18 research outputs found

    Molecular Dynamics Simulations Elucidate Conformational Dynamics Responsible for the Cyclization Reaction in TEAS

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    The Mg-dependent 5-epi-aristolochene synthase from <i>Nicotiana tabacum</i> (called TEAS) could catalyze the linear farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) substrate to form bicyclic hydrocarbon 5-epi-aristolochene. The cyclization reaction mechanism of TEAS was proposed based on static crystal structures and quantum chemistry calculations in a few previous studies, but substrate FPP binding kinetics and protein conformational dynamics responsible for the enzymatic catalysis are still unclear. Herein, by elaborative and extensive molecular dynamics simulations, the loop conformation change and several crucial residues promoting the cyclization reaction in TEAS are elucidated. It is found that the unusual noncatalytic NH<sub>2</sub>-terminal domain is essential to stabilize Helix-K and the adjoining J-K loop of the catalytic COOH-terminal domain. It is also illuminated that the induce-fit J-K/A-C loop dynamics is triggered by Y527 and the optimum substrate binding mode in a ā€œU-shapeā€ conformation. The U-shaped ligand binding pose is maintained well with the cooperative interaction of the three Mg<sup>2+</sup>-containing coordination shell and conserved residue W273. Furthermore, the conserved Arg residue pair R264/R266 and aromatic residue pair Y527/W273, whose spatial orientations are also crucial to promote the closure of the active site to a hydrophobic pocket, as well as to form Ļ€-stacking interactions with the ligand, would facilitate the carbocation migration and electrophilic attack involving the catalytic reaction. Our investigation more convincingly proves the greater roles of the protein local conformational dynamics than do hints from the static crystal structure observations. Thus, these findings can act as a guide to new protein engineering strategies on diversifying the sesquiterpene products for drug discovery

    Protonation-Dependent Diphosphate Cleavage in FPP Cyclases and Synthases

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    The cleavage of the magnesium-assisted diphosphate group (the PPi group) is one significant and prevalent rate-limiting step triggering the enzyme catalysis synthesis of terpenoid natural products. However, the PPi cleavage procedure has been rarely studied in most theoretical research of the terpenoid biosynthetic mechanism. In this work, QMĀ­(DFT)/MM MD simulations were employed to illuminate the detailed PPi cleavage mechanism in three different enzyme systems (ATAS, TEAS, and FPPS). We found that the most rational protonation state of the PPi group is highly dependent on the Mg<sup>2+</sup> coordination modes and the enzyme classes. The deprotonation of PPi is favorable for triggering the catalysis reaction in ATAS, while monoprotonation in FPPS and biprotonation in TEAS are advantageous. As a result, similar PPi cleavage occurs by means of nucleophilic substitution reactions in TEAS/FPPS/ATAS but presents an S<sub>N</sub>1, S<sub>N</sub>2, and borderline mechanism, respectively. Finally, the alternative functions of PPi protonation and Mg<sup>2+</sup> coordination modes are discussed

    Biosynthesis of Spinosyn A: A [4 + 2] or [6 + 4] Cycloaddition?

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    SpnF, one of the Dielsā€“Alderases, produces spinosyn A, and previous work demonstrated that its sole function is to catalyze the [4 + 2] cycloaddition (Fage, C. D.; et al. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2015, 11, 256āˆ’258). Furthermore, the potential existence of a [6 + 4] cycloaddition bifurcation from previous theoretical calculations on the nonenzyme model (Patel, A.; et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 3631āˆ’3634) shows that the exact mechanism of SpnF becomes even more interesting as well as now being controversial. In the present work, QMĀ­(DFT)/MM MD simulations on the full enzyme model revealed three significant residues that collaborate with other residues to control the direction of the cycloaddition, namely, Tyr23, Thr196, and Trp256. These residues force the substrate into a reactive conformation that causes the cycloaddition reaction to proceed through a [4 + 2] pathway instead of the [6 + 4] one. The mechanistic insights deciphered here are fundamentally important for the rational design of Dielsā€“Alderases and biomimetic syntheses

    Mechanism of Assembling Isoprenoid Building Blocks 1. Elucidation of the Structural Motifs for Substrate Binding in Geranyl Pyrophosphate Synthase

