2,455 research outputs found

    Hot Quark Matter with an Axial Chemical Potential

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    We analyze the phase diagram of hot quark matter in presence of an axial chemical potential, μ5\mu_5. The latter is introduced to mimic the chirality transitions induced, in hot Quantum Chromodynamics, by the strong sphaleron configurations. In particular, we study the curvature of the critical line at small μ5\mu_5, the effects of a finite quark mass and of a vector interaction. Moreover, we build the mixed phase at the first order phase transition line, and draw the phase diagram in the chiral density and temperature plane. We finally compute the full topological susceptibility in presence of a background of topological charge.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Few references added, short discussion included. Final version appearing on Phys. Rev.

    Short-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Term Neonates Treated with Phenobarbital versus Levetiracetam: A Single-Center Experience

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    BACKGROUND: Phenobarbital (PB) has been traditionally used as the first-line treatment for neonatal seizures. More recently, levetiracetam (LEV) has been increasingly used as a promising newer antiepileptic medication for treatment of seizures in neonates. OBJECTIVES: The aim of our study was to compare the effect of PB vs. LEV on short-term neurodevelopmental outcome in infants treated for neonatal seizures. METHOD: This randomized, one-blind prospective study was conducted on term neonates admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of S. Bambino Hospital, University Hospital "Policlinico-Vittorio Emanuele," Catania, Italy, from February 2016 to February 2018. Thirty term neonates with seizures were randomized to receive PB or LEV; the Hammersmith Neonatal Neurological Examination (HNNE) was used at baseline (T0) and again one month after the initial treatment (T1). RESULTS: We found a significantly positive HNNE score for the developmental outcomes, specifically tone and posture, in neonates treated with LEV. There was no significant improvement in the HNNE score at T1 in the neonates treated with PB. CONCLUSION: This study suggests a positive effect of levetiracetam on tone and posture in term newborns treated for neonatal seizures. If future randomized-controlled studies also show better efficacy of LEV in the treatment of neonatal seizures, LEV might potentially be considered as the first-line anticonvulsant in this age grou

    The Atmospheric Response to Meridional Shifts of the Gulf Stream SST Front and Its Dependence on Model Resolution

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    The Gulf Stream (GS) plays a key role in shaping the North Atlantic climate. Moreover, the associated sea surface temperature (SST) front undergoes interannual-to-decadal variability that is thought to force significant atmospheric circulation anomalies. However, general circulation models do not accurately reproduce the atmospheric response to SST front variability as estimated from observations. In this work we analyze the atmospheric response to the GS SST front (GSF) shifts in a multimodel ensemble of atmosphere-only simulations forced with observed SSTs (1950-2014). The atmospheric response is found to be resolution dependent. Only the high-resolution simulations produce a wintertime response similar to observed anomalies. More specifically, (i) analysis of the atmospheric thermodynamic balance close to the GSF showed that the anomalous diabatic heating associated to the GSF displacement is mainly balanced by vertical motion and by meridional transient eddy heat transport (not the case for low-resolution models), while (ii) the large-scale response includes a meridional shift of the North Atlantic eddy-driven jet and storm track homodirectional to the GSF displacement. This atmospheric response is accompanied by changes in low-level baroclinicity close to and north of the GSF, resulting from the oceanic forcing and the zonal atmospheric circulation anomalies respectively. The low-level baroclinicity anomalies lead to changes in baroclinic eddy activity and, ultimately, in the jet via eddy-mean flow interaction. Considering the two-way nature of air-sea interactions, using historical atmosphere-only simulations is a powerful way to isolate the impact of realistic oceanic variability on the atmosphere. Our results suggest that interannual-to-decadal predictability may be higher than what low-resolution models currently indicate

    Sun protection habits and behaviors of a group of outdoor workers and students from the agricultural and construction sectors in north-Italy

