939 research outputs found


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    The fluorescence of the biliproteins C-phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis, B-phycoerythrin from Porphyridium cruentum and of isolated whole P. cruentum phycobilisomes is quenched in the presence of glutardialdehyde (GA) or benzoquinone (BQ). The kinetics of fluorescence decrease thus induced is biphasic. If GA is used as a quencher, the fluorescence can be recovered at 77 K. Contrary to the GA-effect, only a minor recovery takes place with BQ at 77K, thus demonstrating a different mechanism of action of GA and BQ on biliprotein

    The Accretion Rates and Spectral Energy Distributions of BL Lacertae Objects

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    We investigate the relationship between accretion rates and the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of BL Lac objects, using a sample of objects for which published information on the host galaxies, emission-line luminosities, and peak frequencies and luminosities of their SEDs are available. The sample is composed of 43 BL Lac objects which have a relatively continuous distribution of peak frequencies. Under the assumption that the observed emission lines are photoionized by the central accretion disk, we use the line luminosities to estimate the accretion luminosities and hence accretion rates. We find that low frequency-peaked BL Lac objects (LBLs) span a wide range of accretion rates, whereas high frequency-peaked BL Lac objects (HBLs) cover a more restricted range of lower values. There appears to be a continuous distribution of accretion rates between the two subclasses of BL Lac objects. We find that the peak frequency of the SED, \pknu, correlates with the accretion rate, approximately with the form \pknu\propto \Lambda^{-3} in HBLs and \pknu \propto \Lambda^{-0.25} in LBLs, where Λ≡Llines/c2\Lambda \equiv L_{\rm lines}/c^2. The peak luminosity of the SED is also correlated with Λ\Lambda. These results suggest that the accretion rate influences the shape of the SED in BL Lac objects. They also support models which couple the jet and the accretion disk. We present a physical scenario to account for the empirical trends.Comment: 6 pages in emulateapj.sty, 3 figures 1 table. The Astrophysical Journal (in press

    The alpha-effect and current helicity for fast sheared rotators

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    We explore the alpha-effect and the small-scale current helicity, for the case of weakly compressible magnetically driven turbulence that is subjected to the differential rotation. No restriction is applied to the amplitude of angular velocity, i.e., the derivations presented are valid for an arbitrary Coriolis number, though the differential rotation itself is assumed to be weak. The expressions obtained are used to explore the possible distributions of alpha-effect and current helicity in convection zones (CZ) of the solar-type stars. The implications of the obtained results to the mean-field dynamo models are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Intensivmedizinische Behandlung von Erwachsenen mit angeborenen Herzfehlern

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    Zusammenfassung: Dank Verbesserungen in der Herzchirurgie und der perioperativen Betreuung steigt die Anzahl der Erwachsenen mit einem angeborenen Herzfehler stetig. Die perioperative und intensivmedizinische Betreuung dieser Patienten stellt aufgrund der vielen verschiedenen Pathologien und chirurgischen Möglichkeiten sowie der komplexen Pathophysiologie eine Herausforderung dar. Viele Patienten entwickeln mit der Zeit Organdysfunktionen und viele von ihnen benötigen Folgeoperationen am Herzen sowie nichtkardiale Eingriffe im Erwachsenalter. Aufgrund der Komplexität sind diese Patienten in spezialisierten tertiären Krankenhäusern zu behandeln, die über ein disziplinenübergreifendes Fachwissen verfügen. Da dies in Notfällen nicht immer möglich sein wird, sind grundlegende Kenntnisse dieser Patientengruppe für in der Akutversorgung Tätige wichtig. In dieser Übersicht werden allgemeine Aspekte, wie pulmonale Hypertonie, Eisenmenger-Syndrom, Zyanose, Schwangerschaft und perioperative Betreuung, behandelt. Ein besonderes Augenmerk gilt dabei der intensivmedizinischen Versorgung von kritisch kranken Patienten mit angeborenen Herzfehler

    Magnetic field generation in fully convective rotating spheres

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    Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of fully convective, rotating spheres with volume heating near the center and cooling at the surface are presented. The dynamo-generated magnetic field saturates at equipartition field strength near the surface. In the interior, the field is dominated by small-scale structures, but outside the sphere by the global scale. Azimuthal averages of the field reveal a large-scale field of smaller amplitude also inside the star. The internal angular velocity shows some tendency to be constant along cylinders and is ``anti-solar'' (fastest at the poles and slowest at the equator).Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, to appear in the 10 Feb issue of Ap

    Hemophagocytic syndrome caused by primary herpes simplex virus 1 infection: report of a first case

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    Introduction: Hemophagocytic syndrome represents a severe hyperinflammatory condition by activated macrophages. Leading viral triggering agents are Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), and adenovirus. Materials and methods: We present a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis on azathioprine and prednisone medication, who developed a life-threatening hemophagocytic syndrome. Positive plasma polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with negative serology revealed a primary, disseminated infection with herpes simplex virus-1 as the triggering pathogen. After treatment with acyclovir, high-dose steroids, immunoglobulins, and etoposide, the patient recovered. Conclusion: Early diagnosis of potentially underlying infections of hemophagocytic syndrome influences the therapeutic approach. It is important to consider a variety of infectious agents, particularly in immunosuppressed individuals. The reported case emphasizes the importance of screening for herpes simplex virus

    Angular dependence of domain wall resistivity in SrRuO3_{{\bf 3}} films

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    SrRuO3{\rm SrRuO_3} is a 4d itinerant ferromagnet (Tc_{c} ∟\sim 150 K) with stripe domain structure. Using high-quality thin films of SrRuO3_{3} we study the resistivity induced by its very narrow (∟3\sim 3 nm) Bloch domain walls, ρDW\rho_{DW} (DWR), at temperatures between 2 K and Tc_{c} as a function of the angle, θ\theta , between the electric current and the ferromagnetic domains walls. We find that ρDW(T,θ)=sin⁥2θρDW(T,90)+B(θ)ρDW(T,0)\rho_{DW}(T,\theta)=\sin^2\theta \rho_{DW}(T,90)+B(\theta)\rho_{DW}(T,0) which provides the first experimental indication that the angular dependence of spin accumulation contribution to DWR is sin⁥2θ\sin^2\theta. We expect magnetic multilayers to exhibit a similar behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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