7 research outputs found

    Prioritas Lokasi Revitalisasi Sungai Ciliwung di Wilayah DKI Jakarta: Ciliwung River Revitalization Prioritised Location in DKI Jakarta

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    Kondisi geomorfologi Jakarta serta bentuk aliran sungai yang bercorak peneplain dibenturkan dengan terjadinya degradasi lingkungan akibat kepadatan penduduk yang terus bertambah menyebabkan kerentanan Jakarta terhadap ancaman bahaya banjir terus meningkat. Dari ke-13 sungai yang mengalir di Jakarta, Sungai Ciliwung menjadi perhatian utama bermula dari sejarahnya sebagai fungsi vital bagi Jakarta sejak jaman Pemerintahan Belanda yang mana merawat Sungai Ciliwung pada saat itu sama dengan menjaga harkat dan martabat Batavia (sekarang Jakarta). Pembelajaran dari negara-negara di Eropa atau Amerika, konsep penanganan sungai yang berhasil dilaksanakan dan menjadi contoh bagi negara lain yaitu menggunakan pendekatan revitalisasi. Revitalisasi sungai berdampak pada peningkatan kualitas lingkungan dan kehidupan yang juga sekaligus menjadi dasar pembangunan berkelanjutan. Urgensi revitalisasi sungai membuat penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan, yakni membahas kriteria revitalisasi sungai dari perspektif kajian perkotaan untuk mendapatkan tingkat prioritas lokasi revitalisasi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode Analisis Hirarki Proses (AHP) dan analisis spasial berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kriteria faktual banjir merupakan kriteria penentu lokasi dengan bobot tertinggi, yaitu 32,4% sehingga setiap segmen pelaksanaan revitalisasi harus memiliki dampak yang besar bagi pengendalian banjir di Jakarta. Adapun lokasi revitalisasi sangat prioritas dimulai dari Jalan TB Simatupang sampai Pintu Air Manggarai


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    Land use and land cover changes are one of the main factors affecting ecosystems and the services they provide. Conversion from natural vegetation to agricultural and urban land can lead to the degradation of ecosystem services and loss of biodiversity. Puncak area, Bogor, which is a highland area, has become an area that is synonymous with tea plantations because it has an ecosystem that is suitable for being a tea plantation area. Gunung Mas tea plantation managed by PTPN VIII is one of the largest tea plantations and a contributor to foreign exchange in Indonesia. The tourism potential in the plantation and agricultural business sectors has a high selling value as a tourist object and attraction. The purpose of this study is to find out the distribution of ecosystem services for climate regulation, water flow and flood regulation, and ecotourism and cultural recreation services at Gunung Mas tea plantation which is displayed in the form of an Ecosystem Service Map. The land cover classification was extracted from the Sentinel 2A image, which was then scored based on expert judgment. The scoring results are then processed using the AHP Pairwise Comparison method. The results of the study show that the research area has very high climate regulation ecosystem services, very high water flow and flood regulation, and high cultural recreation and ecotourism ecosystem services. Keywords: AHP, Ecosystem Services, Land Use and Land Cover, Supervised classification, Tea Plantation

    Flood Disaster Risk Model in Karawang Regency's Industrial Area, West Java Province, Indonesia

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    Telukjambe Barat and Telukjambe Timur Sub-Districts, Karawang Regency, have a high flood risk level due to changes in Land Use/Land Cover and the yearly occurrence of runoff water discharge. This research aims to analyze the rate and pattern of land-use change due to industrial development, examine the correlation of flood impacts with environmental-socio-economic factors, and develop a flood risk model in industrial areas. Data were collected through methods of system dynamics, remote sensing, geographic information system, questionnaire distribution, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews with stakeholders. The results showed that floods in this regency are due to massive inland changes, such as the transition from vegetation and water bodies to industrial and residential areas and a strong relationship between environmental-social-economic factors. In other cases, areas with urban land conversion are likely to be flood-prone zones in places such as the Philippines, Belgium, and China. Based on the correlation test that has been conducted, the relationship with the highest level of closeness is the correlation between environmental factors and the impact of flooding, which has a value of 0.791. Therefore, the disaster risk model with an integrated spatial plan approach and an ecological perspective is an option for realizing sustainable development in industrial areas in Karawang Regency


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    Gempa bumi tercatat sebagai bencana alam paling merusak. Kerusakan dapat ditekan jika pembangunan mempertimbangkan zonasi bahaya gempa setiap wilayah. Kawasan di sekitar Bandar Udara Internasional Jawa Barat Kertajati, yang dekat dengan beberapa sumber gempa, berpotensi berkembang pesat seiring beroperasinya bandara serta pembangunan infrastruktur pendukungnya. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis pola spasial bahaya gempa bumi di 3 (tiga) kecamatan sekitar BJIB, yaitu Kecamatan Kertajati, Ligung, dan Jatitujuh sebagai upaya pengendalian dan pengurangan risiko bencana. Dengan metode AHP berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis, dilakukan tumpang susun parameter efek tapak lokal, geologi, dan seismotektonik untuk membangun peta bahaya gempa bumi. Kesesuaian tata ruang diperoleh dari analisis tumpang susun peta bahaya gempa bumi dengan peta pola ruang dalam RTRW Kabupaten Majalengka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kawasan BJIB berada di zona bahaya gempa bumi sedang, diapit zona bahaya tinggi di bagian selatan dan bahaya rendah di utara. Pengembangan BJIB Kertajati direkomendasikan dilakukan ke arah utara yang relatif lebih stabil terhadap guncangan gempa bumi. Evaluasi pola ruang terhadap peta bahaya gempa bumi menunjukkan perencanaan wilayah di sekitar BJIB Kertajati oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Majalengka sudah cukup baik, hanya 5,8% area penelitian yang berada di zona bahaya gempa bumi tinggi

    The Impact of Rising Sea Levels on Historical Sites Old City Semarang

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    The phenomenon of climate change causes cities in coastal areas to be threatened by rising sea levels. Semarang is one of the coastal cities in Indonesia which is threatened by sea level rise. One of the consequences is tidal flooding in coastal areas of Semarang. Semarang as an old city has a cultural heritage area with historic buildings. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current condition of the Semarang Old City National Cultural Heritage Area and the impact experienced by the tidal flood. The method used in this research is to conduct a literature study and field observations which are analyzed by spatial analysis of buildings in historical areas and descriptive analysis. This study shows that tidal flooding is a threat to cultural heritage buildings. The condition of the land in the city of Semarang, which is decreasing due to land subsidence and rising sea levels, has made the potential for damage to buildings in the old city area even greater

    Policymaking and the spatial characteristics of land subsidence in North Jakarta

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    The narrative of “Jakarta is sinking!” has grown louder following the seasonal flood events over the past few years. What makes the case interesting is that the actual shape of land subsidence is growing fastest at around 20 cm per year in the northwest area, which is dominated by housing and settlements rather than commercial buildings and industries. This study aims to provide an academic explanation of the land subsidence phenomenon from the perspective of historical institutionalism. Applying spatial analysis and documentary reviews, we discussed the relationship between policy directions and land subsidence forms over decades. This paper found that spatial policy which have been pushed the urbanization in north Jakarta has contributed a more significant impact on land subsidence. The inability of government policy to address groundwater utilization both from the settlements and industries with the provisioning of access to safe water, emerged as one of the most significant factors triggering land subsidence