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    Background: Despite the relevant frequency of ultraviolet induced adverse health effects in workers, solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure is an occupational risk not adequately minimized in Italy. Objective: To assess the characteristics and prevalence of sun exposure habits and behaviors in a group of students and outdoor workers (OW) from the agricultural and construction sectors of a north-Italian region. Methods: Based on a previously developed standardized questionnaire, we collected full information on individual sun exposure habits at work and during leisure activities. Results: In 2018, 380 high school students and OW from the agricultural and construction sectors participated in a sun-safety campaign. More than a third (39.0%) of OW reported never using sunglasses, 52.8% never applied sunscreens at work, and a quarter never wear a UV protective hat. Considering leisure-time, students reported more frequent sunburns compared to OW: 25.0% vs. 13.8%; half (51.6%) of students and a third (36.4%) of OW reported never wearing a UV protective hat. A third (30.1%) of students and 37.2% of OW never or only seldom applied sunscreens on holidays. Discussion: The majority of OW in our study reported poor protective solar exposure habits. Young students of the construction and agricultural sectors indicated even worse sun-protective behaviors, both during apprenticeship and leisure activities. Our study highlights the low health literacy related to solar UVR in OW and apprentices. Further educational initiatives are required in Italy to improve the adoption of protective behaviors during outdoor activities

    Testing evapotranspiration estimates based on MODIS satellite data in the assessment of the groundwater recharge of karst aquifers in southern Italy

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    In many Italian regions, and particularly in southern Italy, karst aquifers are the main sources of drinking water and play a crucial role in the socio-economic development of the territory. Hence, estimating the groundwater recharge of these aquifers is a fundamental task for the proper management of water resources, while also considering the impacts of climate changes. In the southern Apennines, the assessment of hydrological parameters that is needed for the estimation of groundwater recharge is a challenging issue, especially for the spatial and temporal inhomogeneity of networks of rain and air temperature stations, as well as the variable geomorphological features and land use across mountainous karst areas. In such a framework, the integration of terrestrial and remotely sensed data is a promising approach to limit these uncertainties. In this research, estimations of actual evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge using remotely sensed data gathered by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) satellite in the period 2000–2014 are shown for karst aquifers of the southern Apennines. To assess the uncertainties affecting conventional methods based on empirical formulas, the values estimated by the MODIS dataset were compared with those calculated by Coutagne, Turc, and Thornthwaite classical empirical formulas, which were based on the recordings of meteorological stations. The annual rainfall time series of 266 rain gauges and 150 air temperature stations, recorded using meteorological networks managed by public agencies in the period 2000–2014, were considered for reconstructing the regional distributed models of actual evapotranspiration (AET) and groundwater recharge. Considering the MODIS AET, the mean annual groundwater recharge for karst aquifers was estimated to be about 448 mm·year−1 . In contrast, using the Turc, Coutagne, and Thornthwaite methods, it was estimated as being 494, 533, and 437 mm·year−1, respectively. The obtained results open a new methodological perspective for the assessment of the groundwater recharge of karst aquifers at the regional and mean annual scales, allowing for limiting uncertainties and taking into account a spatial resolution greater than that of the existing meteorological networks. Among the most relevant results obtained via the comparison of classical approaches used for estimating evapotranspiration is the good matching of the actual evapotranspiration estimated using MODIS data with the potential evapotranspiration estimated using the Thornthwaite formula. This result was considered linked to the availability of soil moisture for the evapotranspiration demand due to the relevant precipitation in the area, the general occurrence of soils covering karst aquifers, and the dense vegetation

    On the Influence of ENSO on Sudden Stratospheric Warmings

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    Using the extended ERA5 reanalysis and three state-of-the-art models, this study explores how El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) can influence the total frequency, seasonal cycle and preconditioning of sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs). Reanalysis data shows that in the last seven decades, winters with SSWs were more common than winters without, regardless El Niño (EN) or La Niña (LN) occurrence or the ENSO/SSW definitions. In agreement with previous studies, our models tend to simulate a linear ENSO-SSW relationship, with more SSWs for EN, around mid-winter (January–February) as in reanalysis, and less for LN when compared to neutral conditions. Independently of ENSO, the main tropospheric precursor of SSWs appears to be an anomalous wave-like pattern over Eurasia, but it is dominated by wavenumber 1 (WN1) for EN and shows an enhanced wavenumber 2 (WN2) for LN. The differences in this Eurasian wave pattern, which is largely internally generated, emerge from the distinct configuration of the background, stationary wave pattern induced by ENSO in the North Pacific, favoring a stronger WN1 (WN2) component during EN (LN). Our results suggest that the ENSO-forced signal relies on modulating the seasonal-mean polar vortex strength, becoming weaker and more displaced (stronger and more stable) for EN (LN), while ENSO-unforced wave activity represents the ultimate trigger of SSWs. This supports the view that ENSO and SSWs are distinct sources of variability of the winter atmospheric circulation operating at different time-scales and may reconcile previous findings in this context

