Infantil en Andalucía, el uso didáctico de los recursos TIC que realizan los docentes, y su formación y actitudes hacia las tecnologías en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Aunque existe abundante investigación sobre la etapa de Educación Primaria, Secundaria y en la enseñanza universitaria, resulta palpable la ausencia de estudios en la primera etapa de escolarización en la vida de los niños y niñas. Los datos se recabaron mediante una encuesta en línea respondida por una muestra de 163 maestros/as. Las conclusiones apuntan que la dotación tecnológica de los centros es insuficiente, que tan solo una tercera parte de la muestra de docentes utiliza las TIC de manera cotidiana en el aula, y que el 70% demanda mayor cualificación, y considera que este tipo de recursos son potenciadores de mayor aprendizaje.The aim of this article is to present the results of a recent study on the technological equipment of preschool classrooms in Andalusia, the educational use of ICT resources by teachers and their training and attitudes towards technologies in the process of teaching and learning. Although there is an abundant research on the stage of primary, secondary and university education, it is clear the lack of studies in the first stage of schooling in the lives of children. Data are collected through an online survey answered by a sample of 163 teachers. The conclusions indicate that the provision is insufficient, ICT are used on a daily basis in the classroom only a third of the simple and that 70% of teachers demand higher qualifications and consider that these resources are enhancers higher learning

    La ocupación de inmuebles

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    Vivienda digna es un concepto esgrimido constantemente por personas que en riesgo de exclusión social o por carecer de los recursos necesarios, toman por morada un inmueble cuya propiedad no ostentan, individualmente o en grupo, por necesidad o reivindicación, sorteando los derechos ajenos y en condiciones de difícil habitabilidad. Frente a su necesidad surge el perjuicio patrimonial del usurpado. La legislación choca a menudo entre estos dos derechos. Pretende este trabajo ser una revisión legislativa y documental de estas dos propuestasDignified housing is a concept constantly used by people who are at risk of social exclusion or by the caretaker of the necessary resources, they take as residence a property whose property is not sustained, individually or in groups, out of necessity or commitment, circumventing the rights of others and in conditions of difficult habitability. Faced with their need, the patrimonial damage of the usurped arises. The legislation often collides between two rights. This work aims to be a legislative and documentary review of these two proposal

    Características de los pacientes de alto riesgo de melanoma en una consulta de dermatoscopia digital

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    La incidencia del melanoma ha crecido en las últimas décadas a un ritmo mayor que la de cualquier otro tipo de cáncer. A pesar de representar apenas el 4% de todos los cánceres de piel, las muertes por melanoma representan el 80% de las muertes por cáncer cutáneo. La falta de un tratamiento eficaz en el caso de los estadios avanzados acentúa la importancia del diagnóstico precoz, en la fase en la que el paciente es curado con la extirpación quirúrgica del tumor. La dermatoscopia nos permite visualizar estructuras imperceptibles al ojo desnudo, de forma que es posible detectar cambios sugestivos de malignidad en una fase muy incipiente, cuando aún no se aprecian cambios clínicos en las lesiones pigmentadas..

    Contribution to the kownledge of cultural heritage via a Heritage Information System (HIS): the case of “La Cultura del Agua” in Valverde de Burguillos, Badajoz (Spain)

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    Modern science is going through a period of important reflection on the role of different agents and multiple disciplines in the management and safeguarding of architectural heritage. This new focus generates a greater amount and diversity of information, so the implementation of a unifying tool in the framework of digital information models would mean a better knowledge of cultural heritage as well as aiding its safeguarding and protection. In addition, it must be taken into account that, for the correct management of information in its broadest dimension, this tool must make it possible to relate alphanumeric data about an item of heritage to its spatial location. In this sense, this article proposes a Heritage Information System (HIS)—understood as a digital knowledge tool—that consists of a relational database and a map manager with Geographic Information System (GIS) technology (a geodatabase). The methodology suggested here sets out the steps that make up the HIS, so that the system can be applied to other geographical elements or realities. For this reason, a study was made of “La Cultura del Agua” in Valverde de Burguillos (Spain), a heritage ensemble that consists of rural architecture and dispersed preindustrial elements, which are currently at risk. The HIS seeks to develop a more complete identification of these elements (individually and as a system) and a justified argument for their being given value and great visibility. This new approach encourages sustainable development in terms of efficiency and effectiveness for the analysis, diagnosis, and reactivation of cultural heritage, always placing importance on the balance of social participation with the territory in which the system is applied, and with global societ

    Improving Link Specifications using Context-Aware Information

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    There is an increasing interest in publishing data using the Linked Open Data philosophy. To link the RDF datasets, a link discovery task is performed to generate owl:sameAs links. There are two ways to perform this task: by means of a classi er or a link speci cation; we focus in the latter approach. Current link speci cation techniques only use the data properties of the instances that they are linking, and they do not take the context information into account. In this paper, we present a proposal that aims to generate context-aware link speci cations to improve the regular link speci cations, increasing the e ectiveness of the results in several real-world scenarios where the context is crucial. Our context-aware link speci cations are independent from similarity functions, transformations or aggregations. We have evaluated our proposal using two real-world scenarios in which we improve precision and recall with respect to regular link speci cations in 23% and 58%, respectively.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-40848-

    On using high-level structured queries for integrating deep-web information sources

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    The actual value of the Deep Web comes from integrating the data its applications provide. Such applications offer human-oriented search forms as their entry points, and there exists a number of tools that are used to fill them in and retrieve the resulting pages programmatically. Solution that rely on these tools are usually costly, which motivated a number of researchers to work on virtual integration, also known as metasearch. Virtual integration abstracts away from actual search forms by providing a unified search form, i.e., a programmer fills it in and the virtual integration system translates it into the application search forms. We argue that virtual integration costs might be reduced further if another abstraction level is provided by issuing structured queries in high-level languages such as SQL, XQuery or SPARQL; this helps abstract away from search forms. As far as we know, there is not a proposal in the literature that addresses this problem. In this paper, we propose a reference framework called IntegraWeb to solve the problems of using high-level structured queries to perform deep-web data integration. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive report on existing proposals from the database integration and the Deep Web research fields, which can be used in combination to address our problem within the previous reference framework.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2007-64119Junta de Andalucía P07- TIC-2602Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-4100Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-04718-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010- 21744Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad TIN2010-09809-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-10811-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-09988-