232 research outputs found

    Low cost vacuum hardware developed for the CERN PS Booster

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    The lattice of the CERN Large Hadron Collider

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    The lattice of the CERN Large Hadron Collider is designed with 23 regular cells per arc, each containing 6 tightly packed 14.2 m long dipoles. This allows to reach 7 TeV per beam with a dipole field of 8.4 Tesla. There are four experimental insertions, two of which are devoted to high luminosity experiments with ± 23 m of free space for the detector. The other two experimental insertions are combined with injection. The value of ß* at the interaction points is tunable from 6 m at injection to 0.5 m in collision. The energy deposition in the inner triplets is carefully reduced to sustain the nominal luminosity of 1034 cm-2s-1. Two insertions are devoted to collect the halo particles with large emittance and momentum spread surrounding the beam core: escaping rates of the protons are estimated to be less than 4·106 sec-1m-1. Finally, one insertion is used to extract the particles in the vertical direction with a minimized deflecting strength

    Vaccination with LAG-3Ig (IMP321) and Peptides Induces Specific CD4 and CD8 T-Cell Responses in Metastatic Melanoma Patients-Report of a Phase I/IIa Clinical Trial.

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    PURPOSE: Cancer vaccines aim to generate and maintain antitumor immune responses. We designed a phase I/IIa clinical trial to test a vaccine formulation composed of Montanide ISA-51 (Incomplete Freund's Adjuvant), LAG-3Ig (IMP321, a non-Toll like Receptor agonist with adjuvant properties), and five synthetic peptides derived from tumor-associated antigens (four short 9/10-mers targeting CD8 T-cells, and one longer 15-mer targeting CD4 T-cells). Primary endpoints were safety and T-cell responses. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Sixteen metastatic melanoma patients received serial vaccinations. Up to nine injections were subcutaneously administered in three cycles, each with three vaccinations every 3 weeks, with 6 to 14 weeks interval between cycles. Blood samples were collected at baseline, 1-week after the third, sixth and ninth vaccination, and 6 months after the last vaccination. Circulating T-cells were monitored by tetramer staining directly ex vivo, and by combinatorial tetramer and cytokine staining on in vitro stimulated cells. RESULTS: Side effects were mild to moderate, comparable to vaccines with Montanide alone. Specific CD8 T-cell responses to at least one peptide formulated in the vaccine preparation were found in 13 of 16 patients. However, two of the four short peptides of the vaccine formulation did not elicit CD8 T-cell responses. Specific CD4 T-cell responses were found in all 16 patients. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that vaccination with IMP321 is a promising and safe strategy for inducing sustained immune responses, encouraging further development for cancer vaccines as components of combination therapies. Clin Cancer Res; 22(6); 1330-40. ©2015 AACR

    IL-12 controls cytotoxicity of a novel subset of self-antigen-specific human CD28+ cytolytic T cells.

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    Activated CD8 T cells develop cytotoxicity against autologous cells bearing foreign Ags and self/tumor Ags. However, self-specific cytolysis needs to be kept under control to avoid overwhelming immunopathology. After peptide vaccination of melanoma patients, we studied molecular and functional properties of T cell subsets specific for the self/tumor Ag Melan-A/MART-1. Ex vivo analysis revealed three Ag-specific effector memory (EM) populations, as follows: CD28-negative EM (EM28(-)) T cells strongly expressing granzyme/perforin, and two EM28(+) subsets, one with high and the other with low level expression of these cytotoxic proteins. For further functional characterization, we generated 117 stable CD8 T cell clones by ex vivo flow cytometry-based sorting of these subsets. All EM28(-)-derived clones lysed target cells with high efficacy. In contrast, EM28(+)-derived clones were heterogenous, and could be classified in two groups, one with high and the other with low killing capacity, correlating with granzyme/perforin expression. High and low killer phenotypes remained surprisingly stable for several months. However, strongly increased granzyme expression and cytotoxicity were observed after exposure to IL-12. Thus, the data reveal a newly identified subset of CD28(+) conditional killer T cells. Because CD28 can mediate strong costimulatory signals, tight cytotoxicity control, as shown in this study through IL-12, may be particularly important for subsets of T cells expressing CD28

    Diverse chemotypes drive biased signaling by cannabinoid receptors

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    Cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors are members of the G protein-coupled receptor family, which is the largest class of membrane proteins in the human genome. As part of the endocannabinoid system, they have many regulatory functions in the human body. Their malfunction therefore triggers a diverse set of undesired conditions, such as pain, neuropathy, nephropathy, pruritus, osteoporosis, cachexia and Alzheimer’s disease. Although drugs targeting the system exist, the molecular and functional mechanisms involved are still poorly understood, preventing the development of better therapeutics with fewer undesired effects. One path toward the development of better and safer medicines targeting cannabinoid receptors relies on the ability of some compounds to activate a subset of pathways engaged by the receptor while sparing or even inhibiting the others, a phenomenon known as biased signaling. To take advantage of this phenomenon for drug development, a better profiling of the pathways engaged by the receptors is required. Using a BRET-based signaling detection platform, we systematically analyzed the primary signaling cascades activated by CB1 and CB2 receptors, including 9 G protein and 2 β-arrestin subtypes. Given that biased signaling is driven by ligand-specific distinct active conformations of the receptor, establishing a link between the signaling profiles elicited by different drugs and their chemotypes may help designing compounds that selectively activate beneficial pathways while avoiding those leading to undesired effects. We screened a selection of 35 structurally diverse ligands, including endocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids and synthetic compounds structurally similar or significantly different from natural cannabinoids. Our data show that biased signaling is a prominent feature of the cannabinoid receptor system and that, as predicted, ligands with different chemotypes have distinct signaling profiles. The study therefore allows for better understanding of cannabinoid receptors signaling and provides the information about tool compounds that can now be used to link signaling pathways to biological outcomes, aiding the design of improved therapeutics

