30 research outputs found

    eTourism – Mobile Data Interface (Sistema de Apoio On-Line ao Turista em Dispositivos Móveis com Adaptação de Tours Personalizados)

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    O intuito principal desta Tese é criar um interface de Dados entre uma fonte de informação e fornecimento de Rotas para turistas e disponibilizar essa informação através de um sistema móvel interactivo de navegação e visualização desses mesmos dados. O formato tecnológico será portátil e orientado à mobilidade (PDA) e deverá ser prático, intuitivo e multi-facetado, permitindo boa usabilidade a públicos de várias faixas etárias. Haverá uma componente de IA (Inteligência Artificial), que irá usar a informação fornecida para tomar decisões ponderadas tendo em conta uma diversidade de aspectos. O Sistema a desenvolver deverá ser, assim, capaz de lidar com imponderáveis (alterações de rota, gestão de horários, cancelamento de pontos de visita, novos pontos de visita) e, finalmente, deverá ajudar o turista a gerir o seu tempo entre Pontos de Interesse (POI – Points os Interest). Deverá também permitir seguir ou não um dado percurso pré-definido, havendo possibilidade de cenários de exploração de POIs, sugeridos a partir de sugestões in loco, similares a Locais incluídos no trajecto, que se enquadravam no perfil dos Utilizadores. O âmbito geográfico de teste deste projecto será a zona ribeirinha do porto, por ser um ex-líbris da cidade e, simultaneamente, uma zona com muitos desafios ao nível geográfico (com a inclinação) e ao nível do grande número de Eventos e Locais a visitar.The main objective of this Thesis is to successfully create a Mobile Data Interface, that would interconnect a Tourism Route Supplier System and output the resulting data to a Graphic User Interface used to present and navigate, based on input and imported data. This will be an Intelligent and Mobilie-oriented Software that would proactively solve unforeseen situations and generate conditions for an optimal Tour Day. It will be userfriendly and easy to use by a variety of different audiences. It will be able to manage Points of Interest regarding to geographic location and time of event, providing rapid Tour update adding or removing Tour Points and supporting group visits. “Ribeira” is the geographic area used to test this project. The charismatic river-side zone of Oporto, has been chosen because of multiple challenges regarding navigation, and also the multiple sites and variety of events in this area alone

    Avaliação da qualidade de vida dos doentes após o internamento na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) do Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira (CHCB)

