47 research outputs found

    A Weakly Supervised Propagation Model for Rumor Verification and Stance Detection with Multiple Instance Learning

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    The diffusion of rumors on microblogs generally follows a propagation tree structure, that provides valuable clues on how an original message is transmitted and responded by users over time. Recent studies reveal that rumor detection and stance detection are two different but relevant tasks which can jointly enhance each other, e.g., rumors can be debunked by cross-checking the stances conveyed by their relevant microblog posts, and stances are also conditioned on the nature of the rumor. However, most stance detection methods require enormous post-level stance labels for training, which are labor-intensive given a large number of posts. Enlightened by Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) scheme, we first represent the diffusion of claims with bottom-up and top-down trees, then propose two tree-structured weakly supervised frameworks to jointly classify rumors and stances, where only the bag-level labels concerning claim's veracity are needed. Specifically, we convert the multi-class problem into a multiple MIL-based binary classification problem where each binary model focuses on differentiating a target stance or rumor type and other types. Finally, we propose a hierarchical attention mechanism to aggregate the binary predictions, including (1) a bottom-up or top-down tree attention layer to aggregate binary stances into binary veracity; and (2) a discriminative attention layer to aggregate the binary class into finer-grained classes. Extensive experiments conducted on three Twitter-based datasets demonstrate promising performance of our model on both claim-level rumor detection and post-level stance classification compared with state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted by SIGIR 202

    SegRNN: Segment Recurrent Neural Network for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting

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    RNN-based methods have faced challenges in the Long-term Time Series Forecasting (LTSF) domain when dealing with excessively long look-back windows and forecast horizons. Consequently, the dominance in this domain has shifted towards Transformer, MLP, and CNN approaches. The substantial number of recurrent iterations are the fundamental reasons behind the limitations of RNNs in LTSF. To address these issues, we propose two novel strategies to reduce the number of iterations in RNNs for LTSF tasks: Segment-wise Iterations and Parallel Multi-step Forecasting (PMF). RNNs that combine these strategies, namely SegRNN, significantly reduce the required recurrent iterations for LTSF, resulting in notable improvements in forecast accuracy and inference speed. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SegRNN not only outperforms SOTA Transformer-based models but also reduces runtime and memory usage by more than 78%. These achievements provide strong evidence that RNNs continue to excel in LTSF tasks and encourage further exploration of this domain with more RNN-based approaches. The source code is coming soon

    A Unified Contrastive Transfer Framework with Propagation Structure for Boosting Low-Resource Rumor Detection

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    The truth is significantly hampered by massive rumors that spread along with breaking news or popular topics. Since there is sufficient corpus gathered from the same domain for model training, existing rumor detection algorithms show promising performance on yesterday's news. However, due to a lack of training data and prior expert knowledge, they are poor at spotting rumors concerning unforeseen events, especially those propagated in different languages (i.e., low-resource regimes). In this paper, we propose a unified contrastive transfer framework to detect rumors by adapting the features learned from well-resourced rumor data to that of the low-resourced. More specifically, we first represent rumor circulated on social media as an undirected topology, and then train a Multi-scale Graph Convolutional Network via a unified contrastive paradigm. Our model explicitly breaks the barriers of the domain and/or language issues, via language alignment and a novel domain-adaptive contrastive learning mechanism. To enhance the representation learning from a small set of target events, we reveal that rumor-indicative signal is closely correlated with the uniformity of the distribution of these events. We design a target-wise contrastive training mechanism with three data augmentation strategies, capable of unifying the representations by distinguishing target events. Extensive experiments conducted on four low-resource datasets collected from real-world microblog platforms demonstrate that our framework achieves much better performance than state-of-the-art methods and exhibits a superior capacity for detecting rumors at early stages.Comment: A significant extension of the first contrastive approach for low-resource rumor detection (arXiv:2204.08143

    WSDMS: Debunk Fake News via Weakly Supervised Detection of Misinforming Sentences with Contextualized Social Wisdom