    ¿“Nos enfrentamos y nos abrazamos”? Un nuevo recorrido por los usos oficiales del pasado durante el bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo

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    El presente trabajo analiza, en primer lugar, los modos en que la historia argentina se tradujo, durante los festejos oficiales del bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo, en artefactos culturales y festivos dirigidos a atraer un público vasto, prestando especial atención a los usos del pasado allí exhibidos. En segundo lugar, pone en relación dichas operaciones con las variaciones ocurridas en el nivel de las prácticas políticas gubernamentales tras la crisis política de 2008. En última instancia, se plantea que el gobierno de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner se inclinó, al momento de proyectar el festejo patrio en cuestión, por una lógica discursiva liberal–centrada, especialmente, en el consenso inclusivo y la aceptación de las diferencias–con el fin de matizar la partición del espacio socio-político, exhibir una nación reconciliada, interpelar a la sociedad argentina en su conjunto y, de ese modo, contribuir a la reconstrucción de su hegemonía política.Firstly, this paper analyzes how Argentinian history was translated, during the national celebrations of the May Revolution bicentennial, into cultural and festive devices aimed at attracting a massive audience, paying special attention to the uses of the past displayed. Secondly, it illustrates the relations between these operations and the variations of government policy that occurred after the 2008 political crisis. Ultimately, it claims that the Cristina Fernández de Kirchner administration adopted, when it came to planning this national holiday, a liberal discursive logic – mainly characterized by inclusive consensus and pluralism – in order to ease the division of the social and political space, display a reconciled nation, address the entire Argentinean society and, thereby, contribute to the reconstruction of Kirchnerist hegemony.Fil: Amorebieta y Vera, María Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Differential Scanning Fluorometry Signatures as Indicators of Enzyme Inhibitor Mode of Action: Case Study of Glutathione S-Transferase

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    Differential scanning fluorometry (DSF), also referred to as fluorescence thermal shift, is emerging as a convenient method to evaluate the stabilizing effect of small molecules on proteins of interest. However, its use in the mechanism of action studies has received far less attention. Herein, the ability of DSF to report on inhibitor mode of action was evaluated using glutathione S-transferase (GST) as a model enzyme that utilizes two distinct substrates and is known to be subject to a range of inhibition modes. Detailed investigation of the propensity of small molecule inhibitors to protect GST from thermal denaturation revealed that compounds with different inhibition modes displayed distinct thermal shift signatures when tested in the presence or absence of the enzyme's native co-substrate glutathione (GSH). Glutathione-competitive inhibitors produced dose-dependent thermal shift trendlines that converged at high compound concentrations. Inhibitors acting via the formation of glutathione conjugates induced a very pronounced stabilizing effect toward the protein only when GSH was present. Lastly, compounds known to act as noncompetitive inhibitors exhibited parallel concentration-dependent trends. Similar effects were observed with human GST isozymes A1-1 and M1-1. The results illustrate the potential of DSF as a tool to differentiate diverse classes of inhibitors based on simple analysis of co-substrate dependency of protein stabilization

    Conditional Immortalization of Human B Cells by CD40 Ligation

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    It is generally assumed that human differentiated cells have a limited life-span and proliferation capacity in vivo, and that genetic modifications are a prerequisite for their immortalization in vitro. Here we readdress this issue, studying the long-term proliferation potential of human B cells. It was shown earlier that human B cells from peripheral blood of healthy donors can be efficiently induced to proliferate for up to ten weeks in vitro by stimulating their receptor CD40 in the presence of interleukin-4. When we applied the same stimuli under conditions of modified cell number and culture size, we were surprised to find that our treatment induced B cells to proliferate throughout an observation period of presently up to 1650 days, representing more than 370 population doublings, which suggested that these B cells were immortalized in vitro. Long-term CD40-stimulated B cell cultures could be established from most healthy adult human donors. These B cells had a constant phenotype, were free from Epstein-Barr virus, and remained dependent on CD40 ligation. They had constitutive telomerase activity and stabilized telomere length. Moreover, they were susceptible to activation by Toll-like receptor 9 ligands, and could be used to expand antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells in vitro. Our results indicate that human somatic cells can evade senescence and be conditionally immortalized by external stimulation only, without a requirement for genetic manipulation or oncoviral infection. Conditionally immortalized human B cells are a new tool for immunotherapy and studies of B cell oncogenesis, activation, and function