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    Terpenes (isoprenoids) represent the most functionally and structurally diverse group of natural products. Terpenes are assembled from two building blocks, isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP or DPP), by prenyltransferases (PTSs). Geranyl pyrophosphate synthase (GPPS) is the enzyme that assembles DPP and IPP in the first step of chain elongation during isoprenoid biosynthesis. The mechanism by which GPPS assembles the terpene precursor remains unknown; elucidating this mechanism will help in development of new technology to generate novel natural product-like scaffolds. With classic and QM/MM MD simulations, an ā€œopen-closedā€ conformation change of the catalytic pocket was observed in the GPPS active site at its large subunit (LSU), and a critical salt bridge between Asp91Ā­(in loop 1) and Lys239Ā­(in loop 2) was identified. The salt bridge is responsible for opening or closing the catalytic pocket. Meanwhile, the small subunit (SSU) regulates the size and shape of the hydrophobic pocket to flexibly host substrates with different shapes and sizes (DPP/GPP/FPP, C<sub>5</sub>/C<sub>10</sub>/C<sub>15</sub>). Further QM/MM MD simulations were carried out to explore the binding modes for the different substrates catalyzed by GPPS. Our simulations suggest that the key residues (Asp91, Lys239, and Gln156) are good candidates for site-directed mutagenesis and may help in protein engineering

    QM/MM and MM MD Simulations on the Pyrimidine-Specific Nucleoside Hydrolase: A Comprehensive Understanding of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Uridine

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    The pyrimidine-specific nucleoside hydrolase Yeik (CU-NH) from Escherichia coli cleaves the N-glycosidic bond of uridine and cytidine with a 10<sup>2</sup>ā€“10<sup>4</sup>-fold faster rate than that of purine nucleoside substrates, such as inosine. Such a remarkable substrate specificity and the plausible hydrolytic mechanisms of uridine have been explored by using QM/MM and MM MD simulations. The present calculations show that the relatively stronger hydrogen-bond interactions between uridine and the active-site residues Gln227 and Tyr231 in CU-NH play an important role in enhancing the substrate binding and thus promoting the N-glycosidic bond cleavage, in comparison with inosine. The estimated energy barrier of 30 kcal/mol for the hydrolysis of inosine is much higher than 22 kcal/mol for uridine. Extensive MM MD simulations on the transportation of substrates to the active site of CU-NH indicate that the uridine binding is exothermic by āˆ¼23 kcal/mol, more remarkable than inosine (āˆ¼12 kcal/mol). All of these arise from the noncovalent interactions between the substrate and the active site featured in CU-NH, which account for the substrate specificity. Quite differing from other nucleoside hydrolases, here the enzymatic N-glycosidic bond cleavage of uridine is less influenced by its protonation

    Intrinsic Dynamics of the Binding Rail and Its Allosteric Effect in the Class I Histone Deacetylases

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    The development of novel isoform/class-selective inhibitors is still of great biological and medical significance to conquer the continuously reported side effects for the histone deacetylase (HDAC) drugs. The first potent HDAC allosteric inhibitor was discovered last year, and this allosteric inhibitor design is thought to be a promising strategy to overcome the current challenges in HDAC inhibitor design. However, the detailed allosteric mechanism and its remote regulatory effects on the catalytic/inhibitor activity of HDAC are still unclear. In this work, on the basis of microsecond-time-scale all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and picosecond-time-scale density functional theory/molecular mechanics MD simulations on HDAC8, we propose that the allostery is achieved by the intrinsic conformational flexibility of the binding rail (constituted by a highly conserved Xā€“D residue dyad), which steers the loopā€“loop motion and creates the diverse shapes of the allosteric sites in different HDAC isoforms. Additionally, the rotatability of the binding rail is an inherent structural feature that regulates the hydrophobicity of the linker binding channel and thus further affects the HDAC enzyme inhibitory/catalytic activity by utilizing the promiscuity of Xā€“D dyad. Since the plastic X residue is different among class I HDACs, these new findings provide a deeper understanding of the allostery, which is guidable for the design of new allosteric inhibitors toward the allosteric site and structure modifications on the conventional inhibitors binding into the active pocket by exploiting the intrinsic dynamic features of the conserved Xā€“D dyad

    Mechanistic Insights into the Rate-Limiting Step in Purine-Specific Nucleoside Hydrolase

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    A full enzymatic catalysis cycle in the inosineā€“adenosineā€“guanosine specific nucleoside hydrolase (IAG-NH) was assumed to be comprised of four steps: substrate binding, chemical reaction, base release, and ribose release. Nevertheless, the mechanistic details for the rate-limiting step of the entire enzymatic reaction are still unknown, even though the ribose release was likely to be the most difficult stage. Based on state-of-the-art quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, the ribose release process can be divided into two steps: ā€œribose dissociationā€ and ā€œribose releaseā€. The ā€œribose dissociationā€ includes ā€œcleavageā€ and ā€œexchangeā€ stages, in which a metastable 6-fold intermediate will recover to an 8-fold coordination shell of Ca<sup>2+</sup> as observed in <i>apo</i>- IAG-NH. Extensive random acceleration molecular dynamics and MD simulations have been employed to verify plausible release channels, and the estimated barrier for the rate-determining step of the entire reaction is 13.0 kcal/mol, which is comparable to the experimental value of 16.7 kcal/mol. Moreover, the gating mechanism arising from loop1 and loop2, as well as key residues around the active pocket, has been found to play an important role in manipulating the ribose release

