478 research outputs found

    Graphs with small diameter determined by their DD-spectra

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    Let GG be a connected graph with vertex set V(G)={v1,v2,...,vn}V(G)=\{v_{1},v_{2},...,v_{n}\}. The distance matrix D(G)=(dij)nΓ—nD(G)=(d_{ij})_{n\times n} is the matrix indexed by the vertices of G,G, where dijd_{ij} denotes the distance between the vertices viv_{i} and vjv_{j}. Suppose that Ξ»1(D)β‰₯Ξ»2(D)β‰₯β‹―β‰₯Ξ»n(D)\lambda_{1}(D)\geq\lambda_{2}(D)\geq\cdots\geq\lambda_{n}(D) are the distance spectrum of GG. The graph GG is said to be determined by its DD-spectrum if with respect to the distance matrix D(G)D(G), any graph having the same spectrum as GG is isomorphic to GG. In this paper, we give the distance characteristic polynomial of some graphs with small diameter, and also prove that these graphs are determined by their DD-spectra

    Maxima of the QQ-index of non-bipartite C3C_{3}-free graphs

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    A classic result in extremal graph theory, known as Mantel's theorem, states that every non-bipartite graph of order nn with size m>⌊n24βŒ‹m>\lfloor \frac{n^{2}}{4}\rfloor contains a triangle. Lin, Ning and Wu [Comb. Probab. Comput. 30 (2021) 258-270] proved a spectral version of Mantel's theorem for given order n.n. Zhai and Shu [Discrete Math. 345 (2022) 112630] investigated a spectral version for fixed size m.m. In this paper, we prove QQ-spectral versions of Mantel's theorem.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Spectral radius and spanning trees of graphs

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    For integer kβ‰₯2,k\geq2, a spanning kk-ended-tree is a spanning tree with at most kk leaves. Motivated by the closure theorem of Broersma and Tuinstra [Independence trees and Hamilton cycles, J. Graph Theory 29 (1998) 227--237], we provide tight spectral conditions to guarantee the existence of a spanning kk-ended-tree in a connected graph of order nn with extremal graphs being characterized. Moreover, by adopting Kaneko's theorem [Spanning trees with constraints on the leaf degree, Discrete Appl. Math. 115 (2001) 73--76], we also present tight spectral conditions for the existence of a spanning tree with leaf degree at most kk in a connected graph of order nn with extremal graphs being determined, where kβ‰₯1k\geq1 is an integer

    Spectral radius, fractional [a,b][a,b]-factor and ID-factor-critical graphs

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    Let GG be a graph and h:E(G)β†’[0,1]h: E(G)\rightarrow [0,1] be a function. For any two positive integers aa and bb with a≀ba\leq b, a fractional [a,b][a,b]-factor of GG with the indicator function hh is a spanning subgraph with vertex set V(G)V(G) and edge set EhE_h such that aβ‰€βˆ‘e∈EG(v)h(e)≀ba\leq\sum_{e\in E_{G}(v)}h(e)\leq b for any vertex v∈V(G)v\in V(G), where Eh={e∈E(G)∣h(e)>0}E_h = \{e\in E(G)|h(e)>0\} and E_{G}(v)=\{e\in E(G)| e~\mbox{is incident with}~v~\mbox{in}~G\}. A graph GG is ID-factor-critical if for every independent set II of GG whose size has the same parity as ∣V(G)∣|V(G)|, Gβˆ’IG-I has a perfect matching. In this paper, we present a tight sufficient condition based on the spectral radius for a graph to contain a fractional [a,b][a,b]-factor, which extends the result of Wei and Zhang [Discrete Math. 346 (2023) 113269]. Furthermore, we also prove a tight sufficient condition in terms of the spectral radius for a graph with minimum degree Ξ΄\delta to be ID-factor-critical.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Laplacian eigenvalue distribution, diameter and domination number of trees

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    For a graph GG with domination number Ξ³\gamma, Hedetniemi, Jacobs and Trevisan [European Journal of Combinatorics 53 (2016) 66-71] proved that mG[0,1)≀γm_{G}[0,1)\leq \gamma, where mG[0,1)m_{G}[0,1) means the number of Laplacian eigenvalues of GG in the interval [0,1)[0,1). Let TT be a tree with diameter dd. In this paper, we show that mT[0,1)β‰₯(d+1)/3m_{T}[0,1)\geq (d+1)/3. However, such a lower bound is false for general graphs. All trees achieving the lower bound are completely characterized. Moreover, for a tree TT, we establish a relation between the Laplacian eigenvalues, the diameter and the domination number by showing that the domination number of TT is equal to (d+1)/3(d+1)/3 if and only if it has exactly (d+1)/3(d+1)/3 Laplacian eigenvalues less than one. As an application, it also provides a new type of trees, which show the sharpness of an inequality due to Hedetniemi, Jacobs and Trevisan
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