32 research outputs found

    Response of oranje Natal Folha Murcha (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) at different levels of irrigation

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    With the aim of studying the effect of the irrigation rate on the yield and fruit quality of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) cv. Folha Murcha, an experiment was conducted in Sítio Jacutinga located in the county of Jeronimo Monteiro, Espirito Santo, Brazil, using orange of the variety Folha Murcha grafted on mandarim Cleópatra, with five years of age, spaced 5 m between rows and 4 m between plants within the line. Five treatments were implemented each with a different irrigation regime (L0 = without irrigation; L1 = 50% of PET; L2 = 75% of PET; L3 = 100% of PET and L4 = 125% of PET), defined based on potential evapotranspiration estimated by the method of Tank Class A. the experimental design was a randomized block with three replications consisting of nine plants in each repetition. In this study, yield per plant (kg), diameter and height of the fruit were evaluated. The irrigation regime 125% of the PET promoted the highest yield of orange Folha Murcha, under the conditions of this study

    Seedling emergence of five varieties of citric rootstocks grown in environments with different levels of shading

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    The emergence of citrus seedlings is influenced by several factors. One is the degree of brightness. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the influence of four environments in the emergence of seedlings of five citrus varieties rootstocks. The work was carried out on private property located in the city of Alegre-ES, located at 20° 49’ south latitude and 41° 32’ west longitude and 322 m altitude. The experimental design was completely randomized in a split plot, with four rooms consisting of 0, 30, 50 and 80% shading in the plot and five varieties of rootstocks subplots, with four repetitions and twenty-five seeds per replicate. The rootstocks used were the Rangpur lime, lemon Volkameriano, Poncirus trifoliata, ‘Swingle’ citrumelo and Flying Dragon. After 60 days of sowing, emergence rate index, emergence percentage, leaf number and height were evaluated. At 124 days, leaf area, total chlorophyll (a + b), root dry mass and shoot were evaluated. The citric rootstocks tested responded differently when subjected to shading, and can use physiological and morphological mechanisms to maintain or even improve the emergence and seedling vigor. It was observed that the P. trifoliata rootstock obtained better performance when compared to others and that 50% shading can be adopted in this stage of citrus seedling production since it reduces seedling time in the tubes and does not affect the seedling quality


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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de extratos hidroalcóolicos de tiririca (Cyperus rotundus L.) na rizogênese de estacas de maracujazeiro amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa) cultivadas em dois substratos, S1: HS Florestal® e S2: vermiculita expandida. O estudo foi realizado em estufa com 50% de sombreamento e nebulização intermitente no Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Alegre-ES. Os extratos de tubérculos e de bulbos basais de C. rotundus foram preparados nas concentrações de 50, 75 e 100% e testemunha (água deionizada). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: porcentagem de enraizamento (PE); número de raízes (NR); comprimento da maior raiz (CR), massa fresca (MF) e seca das raízes (MS). Não foi observado efeito significativo da interação substrato x extrato para nenhuma variável. A porcentagem de enraizamento não diferiu significativamente entre os substratos, sendo que as médias foram de 94,05 e 89,28% para S1 e S2, respectivamente. Contudo, para MF, MS e CR o S1 apresentou médias superiores e que diferiram significativamente de S2, favorecendo o desenvolvimento radicular das estacas. As concentrações do extrato hidroalcóolico de bulbo basal e de tubérculo de C. rotundus testadas não influenciam o enraizamento de estacas de maracujazeiro amarelo