    Intrinsic Dynamics of the Binding Rail and Its Allosteric Effect in the Class I Histone Deacetylases

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    The development of novel isoform/class-selective inhibitors is still of great biological and medical significance to conquer the continuously reported side effects for the histone deacetylase (HDAC) drugs. The first potent HDAC allosteric inhibitor was discovered last year, and this allosteric inhibitor design is thought to be a promising strategy to overcome the current challenges in HDAC inhibitor design. However, the detailed allosteric mechanism and its remote regulatory effects on the catalytic/inhibitor activity of HDAC are still unclear. In this work, on the basis of microsecond-time-scale all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and picosecond-time-scale density functional theory/molecular mechanics MD simulations on HDAC8, we propose that the allostery is achieved by the intrinsic conformational flexibility of the binding rail (constituted by a highly conserved Xā€“D residue dyad), which steers the loopā€“loop motion and creates the diverse shapes of the allosteric sites in different HDAC isoforms. Additionally, the rotatability of the binding rail is an inherent structural feature that regulates the hydrophobicity of the linker binding channel and thus further affects the HDAC enzyme inhibitory/catalytic activity by utilizing the promiscuity of Xā€“D dyad. Since the plastic X residue is different among class I HDACs, these new findings provide a deeper understanding of the allostery, which is guidable for the design of new allosteric inhibitors toward the allosteric site and structure modifications on the conventional inhibitors binding into the active pocket by exploiting the intrinsic dynamic features of the conserved Xā€“D dyad

    Structureā€“Function Analysis of the Conserved Tyrosine and Diverse Ļ€ā€‘Stacking among Class I Histone Deacetylases: A QM (DFT)/MM MD Study

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    Discovery of the isoform-selective histone deacetylases (HDACs) inhibitors is of great medical importance and still a challenge. The comparison studies on the structureā€“function relationship of the conserved residues, which are located in the linker binding channel among class I HDACs (including 4 isoforms: HDAC1/2/3/8), have been carried out by using <i>ab initio</i> QM/MM MD simulations, a state-of-the-art approach to simulate metallo-enzymes. We found that the conserved tyrosine (Y303/308/286/306 in HDAC1/2/3/8, respectively) could modulate the zinc-inhibitor chelation among all class I HDACs with different regulatory mechanisms. For HDAC1/2/3 selective-inhibitor benzamide, the conserved tyrosine could modulate the coordinative ability of the central atom (Zn<sup>2+</sup>), while for pan-inhibitor SAHA, the conserved tyrosine could increase the chelating ability of the ligand (SAHA). Moreover, it is first found that the conserved tyrosine is correlated with the intertransformation of Ļ€ā€“Ļ€ stacking styles (parallel shift vs T-shaped) by the aromatic ring in benzamide and the two conserved phenylalanine residues of HDACs. In addition, the catalytic roles of the conserved tyrosine in stabilizing the transition state and intermediate are further revealed. These findings provide useful molecular basis knowledge for further isoform-selective inhibitor design among class I HDACs

    Concerted Cyclization of Lanosterol Cā€‘Ring and Dā€‘Ring Under Human Oxidosqualene Cyclase Catalysis: An ab Initio QM/MM MD Study

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    Human oxidosqualene cyclase (OSC) is one key enzyme in the biosynthesis of cholesterol. It can catalyze the linear-chain 2,3-oxidosqualene to form lanosterol, the tetracyclic (6ā€“6ā€“6ā€“5 members for Aā€“Bā€“Cā€“D rings) cholesterol precursor. It also has been treated as a novel antihyperlipidemia target. In addition, the structural diversity of cyclic terpenes in plants originates from the cyclization of 2,3-oxidosqualene. The enzyme catalytic mechanism is considered to be one of the most complicated ones in nature, and there are a lot of controversies about the mechanism in the past half a century. Herein, state-of-the-art ab initio QM/MM MD simulations are employed to investigate the detailed cyclization mechanism of C-ring and D-ring formation. Our study reveals that the C and D rings are formed near-synchronously from a stable ā€œ6ā€“6ā€“5ā€ ring intermediate. Interestingly, the transition state of this concerted reaction presents a ā€œ6ā€“6-6ā€ structure motif, while this unstable ā€œ6ā€“6-6ā€ structure in our simulations is thought to be a stable intermediate state in most previous hypothetical mechanisms. Furthermore, as the tailed side chain of 2,3-oxidosqualene shows a Ī² conformation while it is Ī± conformation in lanosterol, finally, it is observed that the rotatable ā€œtailā€ chain prefers to transfer Ī² conformation to Ī± conformation at the ā€œ6ā€“6ā€“5ā€ intermediate state