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    Introdução: A maioria dos estudos sobre a qualidade de vida dos doentes após o seu internamento numa unidade de cuidados intensivos focam-se principalmente no período dos 3 meses após a alta desta unidade hospitalar em diante. Objetivo: Pretendeu-se com este estudo avaliar a qualidade de vida dos doentes 2 meses após o seu internamento na UCI do CHCB, bem como analisar a sua relação com fatores demográficos e de saúde relativos aos doentes avaliados. Metodologia: Aplicação oportunista de dois questionários aos doentes previamente internados na UCI - o SF-36 v2 e outro elaborado por nós - durante as consultas de Medicina Intensiva habitualmente realizadas no CHCB, 2 meses após o referido internamento. Análise crítica da relação dos resultados obtidos, através do questionário SF-36 v2, acerca da qualidade de vida dos doentes, com fatores demográficos e de saúde relativos aos doentes da amostra selecionada, recorrendo às respostas dadas ao segundo questionário e a dados do internamento recolhidos dos processos clínicos. Resultados: A média de idades dos doentes que participaram no estudo foi de 66,8 anos. Relativamente ao estado de saúde física prévio ao internamento, a percentagem de doentes crónicos sem incapacidade foi de 30,8% e a de doentes crónicos com incapacidade de 41%. Para além disto, 28,2% afirmaram ser ansiosos, 7,7% deprimidos e 10,3% disseram sofrer de ansiedade e depressão, previamente ao internamento. O tempo de internamento foi, em média, de 3,8 dias. Quinze por cento dos doentes estiveram internados numa UCI mais uma vez para além da atual. Foram sedados 17,9% dos doentes e 23,1% experienciou dor durante o internamento. As recordações do internamento foram más em 15,4% dos doentes. Após a alta do internamento, 45,45% dos doentes retomaram a sua atividade profissional. As médias da MSF e MSM foram, 37 e 53,4, respetivamente. Obtiveram-se correlações significativas entre algumas das dimensões da qualidade de vida e o tempo de internamento e os índices de gravidade de doença. Foram detetadas diferenças significativas na MSF dos doentes sedados e ventilados de forma invasiva (valor-p = 0,044). As dimensões da qualidade de vida mais afetadas nos doentes incluídos na amostra foram a função e o desempenho físicos. Conclusão: A qualidade de vida dos doentes internados na UCI do CHCB, 2 meses após a alta, é inferior à da população portuguesa, em geral. Os doentes sujeitos a sedação e ventilação mecânica invasiva apresentam uma MSF inferior à dos restantes doentes da amostra. A função e o desempenho físicos são as dimensões da qualidade de vida mais afetadas nestes doentes, embora as dimensões mentais também tenham sido afetadas. Posto isto, o seguimento destes doentes, desde cedo, pela equipa médica responsável pelos cuidados intensivos aplicados, em cooperação com uma equipa responsável pela reabilitação física e psicológica destes doentes, é de extrema importância.Introduction: Most studies on quality of life of patients after their intensive care stay are focused mainly in the period of three months after discharge from this hospital unit on. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of life of patients two months after their ICU stay, at the CHCB, as well as to analyze its relation with demographic and health data from those patients. Methodology: Opportunistic application of two questionnaires to the patients who previously had their intensive care stay at the CHCB – the SF-36 v2 and an original questionnaire developed by us – during the Intensive Medicine consultations usually carried out in this hospital two months after the aforementioned intensive care stay. Analysis of the results obtained from the SF-36 v2 questionnaire about the patient’s quality of life and its relation with demographic and health data, using patient’s responses to the second questionnaire and data about their ICU stay collected from patient’s clinical processes. Results: The average age of the patients enrolled in the study was 66,8 years. Regarding physical health prior to admission to the ICU, 30,8% of patients said they were chronically ill, but without any disability, whereas 41% said they were chronically ill with at least some disability. In addition, 28,2% of patients said they were anxious, 7,7% depressed and 10,3% reported suffering from anxiety and depression prior to admission. The intensive care stay was, on average, 3,8 days. Before the current stay, 15% of patients were hospitalized in an ICU one more time. Sedation was used in 17,9% of patients and 23,1% suffered from pain during their intensive care stay. Memories from the ICU stay were rated as bad in 15,4% of patients. After discharge from the ICU, 45,45% of patients resumed their professional activity. The means of PCS and MCS were 37 and 53,4, respectively. Statistically significant correlations were observed between some dimensions of quality of life and the length of intensive care stay, as well as with the disease severity scores. Significant differences were found in the PCS from sedated and invasively ventilated patients (p-value = 0,044). The most affected dimensions of patient’s quality of life were physical function and physical role. Conclusion: The quality of life of patients admitted to the CHCB’S ICU, two months after their discharge, is poorer than the Portuguese population’s norm. Patients who have undergone sedation and invasive mechanical ventilation have a PCS lower than those who have not. Physical function and physical role were the most affected dimensions of these patient’s quality of life, although mental dimensions were also affected. Therefore, the follow-up of these patients early on by the medical team responsible for the intensive care applied, in cooperation with a team responsible for these patient’s physical and psychological rehabilitation, is of utmost importance

    Exploring the Dynamics of Athletes’ Enjoyment and Self-Determined Motivation, and of the Motivational Climate in Youth Football: A Longitudinal Perspective

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    We aimed to explore a short period longitudinal interplay between athletes’ enjoyment and their self-determined motivation and motivational climate in youth football. We recruited 109 youth football athletes (79 males, 30 females) through a convenient sampling method. We included individuals within the 12–17-year-old age range, with a mean age of 14.31 (SD = 1.46) years. To examine these proposed associations, we performed hierarchical multiple regression analyses and found that enjoyment at pre-season assessment (T1) and self-determined motivation and a task-involving sport climate at mid-season (T2) were significant predictors of mid-season enjoyment (at T2). However, self-determined motivation and task-involving climate at T1 did not significantly contribute to the model. These findings emphasize the importance of initial enjoyment and an evolved self-determined motivation, and task-involving climate in understanding later enjoyment in sport. Coaches, practitioners, and policymakers should prioritize strategies that enhance intrinsic motivation, provide opportunities for autonomy, and cultivate a supportive and growth-oriented environment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What Drives Portuguese Women to Be Physically Active? Associations between Motives and Well-Being Indicators

