4 research outputs found

    Helical distribution of the bacterial chemoreceptor via colocalization with the Sec protein translocation machinery

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    In Escherichia coli, chemoreceptor clustering at a cell pole seems critical for signal amplification and adaptation. However, little is known about the mechanism of localization itself. Here we examined whether the aspartate chemoreceptor (Tar) is inserted directly into the polar membrane by using its fusion to green fluorescent protein (GFP). After induction of Tar–GFP, fluorescent spots first appeared in lateral membrane regions, and later cell poles became predominantly fluorescent. Unexpectedly, Tar–GFP showed a helical arrangement in lateral regions, which was more apparent when a Tar–GFP derivative with two cysteine residues in the periplasmic domain was cross-linked to form higher oligomers. Moreover, similar distribution was observed even when the cytoplasmic domain of the double cysteine Tar–GFP mutant was replaced by that of the kinase EnvZ, which does not localize to a pole. Observation of GFP–SecE and a translocation-defective MalE–GFP mutant, as well as indirect immunofluorescence microscopy on SecG, suggested that the general protein translocation machinery (Sec) itself is arranged into a helical array, with which Tar is transiently associated. The Sec coil appeared distinct from the MreB coil, an actin-like cytoskeleton. These findings will shed new light on the mechanisms underlying spatial organization of membrane proteins in E. coli

    Mechanism of polarization of Listeria monocytogenes surface protein ActA

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    The polar distribution of the ActA protein on the surface of the Gram-positive intracellular bacterial pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes, is required for bacterial actin-based motility and successful infection. ActA spans both the bacterial membrane and the peptidoglycan cell wall. We have directly examined the de novo ActA polarization process in vitro by using an ActA–RFP (red fluorescent protein) fusion. After induction of expression, ActA initially appeared at distinct sites along the sides of bacteria and was then redistributed over the entire cylindrical cell body through helical cell wall growth. The accumulation of ActA at the bacterial poles displayed slower kinetics, occurring over several bacterial generations. ActA accumulated more efficiently at younger, less inert poles, and proper polarization required an optimal balance between protein secretion and bacterial growth rates. Within infected host cells, younger generations of L. monocytogenes initiated motility more quickly than older ones, consistent with our in vitro observations of de novo ActA polarization. We propose a model in which the polarization of ActA, and possibly other Gram-positive cell wall-associated proteins, may be a direct consequence of the differential cell wall growth rates along the bacterium and dependent on the relative rates of protein secretion, protein degradation and bacterial growth