27 research outputs found

    Caracterización y clasificación de los carbones cretácicos de Teruel. Relaciones entre sus características y el entorno geológico

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    27 páginas, 8 figuras, 4 tablas.[ES]: Se han caracterizado los carbones cretácicos de la cuenca minera de Teruel (España), mediante el estudio exhaustivo de 36 muestras de capa de todas las explotaciones con actividad minera. El estudio ha comprendido: Análisis inmediato, elemental y petrográfico. Asimismo, se han determinado otros parámetros cuyo conocimiento se consideró necesario. También se han realizado ensayos carboquimicos como oxidación e hidrogenación. Los resultados muestran que aunque estos carbones pertenecen todos a una misma unidad geológica (Formación Escucha), existen diferencias claras entre los carbones de las subzonas Norte y Sur del Distrito Minero. Estos carbones se han clasificado mediante sistemas científicos (Seyler, van Krevelen y Alpem-ICCP) y comerciales (ECE/IJN y ASTM). El mejor parámetro clasificatorio ha sido la reflectividad de la vitrinita. Según el sistema de clasificación utilizado, los carbones de la subzona Norte se pueden considerar como lignitos o subbituminosos B y los de la subzona Sur como subbituminosos B ó A. Las diferencias encontradas entre los carbones estudiados, se explican desde un punto de vista geológico, por dos motivos: 1) Diferente presión litostática sobre las capas de carbón según la subzona, debido al aumento progresivo de la potencia de los sedimentos del Cenomaniense - Senoniense (Cretácico Superior) de Norte a Sur del Distrito Minero. 2) Menor influencia de la orogénesis alpina en las subzona Norte, contrastando con la subzona Sur, donde provocó gran número de fallas y plegamientos (una estructuración más intensa de las sucesiones mesozoicas).[EN]: Cretaceous coals from the Teruel Mining District (Spain) have been characterized by an exhaustive study of 36 bed samples from alí of the underground and upen cut mines with activity in that cual field. This study has included proximate, elemental, petrographic and other analyses. Also, sume chemical tests, as oxidations and hydrogenations, have been carried out. The results show that although these coals belung tu the same geological unit (Escucha Furmation in the lower Cretaceous), there are clear differences between the Norther and Southem Subzones of the Mining District. These coals have been classified by sume scientific (Syler’s, van Krevelen diagram and Alpem-ICCP) and commercial (ECE/UN and ASTM) systems. The best parameter tu classify these coals has been the vitrinite reflectance. In depending un the used classification system, cuaN from the North Subzone can be cunsidered as lignites or subbituminous B while coals from the South Subzone can be considered as subbituminous B or A. The differences between both groups uf studied coals can be explained, from a geological viewpoint, by two major factors: 1) The lithostatic pressure supported by the cual beds has been different in depending un the Subzone, because of the progressive thickness increase of te Cenomanian - Senonian sediments (Upper Cretaceous) from the North tu the South uf the Mining District. 2) The intensity of te Alpine Orogeny was stronger in the South Subzone; where gaye rise tu a more intense structuration of the Mesozoic sequences.El proyecto de investigación: “Caracterización de carbones aragoneses” del que forma parte este proyecto, fue realizado en el Instituto de Carboquímica, gracias a la financiación del CSIC, OCICARBON y Diputación General de Aragón - Diputación Provincial de Teruel (Juan, 1990).Peer reviewe

    Desulfuración microbiana del carbón

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    Se aislaron e identificaron cepas de t. thiooxidans y de thiobacillus fervoxidans en muestras de aguas de mina y carbones de la cuenca lignitifera de utrillas y se procedió a un estudio tecnológico de las mismas aprovechando la acción lixiviante del thiobacillus fervoxidans se transformo la pirita insoluble existente en lignitos aragoneses en sulfatos férricos solubles fácilmente eliminables de la masa carbonosa. Se estudiaron 13 parámetros que infligen en una lixiviación microbiológica para hallar condiciones idóneas y máximos rendimientos las desulfuraciones conseguidas fueron de hasta un 80%.Peer reviewe

    Contenido, distribución y origen del azufre en los carbones albienses del distrito minero de Teruel

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    15 páginas, 1 figura, 2 tablas.[ES]: Los carbones sub-bituminosos albienses del Distrito Minero de Teruel presentan concentraciones de azufre muy elevadas. El análisis de la distribución de estas concentraciones ha puesto de manifiesto la existencia de una tendencia general vertical a disminuir, hacia techo, el contenido de azufre a nivel de serie estratigráfica y de otra variación general lateral, a nivel de cuenca, en la que el contenido de azufre de las capas de carbón se incrementa hacia el margen septentrional del distrito minero. Estas tendencias generales pueden verse frecuentemente obliteradas tanto en relación con factores tales como la potencia de capa, la permeabilidad de los interestériles o la actividad de fallas sinsedimentarias. La tendencia general vertical es consecuente con la relación generalmente observada entre la influencia marina del medio de depósito y un mayor contenido en azufre. Este razonamiento no se cumple, sin embargo, para la tendencia general horizontal, lo cual se relaciona con el aporte masivo de sulfatos a la cuenca sedimentada carbonífera del Albiense medio debido al desmantelamiento de las secuencias evaporíticas infra-liásicas y triásicas (facies Keuper). Esta hipótesis del reciclaje del azufre se apoya en argumentos paleogeográficos y sedimentológicos y parece ser el principal mecanismo que causó las altas concentraciones de azufre de los carbones albienses del Distrito Minero Turolense.[EN]: Albian high-sulfur sub-bituminous coals are currently worked in the Teruel Mining Disírict. The sulfur content of these coal seams draw a general vertical trend, at the stratigraphic series level, with an upwards reduction of the sulfur content, and a horizontal trend, at the basin seale, with a sulfur content increase towards the northernmost part of the Mining District. These general variations may disturbed by factors related to the coal seam thickness, the permeability of the interbedded sediments or the activity of synsedimentary faults. The general vertical trend of sulfur contents is explained as a consequence of the well-known marine influence in the sedimentary environment which increases the sulfur content in the influenced seams. Nevertheless, the general horizontal trend is interpreted as a consequence of the erosion of the Infra-Liassic and Upper Triassic (Keuper facies) evaporitic sequences. The hypothesis of the sulfur recycling is based on paleogeographieal and sedimentological data, and it gives to the Teruel coals the characteristie high-sulfur pattern.El presente trabajo ha sido elaborado en cl marco del Proyecto de Investigación PB87-0463-C02-01, financiado por la CICYT, y el Plan de Formación de Personal Investigador, del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.Peer reviewe

    Production of humic acids from lignites and subbituminous coals by alkaline-air oxidation

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    The alkaline oxidation of four Spanish coals by air was studied using a two-level factorial design with four variables: temperature, time, alkali concentration and coal-to-alkali ratio. The main aim was to increase the humic acid content of these coals. The best results were obtained at the highest temperature, longest time and lowest alkali concentration and coal-to-alkali ratio. Lower rank coals yielded the highest humic acid concentrations after oxidation, while the subbituminous coals were only slightly affected by treatment under the test conditions. A detailed study of the elemental composition of the coal and the generation of oxygen-containing functional groups is reported. The evolution of sulphur forms during the process is also described.Peer reviewe

    Glicopolímeros derivados de copolímeros de etileno-alcohol vinílico

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    Trabajo presentado a la XI Reunión del Grupo Especialización de Polímeros, celebrada en Valladolid del 20 al 24 de septiembre de 2009.Peer reviewe

    Synthesis of granular zeolitic materials with high cation exchange capacity from agglomerated coal fly ash

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    Fly ash from coal combustion is a potential source of pollution and there is continuous interest in its recycling by converting it into products such as zeolitic materials for use in retaining pollutants. In this paper, production of granular zeolitic material from a commercially- unusable fine-fraction of a lightweight aggregate (LA) building material made from coal fly ash agglomerated with lime, by conventional alkaline activation is described. NaP1 zeolite, K-F zeolite, K-Phillipsite and K-Chabazite were synthesised. The process was optimised by combining four reaction parameters (temperature, alkali concentration, solution/fly ash ratio and reaction time). Zeolitic materials with the highest zeolite yields and cation exchange capacities were selected for future application in environmental processes. End-product zeolitic materials maintain its granular form and this could favour their use in some particular applications for environmental waste treatment (e.g. ionic exchange in column) without any further transformation stages.The present study has been supported by the Spanish “Plan Nacional de I+D+I (2000–2003)” from the “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia”, project PPQ2001-2359-C02-01 and Spanish “Plan Nacional de I+D+I (2004–2007)” from the “Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología”, project CTM2004-04252-C02-00.Peer reviewe

    Ion exchange uptake of ammonium in wastewater from a Sewage Treatment Plant by zeolitic materials from fly ash

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    The potential value of zeolitic materials (ZM) obtained from a hazardous waste, such as coal fly ash, for the retention of NH4 + present in liquid effluents from a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is studied. A wastewater sample was taken from an STP in Zaragoza (Spain) after conventional treatment at the Plant. The water was treated with different amounts of three ZM: NaP1 zeolite, K-F zeolite and K-Chabazite/KPhillipsite zeolites all of them in powdered and granulated state. The wastewater was treated by two kinds of processes: continuous stirring batch experiments with powdered ZM, and fixed packed bed of granulated ZM in a column. The powdered materials reduced about 80% of NH4 + fromwastewater, even in the presence of Ca2+, which competes with NH4 + for the cation exchange sites in zeolites. Around 70% of NH4 + reduction was achieved with granulated materials. In both cases, moderate ZM/wastewater ratios had to be used to achieve those results, with K-zeolites slightly less effective in NH4 + retention.The present studywas financed by the Spanish “PlanNacional de I+D+I (2000–2003)” project PPQ2001-2359-C02-01, “Plan Nacional de I+D+I (2004–2007)” project CTM2004-04252-C02-00 and it has been supported also with funds from ERDF. We would like to express our gratitude to the technical staff at “La Almozara” Sewage Treatment Plant, Zaragoza (Spain) for their help in obtaining wastewater sample.Peer reviewe

    Formation of humic acids in lignites and subbituminous coals by dry air oxidation

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    A study of dry oxidation of coals by air has been performed. Four Spanish coals, ranging from lignite to subbituminous, were studied at three moderate temperatures for two different periods of time. The main goal with respect to possible use as fertilizers was to increase the humic acid content of the above-mentioned coals. The best results for humic acid production were obtained at the highest temperatures and after longer times. Lower-rank coals yielded the highest humic acid contentrations, but due to the severe loss of weight of these coals, the nett increase was lower than that obtained from subbituminous coals. A detailed study of the elemental composition of the coals, the generation of oxygenated functional groups and the molecular size of humic acids is reported. The evolution of sulphur forms during the process is also described.Peer reviewe

    Adsorción de SO2 en zeolitas Y sódicas y cálcicas sintetizadas a partir de cenizas volantes de carbón

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    Trabajo presentado a la IX Reunión del Grupo Español del Carbón, celebrada en Teruel del 22 al 24 de Octubre de 2007.Peer reviewe

    SO2 Adsorption on type Y zeolites synthesised from coal fly ash

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    Trabajo presentado a la International Conference on Coal Science and Technology (ICCST), celebrada en Nottingham (UK).Peer reviewe