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    In recent years, we witness the explosion of false and unconfirmed information (i.e., rumors) that went viral on social media and shocked the public. Rumors can trigger versatile, mostly controversial stance expressions among social media users. Rumor verification and stance detection are different yet relevant tasks. Fake news debunking primarily focuses on determining the truthfulness of news articles, which oversimplifies the issue as fake news often combines elements of both truth and falsehood. Thus, it becomes crucial to identify specific instances of misinformation within the articles. In this research, we investigate a novel task in the field of fake news debunking, which involves detecting sentence-level misinformation. One of the major challenges in this task is the absence of a training dataset with sentence-level annotations regarding veracity. Inspired by the Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) approach, we propose a model called Weakly Supervised Detection of Misinforming Sentences (WSDMS). This model only requires bag-level labels for training but is capable of inferring both sentence-level misinformation and article-level veracity, aided by relevant social media conversations that are attentively contextualized with news sentences. We evaluate WSDMS on three real-world benchmarks and demonstrate that it outperforms existing state-of-the-art baselines in debunking fake news at both the sentence and article levels

    Complete Sequence of a F33:A-:B- Conjugative Plasmid Carrying the oqxAB, fosA3, and blaCTX-M-55 Elements from a Foodborne Escherichia coli Strain

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    This study reports the complete sequence of pE80, a conjugative IncFII plasmid recovered from an Escherichia coli strain isolated from chicken meat. This plasmid harbors multiple resistance determinants including oqxAB, fosA3, blaCTX-M-55, and blaTEM-1, and is a close variant of the recently reported p42-2 element, which was recovered from E. coli of veterinary source. Recovery of pE80 constitutes evidence that evolution or genetic re-arrangement of IncFII type plasmids residing in animal-borne organisms is an active event, which involves acquisition and integration of foreign resistance elements into the plasmid backbone. Dissemination of these plasmids may further compromise the effectiveness of current antimicrobial strategies.Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technolog

    The Difference of Chemical Components and Biological Activities of the Crude Products and the Salt-Processed Product from Semen Cuscutae

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    Semen Cuscutae is a well-known Chinese medicine which has been used to nourish kidney in China for thousands of years. The crude product of semen Cuscutae (CP) and its salt-processed product (SPP) are separately used in clinic for their different effects. The study was designed to investigate the influence of processing from semen Cuscutae on chemical components and biological effects. The principal component analysis and quantitative analysis were used to study the differences of the chemical components. The effects of nourishing kidney were detected to compare the differences between the CP and SPP. The PCA results showed that the obvious separation was achieved in the CP and SPP samples. The results of quantitative analysis showed that quercetin and total flavonoids had significantly increased after salt processing while hyperoside had decreased. The comparison of CP and SPP on biological activities showed that both of them could ameliorate the kidney-yang deficiency syndrome by restoring the level of sex hormone, improving the immune function and antioxidant effect. However, SPP was better in increasing the level of T and the viscera weight of testicle and epididymis, improving the antioxidant effect. The results suggested that salt processing changed its chemical profile, which in turn enhanced its biological activities

    Feature Recognition of Regional Architecture Forms Based on Machine Learning: A Case Study of Architecture Heritage in Hubei Province, China

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    Architecture form has been one of the hot areas in the field of architectural design, which reflects regional architectural features to some extent. However, most of the existing methods for architecture form belong to the field of qualitative analysis. Accordingly, quantitative methods are urgently required to extract regional architectural style, identify architecture form, and to and further provide the quantitative evaluation. Based on machine learning technology, this paper proposes a novel method to quantify the feature, form, and evaluation of regional architectures. First, we construct a training datasetā€”the Chinese Ancient Architecture Image Dataset (CAAID), in which each image is labeled by some experts as having at least one of three typical features such as ā€œHigh Pedestalā€, ā€œDeep Eaveā€ and ā€œElegant Gableā€. Second, the CAAID is used to train our neural network model to identify three kinds of architectural features. In order to reveal the traditional forms of regional architecture in Hubei, we built the Hubei Architectural Heritage Image Dataset (HAHID) as our object dataset, in which we collected architectural images from four different regions including southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest Hubei. Our object dataset is then fed into our neural network model to predict the typical features for those four regions in Hubei. The obtained quantitative results show that the feature identification of the architectural form is consistent with that of regional architectures in Hubei. Moreover, we can observe from the quantitative results that four geographic regions in Hubei show variation; for instance, the feature of the ā€˜elegant gableā€™ in southeastern Hubei is more evident, while the ā€œDeep Eaveā€ in the northwest is more evident. In addition, some new building images are selected to feed into our neural network model and the output quantitative results can effectively identify the corresponding feature style of regional architectures in Hubei. Therefore, our proposed method based on machine learning can be used not only as a quantitative tool to extract features of regional architectures, but also as an effective approach to evaluate architecture forms in the urban renewal process