10 research outputs found

    How Trust-Like is Russia\u27s Fiduciary Management? Answers From Louisiana

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    The article discusses estate trust management and fiduciary management under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, its comparison to the trust law in Louisiana and some examples of Russian jurisprudence on the topics

    Acquisitive prescription of moveable property under Russian law

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    Russian Pandectistics meet Tolstoj

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    Review of:Martin Avenarius, Rezeption des römischen Rechts in Russland. Dmitrij Mejer, Nicolaj Djuvernua und Iosif Pokrovskij, Quellen und Forschungen zum Recht und seiner Geschichte, Bd. XI), Göttingen: Wallstein 2004, 80 S., ISBN 3-89244-767-

    Peculium ed il problema della persona giuridica nel Diritto Romano

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    The article deals with the role of peculium in Roman law. Its importance for the commercial practice of the Ancient Rome is underestimated up today. But its study demonstrates that this construction played, in ancient commercial traffic, the same role as the limited liability company plays today. Therefore peculium was a surrogative device of the juridical person, it is the cause why Roman law didn't have need to create a well- developed notion of the juridical person.El artículo trata el rol del peculium en el Derecho romano. Su importancia para la práctica comercial de la  Antigua Roma está hasta hoy en día subestimada. Pero su estudio demuestra que su constitución jugó, en el antiguo tráfico comercial, el mismo rol que la responsabilidad limitada juega hoy en las sociedades y empresa. Por lo tanto, el peculium fue un aparato sobrogativo de la persona jurídica, es la causa del por qué el Derecho Romano no tuvo la necesidad de crear una acabada y correcta noción de persona jurídica

    Peculium ed il problema della persona giuridica nel Diritto Romano

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    The article deals with the role of peculium in Roman law. Its importance for the commercial practice of the Ancient Rome is underestimated up today. But its study demonstrates that this construction played, in ancient commercial traffic, the same role as the limited liability company plays today. Therefore peculium was a surrogative device of the juridical person, it is the cause why Roman law didn't have need to create a well- developed notion of the juridical person.El artículo trata el rol del peculium en el Derecho romano. Su importancia para la práctica comercial de la  Antigua Roma está hasta hoy en día subestimada. Pero su estudio demuestra que su constitución jugó, en el antiguo tráfico comercial, el mismo rol que la responsabilidad limitada juega hoy en las sociedades y empresa. Por lo tanto, el peculium fue un aparato sobrogativo de la persona jurídica, es la causa del por qué el Derecho Romano no tuvo la necesidad de crear una acabada y correcta noción de persona jurídica

    The Alien

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    In early Russian law there is a period of limitation of actions. Acquisitive prescription appeared for the first time in the Statute Book of the Russian Empire in 1832. This institution was transferred to Russian law from the Code Napoléon, but without its prerequisites, namely Legal cause and good faith. The fact of a direct borrowing from the Code Napoléon contradicts the common view of the Russian Statute Book as a systematized version of older Russian legislation. Acquisitive prescription in the Statute Book is a typical example of a legal transplant. It became a very widespread means of acquisition of property belonging to someone else. But the legal consciousness of Russian peasants resisted the application of acquisitive prescription. In consequence it remained problematic in the Russian legal order up to the Revolution of 1917