    Oral platelet gel supernatant plus supportive medical treatment versus supportive medical treatment in the management of radiation-induced oral mucositis: a matched explorative active control trial by propensity analysis

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    OBJECTIVES:: In this active control trial, the rate of radio-induced WHO grade 3/4 oral mucositis and the change in quality of life, assessed by OMWQ-HN, were measured in subjects with head and neck cancer treated by platelet gel supernatant (PGS) and supportive medical treatment versus subjects treated by supportive medical treatment alone. MATERIALS AND METHODS:: Eighty patients with nonmetastatic head and neck cancer underwent curative or adjuvant radiotherapy. All patients underwent supportive medical treatment and/or PGS at the beginning and during radiotherapy. Sixteen patients received PGS in association with supportive medical treatment. To obtain 2 groups virtually randomized for important clinical characteristics subjects were matched, by propensity analysis, with a group of subjects (64 patients) treated with supportive medical treatment alone. RESULTS:: Subjects treated with standard supportive treatment experienced significant higher WHO grade 3/4 toxicity (55%; 35/64) than subjects treated by PGS (13%; 3/16). The reduced toxicity found in PGS group paralleled with the evidence that they developed later symptoms with respect to controls. The Cox proportional hazard model indicated that patients treated with standard supportive medical treatment experienced 2.7-fold increase (hazard ratio=2.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.3-5.7) in the occurrence of WHO grade 3/4 toxicity. PGS group significantly experienced higher quality of life than control groups as measured by OMWQ-HN. A significant decrease in the opioid analgesics usage was found in the PGS group. CONCLUSIONS:: These preliminary data should be interpreted with caution and could serve as a framework around which to design future trials

    Oxidative stress in preterm infants: Overview of current evidence and future prospects

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    Preterm birth (PTB), defined as parturition prior to 37 weeks of gestation, is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the neonatal population. The incidence and severity of complications of prematurity increase with decreasing gestational age and birthweight. The aim of this review study is to select the most current evidence on the role of oxidative stress in the onset of preterm complication prevention strategies and treatment options with pre-clinical and clinical trials. We also provide a literature review of primary and secondary studies on the role of oxidative stress in preterm infants and its eventual treatment in prematurity diseases. We conducted a systematic literature search of the Medline (Pubmed), Scholar, and ClinicalTrials.gov databases, retroactively, over a 7-year period. From an initial 777 articles identified, 25 articles were identified that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of these, there were 11 literature reviews: one prospective cohort study, one experimental study, three case-control studies, three pre-clinical trials, and six clinical trials. Several biomarkers were identified as particularly promising, such as the products of the peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, those of the oxidation of phenylalanine, and the hydroxyl radicals that can attack the DNA chain. Among the most promising drugs, there are those for the prevention of neurological damage, such as melatonin, retinoid lactoferrin, and vitamin E. The microbiome also has an important role in oxidative stress. In conclusion, the most recent studies show that a strong relationship between oxidative stress and prematurity exists and that, unfortunately, there is still little therapeutic evidence reported in the literature

    An attempt to dissect a peripheral marker based on cell pathology in Parkinson's disease

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    Peripheral markers in Parkinson’s disease (PD) represent a hot issue to provide early diagnosis and assess disease progression. The gold standard marker of PD should feature the same reliability as the pathogenic alteration, which produces the disease itself. PD is foremost a movement disorder produced by a loss of nigrostriatal dopamine innervation, in which striatal dopamine terminals are always markedly reduced in PD patients to an extent, which never overlaps with controls. Similarly, a reliable marker of PD should possess such a non-overlapping feature when compared with controls. In the present study, we provide a novel pathological hallmark, the autophagosome, which in each PD patient was always suppressed compared with each control subject. Autophagosomes were counted as microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3B (LC3)-positive vacuoles at ultrastructural morphometry within peripheral (blood) blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). This also provides the gold standard to assess the autophagy status. Since autophagy may play a role in the pathogenesis of PD, autophagosomes may be a disease marker, while participating in the biology of the disease. Stoichiometric measurement of α-synuclein despite significantly increased in PD patients, overlapped between PD and control patients. Although the study need to be validated in large populations, the number of autophagy vacuoles is neither related with therapy (the amount was similarly suppressed in a few de novo patients), nor the age in PD or controls
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