2 research outputs found

    Correlaci贸n entre felicidad y rotaci贸n de personal en una empresa minera

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    Actualmente, la rotaci贸n de personal es una de los principales retos que afrontan las empresas en Latinoam茅rica y el Mundo. En el Per煤, si bien el sector minero es uno de los m谩s impactados por esta problem谩tica, tambi茅n es posible encontrar a algunas empresas del sector como referente de retenci贸n de talento. A pesar de que diversas investigaciones han estudiado las causas de la rotaci贸n de personal parecen no so ser suficiente para reducir este problema. As铆, surgen investigaciones enfocadas en la felicidad y su posible relaci贸n con la rotaci贸n de personal. La presente investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo determinar si existe la correlaci贸n entre felicidad y rotaci贸n de personal teniendo como referencia a diversos autores que afirman que la correlaci贸n entre felicidad y rotaci贸n de personal se da por medio del compromiso laboral. Para ello, se realiz贸 una investigaci贸n cuantitativa aplicada en los empleados de una unidad de una empresa minera con operaciones en Per煤 que pertenece al sector de la Gran Miner铆a. Como instrumentos, se usaron la Escala de Felicidad de Lima (Alarc贸n, 2006) y la Escala de Compromiso de Utrech (Schaufelli & Bakker, 2009) para medir la felicidad y el compromiso laboral de los empleados analizando posteriormente la correlaci贸n entre estas variables y la rotaci贸n de personal. Se concluye que no hay significancia entre las variables analizadas sin encontrar evidencia suficiente para confirmar que existe correlaci贸n entre las tres variables; sin embargo, no se puede afirmar que no exista correlaci贸n entre las mismas, ya que los hallazgos en algunas gerencias muestran concordancias con el marco te贸rico. A nivel general, la empresa minera mantiene niveles de felicidad, compromiso laboral y rotaci贸n de personal 贸ptimos; sin embargo, existe disparidad entre los resultados por gerencia por lo que convendr铆a gestionar la felicidad como un plan complementario y adem谩s, no descuidar la continuidad de estudios similares para contribuir a la gesti贸n de control de sus indicadores.Currently, staff turnover is one of the main challenges facing companies in Latin America and the World. In Peru, although the mining sector is one of the most impacted by this problem, it is also possible to find some companies in the sector as a referent for talent retention. Although various investigations have studied the causes of staff turnover, it seems that it is not enough to reduce this problem. Thus, research focused on happiness and its possible relationship with staff turnover. The objective of the present investigation is to determine if there is a correlation between happiness and staff turnover, taking as reference several authors who affirm that the correlation between happiness and turnover of staff occurs through work commitment. For this, a quantitative investigation was carried out on the employees of a unit of a mining company with operations in Peru that belongs to the sector of the Great Mining. As instruments, the Lima Happiness Scale (Alarc贸n, 2006) and the Utrech Commitment Scale (Schaufelli & Bakker, 2009) were used to measure the happiness and work commitment of the employees, analyzing later the correlation between these variables and the Staff turnover It is concluded that there is no significance among the analyzed variables without finding sufficient evidence to confirm that there is a correlation between the three variables; however, it can not be said that there is no correlation between them, since the findings in some managements show concordance with the theoretical framework. At a general level, the mining company maintains optimum levels of happiness, work commitment and staff turnover; however, there is disparity between the results by management, so it would be convenient to manage happiness as a complementary plan and, in addition, not to neglect the continuity of similar studies to contribute to the management of control of its indicators.Tesi