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    Motives and self-esteem play crucial roles in shaping personal behavior and emotions and have been shown to impact well-being. However, the association between these constructs has been overlooked in women who seem to be more externally driven to engage in exercise. The present study was carried out with the objective of analyzing the associations between motives for physical exercise, positive and negative activations, and self-esteem of Portuguese women exercising at gyms and fitness centers. The sample consists of 206 women aged between 16 and 68 years old (M = 35.77; SD = 11.47). Participants answered a short sociodemographic questionnaire, the Goal Content for Exercise Questionnaire, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. The results showed that the health motive had the highest predictive value (β = 0.24; p 0.05) and demonstrated a non-significant correlation with positive activation and self-esteem (p > 0.05). Looking at the coefficients in the hierarchical regression model, it can be seen that the health motive and positive activation were positively and significantly correlated with self-esteem. This study points to the need to raise awareness about the motives of exercise related to the physical and mental health of Portuguese women. Portuguese women that exercise for health motives display greater perceived self-esteem which is an indication of a greater sense of well-being. While the results are limited to Portuguese women, exercise physiologists assessing exercise motives could provide information on how to prescribe exercise as a means to increase self-esteem, considering the positive activation resulting from this behavior.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring the relationship across autonomous motivation, affects, and anxiety among gym practitioners during the second COVID-19 lockdown

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    The present study explores the association of autonomous motivation and the relationship of positive and negative affect on anxiety levels among individuals engaged in gym practitioners during the second COVID-19 lockdown. A total of 196 exercisers (29.17 ± 10.77) were enrolled in the present study, of which 112 (57.1%) were women and 84 (42.9%) were men. The survey included sociodemographic data, as well as validated instruments measuring autonomous motivation, positive and negative affect, and anxiety states related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results revealed a positive association between autonomous motivation and positive affect (β = 0.36, CI 0.12, 0.37; p < 0.001), and a negative association between autonomous motivation and negative affect (β = − 0.17, CI − 0.31, − 0.01; p = 0.03). Moreover positive, and negative affect are negatively (β = − 0.33, CI − 0.43, − 0.24; p < 0.001) and positively (β = 0.72, CI 0.57, 0.82; p < 0.001) associated to anxiety, respectively. Thus, this study appears to emphasize the association of autonomous motivation on affect as a potential buffer against anxiety levels, particularly in a context where practitioners found themselves restricted in their usual gym practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gender Differences in Anthropometric, Functional Capacity Measures and Quality of Life in Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

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    The aim of the of the current investigation was to investigate the possible differences concerning males and females in anthropometry, body composition, functional capacity, strength and quality of life variables. After obtaining signed informed consent, 37 participants (18 males; 19 females), with mean age of 39.08 and standard deviation of 11.66 years, voluntarily participated in this study. Anthropometry, body composition, functional capacity, strength, and quality of life were assessed using validated and reliable instruments and tests for this population. The males and females were compared using a Mann–Whitney U signed rank test. Significant differences were detected among the following variables, height (p = 0.028), body mass index (p = 0.033), fat mass (p = 0.002), muscle mass (p ≤ 0.001), phase angle (p = 0.005), medicine ball throwing strength (p = 0.010), and peak toque left knee (p = 0.028), with males showing better results in all the variables. The sample in this study showed differences in the anthropometric, composition, and strength variables. Studying this population can help ensure that everyone has equal access to services and adequate support for their personal needs, improving their quality of life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physical Activity, Anxiety, Depression, and Body Image in Trans Individuals: An Exploratory Study

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    Physical activity (PA), mental health, and body image are some important health topics in the transgender population that have been recently discussed and appear to play a crucial role in the quality of life of the trans population. This study aims to elucidate the complex interplay of these variables and their implications for the well-being of trans individuals. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 75 Portuguese transgender individuals (M = 23.68; SD ± 6.59) were recruited to participate in this study. The participants completed three questionnaires related to the assessment of physical activity (IPAQ), depressive and anxious symptomatology (HADS), and satisfaction with body image (BISQp). Results: Trans individuals showed a total energy expenditure of 3316.40 metabolic equivalent tasks (METS), had a moderate level of anxiety symptomatology, and low levels of satisfaction with body image. Satisfaction with body image was negatively associated with anxiety (r = −0.441, p < 0.01) and depression symptomatology (r = −0.600, p < 0.01). Conclusions: The implementation of inclusive programs that promote body acceptance and coping strategies, particularly within the context of physical exercise, may help alleviate distress related to body image dissatisfaction while also addressing underlying anxiety and depression symptoms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mental Toughness and Resilience in Trail Runner’s Performance

