13 research outputs found

    Microtubules gate tau condensation to spatially regulate microtubule functions.

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    Tau is an abundant microtubule-associated protein in neurons. Tau aggregation into insoluble fibrils is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia1, yet the physiological state of tau molecules within cells remains unclear. Using single-molecule imaging, we directly observe that the microtubule lattice regulates reversible tau self-association, leading to localized, dynamic condensation of tau molecules on the microtubule surface. Tau condensates form selectively permissible barriers, spatially regulating the activity of microtubule-severing enzymes and the movement of molecular motors through their boundaries. We propose that reversible self-association of tau molecules, gated by the microtubule lattice, is an important mechanism of the biological functions of tau, and that oligomerization of tau is a common property shared between the physiological and disease-associated forms of the molecule

    Cooperative Accumulation of Dynein-Dynactin at Microtubule Minus-Ends Drives Microtubule Network Reorganization

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    Cytoplasmic dynein-1 is a minus-end-directed motor protein that transports cargo over long distances and organizes the intracellular microtubule (MT) network. How dynein motor activity is harnessed for these diverse functions remains unknown. Here, we have uncovered a mechanism for how processive dynein-dynactin complexes drive MT-MT sliding, reorganization, and focusing, activities required for mitotic spindle assembly. We find that motors cooperatively accumulate, in limited numbers, at MT minus-ends. Minus-end accumulations drive MT-MT sliding, independent of MT orientation, resulting in the clustering of MT minus-ends. At a mesoscale level, activated dynein-dynactin drives the formation and coalescence of MT asters. Macroscopically, dynein-dynactin activity leads to bulk contraction of millimeter-scale MT networks, suggesting that minus-end accumulations of motors produce network-scale contractile stresses. Our data provide a model for how localized dynein activity is harnessed by cells to produce contractile stresses within the cytoskeleton, for example, during mitotic spindle assembly

    Inhibiting Insulin-Mediated β 2

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    BACKGROUND: Type-2 diabetes and obesity independently increases the risk of heart failure via incompletely understood mechanisms. We propose that hyperinsulinemia might promote adverse consequences in hearts of subjects with type-2 diabetes and obesity. METHODS: High fat diet feeding was used to induce obesity and diabetes in wild type mice or mice lacking β(2)-adrenergic receptor (β(2)AR) or β-arrestin2. Wild type mice fed with high fat diet were treated with β-blocker carvedilol or G-protein receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) inhibitor. We examined the signaling and cardiac contractile function. RESULTS: High fat diet feeding selectively increases the expression of phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) in mouse hearts, in concert with reduced PKA phosphorylation of phospholamban, which contributes to systolic and diastolic dysfunction. The expression of PDE4D is also elevated in human hearts with diabetes. The induction of PDE4D expression is mediated by an insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrate, and (GRK2) and β-arrestin2-dependent transactivation of a β(2)AR-ERK signaling cascade. Thus pharmacological inhibition of β(2)AR or GRK2, or genetic deletion of β(2)AR or β-arrestin2, all significantly attenuate insulin-induced phosphorylation of ERK and PDE4D induction, to prevent diabetes-related contractile dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: These studies elucidate a novel mechanism by which hyperinsulinemia contributes to heart failure by increasing PDE4D expression and identify β(2)AR or GRK2 as plausible therapeutic targets for preventing or treating heart failure in subjects with type-2 diabetes