1,115 research outputs found

    The Value of a Statistical Injury: New Evidence from the Swiss Labor Market

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    We study the monetary compensation for non-fatal accident risk in Switzerland using the number of accidents within cells defined over industry x skill-level of the job and capitalizing on the partial panel structure of our data which allows us to empirically isolate the wage component specific to the employer. Our results show that using accident risk at a lower level of aggregation, using narrower samples of workers, and using the wage component that is specific to the firm all yield higher estimates of risk compensation. Our preferred estimate gives an estimate of about 36,000 Swiss francs per prevented injury per year.Compensating wage differentials, value of a statistical injury, risk measurement

    Der Geist ist fruchtbar noch : Herr Schiller, Was heißt und zu welchem Ende studiert man "Geisteswissenschaft"? ; Ein mögliches Gespräch aus aktuellem Anlass

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    Zwischen Anfang 1787 und Ende 1789 erscheint in der Zeitschrift Thalia Schillers Roman "Der Geisterseher", der zunächst zeigt, wie die nüchterne Vernunft über scheinbar rätselhafte Geschehnisse triumphiert; er kann aber auch Ausgangspunkt sein, um Schiller mit drängenden Fragen zur Relevanz der Geisteswissenschaften zu konfrontieren, zumal dieser als Professor selbst über einen Wissenschaftlertypus nachgedacht hat, der ständig darum bemüht ist (und bemüht sein muss), die Bedingungen zu erfüllen, unter denen er sein Amt angetreten hat, der – wie es heißt – "beim Eintritt in seine akademische Laufbahn keine wichtigere Angelegenheit" hat, "als die Wissenschaften, die er Brotstudien nennt, von allen übrigen, die den Geist nur als Geist vergnügen, auf das sorgfältigste abzusondern"

    Essays in applied labor economics

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    Does the color of the collar matter? Firm specific human capital and post-displacement outcomes

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    We investigate whether the costs of job displacement differ between blue collar and white collar workers. In the short run earnings and employment losses are substantial for both groups but stronger for white collar workes. In the long run, there are only weak effects for blue collar workers but strong and persistent effects for white collars. This is consistent with the idea that firm-specific human capital and internal labor markets are more important in white-collar than in blue collar jobs.Firm Specific Human Capital, Plant Closures, Matching

    Does the Color of the Collar Matter? Firm Specific Human Capital and Post-Displacement Outcomes

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    We investigate whether the costs of job displacement differ between blue collar and white collar workers. In the short run earnings and employment losses are substantial for both groups but stronger for white collar workers. In the long run, there are only weak effects for blue collar workers but strong and persistent effects for white collars. This is consistent with the idea that firm-specific human capital and internal labor markets are more important in white-collar than in blue collar jobs.firm specific human capital, plant closures, matching

    Does the color of the collar matter? Firm specific human capital and post-displacement outcomes

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    We investigate whether the costs of job displacement differ between blue collar and white collar workers. In the short run earnings and employment losses are substantial for both groups but stronger for white collar workes. In the long run, there are only weak effects for blue collar workers but strong and persistent effects for white collars. This is consistent with the idea that firm-specific human capital and internal labor markets are more important in white-collar than in blue collar jobs.Firm Specific Human Capital, Plant Closures, Matching

    Technologie, Techniktheorie und Technikdiskurse im populären US-amerikanischen TV-Serienformat The Big Bang Theory

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    Die ‚Frage nach der Technik‘ ist nichts anderes als die an ihre Grenze getriebene Frage nach dem Sinn. Jean-Luc Nancy Mediengeschichte – Storytelling – Fernsehtheorie Zu einer Zeit, als das Fernsehen längst zur „Schaltstelle der Alltagskultur und des Alltagswissens“ bzw. zur „Sinnstiftungsmaschine“ (Kreimeier 2003, 177) sowie zum „Transmissionsriemen“ (Hickethier 1998, 1) sozialer Umschichtungen geworden ist und es dazu seit jeher als „medialer Kulturspeicher“ (Bleicher 20..

    Dynamic Modeling of Robots with Kinematic Loops

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    Closed kinematic loops occur in many different robotic systems. Simply grasping an object with two or more arms, generates a closed kinematic loop. Recently, ESA commissioned a feasibility study for the deorbiting of Europe’s largest earth observing satellite – Envisat. It is expected that multiple arms are needed in order to grasp this satellite, which would generate a closed kinematic loop. The German Aerospace Center DLR would like to contribute to this feasibility study and simulate the deorbiting of Envisat. The SpaceDynamics Library, a simulation environment of the DLR, is however incapable to simulate robots with closed kinematic loops. The thesis discusses the dynamic modeling of robots with closed kinematic loops and shows the implementation and validation of an algorithm, in order to enable the dynamic modeling of closed loops with the SpaceDynamics Library

    Austrian Social Security Database

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    The Austrian Social Security Database (ASSD) is a matched firm-worker data set, which records the labor market history of almost 11 million individuals from January 1972 to April 2007. Moreover, more than 2.2 million firms can be identified. The individual labor market histories are described in the follow- ing dimensions: very detailed daily labor market states and yearly earnings at the firm-worker level, together with a limited set of demographic characteris- tics. Additionally the ASSD provides some firm related information, such as geographical location and industry affiliation. This paper is a short description of this huge data base and intended for people using this data in their own empirical work.
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