3 research outputs found

    Actividad antioxidante, compuestos fenólicos y ácido ascórbico de frutillas en dos sistemas de producción Antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid content in strawberries from two crop production systems

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la influencia del sistema de producción y del período de almacenamiento de frutillas sobre la pérdida de masa, compuestos fenólicos totales, antocianinas totales, ácido ascórbico (vitamina C), actividad antioxidante y sus correlaciones. En este experimento fueron utilizadas frutillas 'Camarosa' y 'Camino Real' con madurez comercial, procedentes de cultivos en sistemas de producción orgánico y convencional, localizados en el municipio de Pelotas-RS. Los frutos fueron almacenados durante 0, 2, 5 y 8 días a 1ºC y 90-95% de HR. En general, el contenido de fenoles totales, de antocianinas totales y la actividad antioxidante aumentaron durante el almacenamiento refrigerado, mientras que los contenidos de ácido ascórbico y de masa fresca disminuyeron significativamente. Los contenidos de fenoles totales y de antocianinas totales presentaron correlación positiva con la actividad antioxidante, siendo la correlación con el contenido de ácido ascórbico negativa. Las frutillas producidas en sistema orgánico y conservadas durante cinco días, mostraron mayores valores de actividad antioxidante. Después de ocho días de almacenamiento a 1ºC, los frutos del sistema de producción orgánico presentaron menor degradación de antocianinas y de ácido ascórbico que los frutos del sistema de producción convencional.<br>The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the crop production system and storage period on weight loss, total phenolic content, total anthocyanin content, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content, and antioxidant activity in strawberries, as well as their correlations. For this experiment, strawberry fruits of 'Camarosa' and 'Camino Real' at commercial maturity from both organic and conventional crop production systems located in Pelotas, Brazil, were used. The fruits were cold stored for 0, 2, 5, and 8 days at 1ºC and 90-95% RH. In general the total phenolic, total anthocyanin levels and antioxidant activity increased during cold storage. Ascorbic acid levels and fresh weight decreased significantly. Total phenol and anthocyanin levels showed positive correlations with total antioxidant activity, while the ascorbic acid content showed a negative correlation. Strawberries produced by the organic system and cold stored for five days showed higher values of antioxidant activity. After storage at 1ºC for eight days, strawberry fruits from the organic production system presented lesser anthocyanin and ascorbic acid degradation than the fruits from the conventional production system

    Influência do manejo do solo na conservação e na qualidade pós-colheita de pêssegos cv. Cerrito Soil management effects in respect to conservation and to quality post harvest of peaches variety Cerrito

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    Estudou-se o efeito do manejo do solo, mantido com cobertura vegetal, na linha de plantio, na qualidade pós-colheita de pêssegos cv. Cerrito durante o armazenamento refrigerado. Os tratamentos constaram de frutas colhidas em pomares com solo com cobertura vegetal (aveia) e com cultivo tradicional (sem cobertura) em três estádios de maturação. O armazenamento foi a 0&ordm;C e umidade relativa do ar acima de 90%. As avaliações de firmeza, acidez (ATT), sólido solúvel total (SST) e coloração foram feitas na colheita e após 6; 12 e 18 dias de armazenamento, mais 3 dias de simulação de comercialização. As frutas colhidas em pomares com solo com cobertura vegetal apresentaram maiores firmezas que as do cultivo tradicional. O teor de SST foi maior em pêssegos produzidos em pomares com manejo do solo tradicional. Já a acidez e a relação SST/ATT não foi influenciada pelo manejo do solo. Os pêssegos produzidos em pomar com aveia apresentaram predomínio da coloração mais esverdeada no início do armazenamento.<br>The effect of soil management, with mulching on the planting line, on the quality of post-harvest of peaches cv. Cerrito during cold storage was studied. The treatments were consisted by fruits harvested on orchards with mulching (oats) and without mulching (traditional cultivation) on three stages of maturation. The storage was performed at temperature 0&ordm; C and above 90% of air humidity. Evaluations of firmness, acidity (TTA), total soluble solid (TSS) and coloration, were performed at harvest and after 6, 12 and 18 days of storage, plus 3 days of commercialization simulation. The fruits harvested on orchards with mulching presented a larger firmness than the others. The percentage of TSS was larger in peaches produced in the orchards with traditional cultivation. The management of the soil didn't influenced the relation TSS/TTA and acidity. The peaches produced in the orchard with mulching of oat presented prevalence of the greenish coloration in the beginning of the storage