7 research outputs found


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    Se identific贸 a Phytophthora capsici, Rhizoctonia solani y Fusarium oxysporum como agentes causales de la marchitez del tomate en Texcoco, Edo. de M茅xico y, se evalu贸 la sintomatolog铆a e incidencia de la marchitez inducida por estos hongos con diferentes m茅todos de inoculaci贸n. Cultivos de cada hongo se inocularon en plantas de tomate con 4-5 hojas verdaderas. La inoculaci贸n de P. capsici por inmersi贸n de ra铆ces en soluci贸n de zoosporas fue m谩s eficiente (96,7 % de incidencia) que la inoculaci贸n al cuello, a los 6 d铆as despu茅s de la inoculaci贸n (ddi). Este hongo indujo marchitez, pudrici贸n de ra铆z y cuello, y muerte de las plantas a los 4 ddi. R. solani, al inocularse por inmersi贸n en soluci贸n de prop谩galos y a trav茅s de granos de trigo infectados con el hongo, no ocasion贸 la muerte de las plantas, sin embargo, la inoculaci贸n con granos de trigo provoc贸 una incidencia de 100 %, que se manifest贸 en reducci贸n de crecimiento (50 %) y en amarillamiento generalizado. F. oxysporum present贸 una incidencia de 100 % a los 15 y 30 ddi, para la variedad R铆o Grande e h铆brido Yaqui, respectivamente. Las plantas manifestaron clorosis, marchitez generalizada, necrosis de tejido vascular y finalmente la muerte

    Evaluation of genetic diversity in germplasm of paprika (Capsicum spp.) using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers

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    Capsicum spp. is one of the most important economical horticulture crops due to its high consumption either by fresh vegetable or dried spice. Molecular genetic markers offer a number of applications in the genetic improvement of crop plants, which plays an important role in the areas of plant classification and breeding programs. The polygenetic characters of rare species, which are difficult to analyze by traditional methods can, be analyzed easily and classified by using molecular markers. In our study, genetic relationships of twenty-two paprika species were examined to estimate their genetic variations/similarities and to detect the polymorphism present within and among the paprika species by using RAPD-PCR markers. The results revealed that the maximum similarities among the 16 ICBD lines were 100%. The ICBD 03 had 76% similarity compared with other ICBD lines. The CC01 had comparatively low similarity with ICBD forms (30%), followed by EC01 (28%), EC02 (33%), CC02 (35%), and Kt.Pl-19 (60%). The similarity between EC01 and EC02 were 54%. Kt.Pl-19 showed different similarities compared to CC01 (41%), CC02, EC01 (38%), EC02 (29%) and ICBD 03 (40%). The different combinations were tried to optimize the RAPD-PCR profile, which helped to assessing the polymorphism/similarities within and among the Paprika germoplasms were studied

    Azospirillum: A Biofertilizer for Every Crop

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