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    Our purpose with this study was to analyze trail runners’ psychological variables of mental toughness (MT) and resilience, and their associations with runners’ performances within a quantitative cross-sectional study. In total, we analyzed data from 307 Portuguese trail runners (60 female, 247 male), aged between 20 to 66 years (M age = 41.98; SD = 7.74). The results showed that the measurement model, including the factors of MT, resilience, and performance variables, exhibited an adequate fit to the data: χ2 = 150.01 (74); BS-p = .003; CFI= .953; TLI = .942; RMSEA = .058 90% (.045, .071) and SRMR= .042. Standardized direct effects revealed positive associations between these variables. More specifically: (a) MT was significantly associated with resilience; and (b) resilience was significantly associated with performance. The indirect regression paths showed that MT was positively associated with performance, with resilience considered a possible mediator (β = .09 IC = .010, .168; p = .02). In total, considering direct and indirect effects, the model explained 21% of performance variance among trail runners.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Forearm Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation Delay due to Juxta-Anastomotic Stenosis: Role of Percutaneous Angioplasty

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    Introduction: Arteriovenous fistula is the optimal vascular access for hemodialysis as it has the best long-term patency rate and the lowest complication rate. Although we are still lacking consensus, surgery has been advocated as the best treatment option for maturation delay. We proposed to evaluate the results of endovascular approach of arteriovenous fistula’s maturation delay in our hospital. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study, selecting patients referred to our diagnostic and therapeutic angiography unit due to arteriovenous fistula delayed maturation, between April 2017 and June 2020. Results: Thirty-four patients were referred to our center due to maturation delay, of which six (17.7%) were excluded as the diagnosis was not confirmed and six (17.7%) because the lesions were not suitable for percutaneous angioplasty. The other 22 patients (64.7%) were subjected to percutaneous endovascular treatment. Mean age was 67.3 ± 13.8 years. Eighteen patients (81.8%) had maturation delay due to peri-anastomotic stenosis; 12 (66.7%) were forearm fistulas (all radio-cephalic). Mean follow-up time was 21.2 ± 11.2 months. Eleven (91.7%) fistulas were salvaged, although four (33.3%) needed reintervention. Primary and assisted primary patencies at 6 and 12 months were 66.7% vs 91.7% and 58.3% vs 91.7%, respectively. Conclusion: Our results point out that endovascular treatment is a good treatment option for maturation delay of forearm arteriovenous fistulas due to juxta-anastomotic stenosis. Even though surgical treatment appears to have better primary patency, a step-by-step approach seems to be a valid strategy, as our assisted primary patency shows

    Task-Involving Motivational Climate and Enjoyment in Youth Male Football Athletes: The Mediation Role of Self-Determined Motivation

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    Background: This study aimed at examining the mediation role of self-determined motivation (identified and integrated regulation and intrinsic motivation) in the association between task-involving climate and enjoyment in youth male football athletes. Methods: A total of 109 youth males (M = 14.38; SD = 1.55) were recruited to participate in this study. The survey included sociodemographic data and validated instruments such as the Motivational Climate Sport Youth Scale, the Behavioral Regulation Sport Questionnaire, and the Sports Enjoyment Scale. Results: The results showed that the task-involving climate was a positive and significant predictor of integrated regulation and intrinsic motivation. In addition, integrated regulation and intrinsic motivation were positive and significant predictors of enjoyment. The results of the mediation analysis revealed a partial mediation role of self-determined motivation in the relationship between task-involving climate and enjoyment. Significant indirect effects only occurred through intrinsic motivation. Conclusions: Providing higher levels of enjoyment in the sport context could be an excellent option for leisure activities for children and youth, as long as self-determined motivation and task-involving climates provided by the coaches are present.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio