10 research outputs found

    Data_Sheet_1_The prevalence and characteristics of frailty in cirrhosis patients: a meta-analysis and systematic review.DOCX

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    ObjectivesThis study aimed to assess the prevalence of frailty in cirrhosis patients and the distribution of age, sex, and body mass index (BMI) in cirrhotic patients with frailty.MethodsWe performed a thorough literature search using PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library from inception to 29 February 2024. The estimated prevalence with a 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated with a random effect model. Subgroup analysis and sensitivity analysis were performed to assess the heterogeneity and characterize the distribution of age, sex, and body mass index (BMI) in cirrhotic patients. Publication bias was assessed by the funnel plot, Begg's test, and Egger's test.ResultsThe 16 included studies, which were all observational, reported a prevalence of frailty in 8,406 cirrhosis patients ranging from 9 to 65%, and the overall estimated prevalence was 27% (95% CI: 21–33%; I2 = 97.7%, P ConclusionThe current study suggests that cirrhosis patients have a high prevalence of frailty. Compared with the non-frail cohort, the frail patients tend to be male, older, and have a lower BMI with worse liver function.</p

    Data_Sheet_2_The prevalence and characteristics of frailty in cirrhosis patients: a meta-analysis and systematic review.DOCX

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    ObjectivesThis study aimed to assess the prevalence of frailty in cirrhosis patients and the distribution of age, sex, and body mass index (BMI) in cirrhotic patients with frailty.MethodsWe performed a thorough literature search using PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library from inception to 29 February 2024. The estimated prevalence with a 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated with a random effect model. Subgroup analysis and sensitivity analysis were performed to assess the heterogeneity and characterize the distribution of age, sex, and body mass index (BMI) in cirrhotic patients. Publication bias was assessed by the funnel plot, Begg's test, and Egger's test.ResultsThe 16 included studies, which were all observational, reported a prevalence of frailty in 8,406 cirrhosis patients ranging from 9 to 65%, and the overall estimated prevalence was 27% (95% CI: 21–33%; I2 = 97.7%, P ConclusionThe current study suggests that cirrhosis patients have a high prevalence of frailty. Compared with the non-frail cohort, the frail patients tend to be male, older, and have a lower BMI with worse liver function.</p

    Ucn 3 is expressed in alpha and beta cells in freshly fixed human islets.

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    <p>Serial sections of the same human islet demonstrate that Ucn 3 expression co-localizes with insulin (A) and glucagon (B), but not somatostatin. The same islet shows no immunoreactivity for the related peptide Ucn 1 using an antiserum similar to the one used for the detection of Ucn 3 (C, D). Additional controls stained with secondary antibody only are negative as well (E, F). High power magnifications illustrate that the large majority of beta (G) and alpha (H) cells co-express Ucn 3 (arrows), although occasional insulin<sup>+</sup> and glucagon<sup>+</sup> cells can be found that do not stain for Ucn 3 (asterisks in G and H). Ucn 3 gene expression in FACS-purified dissociated human islet cells (I) from three individual donors confirmed that Ucn 3 is enriched in human beta (J) and alpha cells (K). The acinar cell fraction was depleted for the expression of all endocrine markers (L). Gene expression is normalized to HPRT and expressed relative to pre-sort levels. Error bars indicate standard errors, asterisks reflect significant differences at a p-value <0.05 as determined by t-test.</p

    Ucn 3 expression trails the appearance of insulin in ontogeny.

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    <p>Ucn 3 expression, undetectable by immunohistochemistry at E12.5 (A, B) and E15.5 (C, D), first appears in a subset of beta cells around E17.5 of embryonic development (E, F). The fraction of Ucn 3<sup>+</sup> beta cells increases perinatally (G, H) and by p7, the majority of beta cells (I, J), including those appearing as singlets in the acinar tissue (K) are clearly Ucn 3<sup>+</sup>. From p14 onwards, Ucn 3 expression is evident in all beta cells (L–O).</p

    Ucn 3 expression in freshly fixed human islets co-localizes with PC1/3 in beta cells but not in alpha cells.

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    <p>Ucn 3 expression in human insulin+ beta cells coincides with PC1/3 (A), while Ucn 3+ glucagon+ alpha cells do not express PC1/3 (B). Arrows in all panels indicate Ucn 3<sup>+</sup> alpha cells, whereas asterisks denote Ucn 3<sup>+</sup> mature beta cells.</p

    Ucn 3 expression in the primate pancreas is a feature of alpha and beta cells.

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    <p>Ucn 3 immunoreactivity co-localizes with insulin as well as glucagon in both human (A, B) and macaque (C, D) pancreas.</p

    Expression of Ucn 3 in hESC-cell derived alpha and beta cells requires <i>in vivo</i> maturation.

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    <p>Quantitative PCR analysis of key differentiation stages towards the human beta cell lineage reveals no Ucn 3 expression at the embryonic stem cell (ES) or definitive endoderm (DE) stage. While pancreatic cultures enriched for pancreatic endoderm cells (PE) by CD142 did not express Ucn 3, polyhormonal cells (PH) enriched from the same cultures by CD200, started to express Ucn 3. Implants of hESC-derived pancreatic progenitors robustly express Ucn 3 after differentiation and maturation <i>in vivo</i> at 140 days post-transplant (Tx). Ucn 3 expression is measured by qRT-PCR, normalized to TATA-box binding protein (TBP) and plotted relative to ES cells (A). These observations are confirmed on <i>in vitro</i> differentiated hESC-derived pancreatic endoderm, which contains a minor fraction of polyhormonal cells that express insulin (B) and glucagon (C), but are mostly devoid of Ucn 3 immunoreactivity with the exception of faint Ucn 3 expression in the occasional glucagon<sup>+</sup> cell (C, inset). Ucn 3 immunoreactivity is robustly upregulated 18 weeks following engraftment in the epidydimal fat pads of mice and demonstrates significant Ucn 3 colocalization with insulin<sup>+</sup> beta cells and glucagon<sup>+</sup> alpha cells (D). Ucn 3 immunoreactivity is robustly upregulated 140 days post implantation in TheraCyte encapsulation devices and co-localizes with both insulin (E) and glucagon (F). Heterogeneity exists among both alpha and beta cells regarding the expression of Ucn 3. Arrows indicate Ucn 3<sup>+</sup> cells that co-express insulin (G) or glucagon (H).</p

    Ucn 3 expression in hESC-derived beta cells co-localizes with PC1/3.

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    <p>Ucn 3 in beta cells differentiated in implants of hESC-derived pancreatic endoderm cells co-labels with PC1/3 (A, B), while Ucn 3 in glucagon<sup>+</sup> alpha cells does not (C, D). Arrows in all panels indicate Ucn 3<sup>+</sup> alpha cells, whereas asterisks denote Ucn 3<sup>+</sup> mature beta cells. Pound signs indicate insulin<sup>+</sup>, PC1/3<sup>+</sup> Ucn 3<sup>-</sup> immature beta cells. Boxed areas in the first row of images are magnified in subsequent panels.</p

    Ucn 3 expression is acquired upon implantation of polyhormonal cells that differentiate primarily into alpha cells.

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    <p>Implantation of hESC-derived pancreatic cultures, either non-enriched (A) or enriched for pancreatic endoderm by CD142 (B) in the epidydimal fat pad for 9 weeks supports the formation of alpha and beta cells that co-express Ucn 3. In contrast, implantation of CD318-enriched polyhormonal cells leads to the formation of predominantly alpha cells that co-express Ucn 3, with no detectable expression of insulin (C).</p