1,129 research outputs found

    Polar Codes: Robustness of the Successive Cancellation Decoder with Respect to Quantization

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    Polar codes provably achieve the capacity of a wide array of channels under successive decoding. This assumes infinite precision arithmetic. Given the successive nature of the decoding algorithm, one might worry about the sensitivity of the performance to the precision of the computation. We show that even very coarsely quantized decoding algorithms lead to excellent performance. More concretely, we show that under successive decoding with an alphabet of cardinality only three, the decoder still has a threshold and this threshold is a sizable fraction of capacity. More generally, we show that if we are willing to transmit at a rate Ύ\delta below capacity, then we need only clog⁥(1/Ύ)c \log(1/\delta) bits of precision, where cc is a universal constant.Comment: In ISIT 201

    The Space of Solutions of Coupled XORSAT Formulae

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    The XOR-satisfiability (XORSAT) problem deals with a system of nn Boolean variables and mm clauses. Each clause is a linear Boolean equation (XOR) of a subset of the variables. A KK-clause is a clause involving KK distinct variables. In the random KK-XORSAT problem a formula is created by choosing mm KK-clauses uniformly at random from the set of all possible clauses on nn variables. The set of solutions of a random formula exhibits various geometrical transitions as the ratio mn\frac{m}{n} varies. We consider a {\em coupled} KK-XORSAT ensemble, consisting of a chain of random XORSAT models that are spatially coupled across a finite window along the chain direction. We observe that the threshold saturation phenomenon takes place for this ensemble and we characterize various properties of the space of solutions of such coupled formulae.Comment: Submitted to ISIT 201


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    Ramachandran calculations have been used to gain insight into steric hindrance in bile pigments related to biliprotein chromophores. The high optical activity of denatured phycocyanin, as compared to phycoerythrin, has been related to the asymmetric substitution at ring A, which shifts the equilibrium towards the P-helical form of the chromophore. Geometric effects on the electronic structures and transitions have then been studied by molecular orbital calculations for several conjugation systems including the chromophores of phycocyanin. phytochrome P,, cations, cation radicals and tautomeric forms. For these different chromophores some general trends can be deduced. For instance, for a given change in the gross shape (e.g. either unfolding of the molecule from a cyclic-helical to a fully extended geometry, or upon out-of-plane twists of the pyrrole ring A) of the molecules under study, the predicted absorption spectra all change in a simikar way. Nonetheless, there are characteristic distinctions between the different n-systems, both in the transition energies and the charge distribution, which can be related to their known differences in spectroscopic properties and their reactivity

    Partitioned List Decoding of Polar Codes: Analysis and Improvement of Finite Length Performance

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    Polar codes represent one of the major recent breakthroughs in coding theory and, because of their attractive features, they have been selected for the incoming 5G standard. As such, a lot of attention has been devoted to the development of decoding algorithms with good error performance and efficient hardware implementation. One of the leading candidates in this regard is represented by successive-cancellation list (SCL) decoding. However, its hardware implementation requires a large amount of memory. Recently, a partitioned SCL (PSCL) decoder has been proposed to significantly reduce the memory consumption. In this paper, we examine the paradigm of PSCL decoding from both theoretical and practical standpoints: (i) by changing the construction of the code, we are able to improve the performance at no additional computational, latency or memory cost, (ii) we present an optimal scheme to allocate cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs), and (iii) we provide an upper bound on the list size that allows MAP performance.Comment: 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM


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    The fluorescence decay time of the biliverdin IX7 chromophore present in biliproteins isolated from Pieris brassicae is determined to be 44 ± 3 ps. This value suggests a cyclic helical chromophore structure. The vibrational frequencies determined by CARS-spectroscopy are compared with those of model compounds. The data confirm that the chromophore in the protein-bound state adopts a cyclic-helical, flexible conformation

    Diffusive spatio-temporal noise in a first-passage time model for intracellular calcium release

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    The intracellular release of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum is controlled by ion channels. The resulting calcium signals exhibit a rich spatio-temporal signature, which originates at least partly from microscopic fluctuations. While stochasticity in the gating transition of ion channels has been incorporated into many models, the distribution of calcium is usually described by deterministic reaction-diffusion equations. Here we test the validity of the latter modeling approach by using two different models to calculate the frequency of localized calcium signals (calcium puffs) from clustered IP3 receptor channels. The complexity of the full calcium system is here limited to the basic opening mechanism of the ion channels and, in the mathematical reduction simplifies to the calculation of a first passage time. Two models are then studied: (i) a hybrid model, where channel gating is treated stochastically, while calcium concentration is deterministic and (ii) a fully stochastic model with noisy channel gating and Brownian calcium ion motion. The second model utilises the recently developed two-regime method [M. B. Flegg, S. J. Chapman, and R. Erban, “The two-regime method for optimizing stochastic reaction-diffusion simulations,” J. R. Soc., Interface9, 859–868 (Year: 2012)]10.1098/rsif.2011.0574 in order to simulate a large domain with precision required only near the Ca2+ absorbing channels. The expected time for a first channel opening that results in a calcium puff event is calculated. It is found that for a large diffusion constant, predictions of the interpuff time are significantly overestimated using the model (i) with a deterministic non-spatial calcium variable. It is thus demonstrated that the presence of diffusive noise in local concentrations of intracellular Ca2+ ions can substantially influence the occurrence of calcium signals. The presented approach and results may also be relevant for other cell-physiological first-passage time problems with small ligand concentration and high cooperativity

    Finite-Length Scaling of Polar Codes

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    Consider a binary-input memoryless output-symmetric channel WW. Such a channel has a capacity, call it I(W)I(W), and for any R<I(W)R<I(W) and strictly positive constant PeP_{\rm e} we know that we can construct a coding scheme that allows transmission at rate RR with an error probability not exceeding PeP_{\rm e}. Assume now that we let the rate RR tend to I(W)I(W) and we ask how we have to "scale" the blocklength NN in order to keep the error probability fixed to PeP_{\rm e}. We refer to this as the "finite-length scaling" behavior. This question was addressed by Strassen as well as Polyanskiy, Poor and Verdu, and the result is that NN must grow at least as the square of the reciprocal of I(W)−RI(W)-R. Polar codes are optimal in the sense that they achieve capacity. In this paper, we are asking to what degree they are also optimal in terms of their finite-length behavior. Our approach is based on analyzing the dynamics of the un-polarized channels. The main results of this paper can be summarized as follows. Consider the sum of Bhattacharyya parameters of sub-channels chosen (by the polar coding scheme) to transmit information. If we require this sum to be smaller than a given value Pe>0P_{\rm e}>0, then the required block-length NN scales in terms of the rate R<I(W)R < I(W) as N≄α(I(W)−R)Ό‟N \geq \frac{\alpha}{(I(W)-R)^{\underline{\mu}}}, where α\alpha is a positive constant that depends on PeP_{\rm e} and I(W)I(W), and Ό‟=3.579\underline{\mu} = 3.579. Also, we show that with the same requirement on the sum of Bhattacharyya parameters, the block-length scales in terms of the rate like N≀ÎČ(I(W)−R)Ό‟N \leq \frac{\beta}{(I(W)-R)^{\overline{\mu}}}, where ÎČ\beta is a constant that depends on PeP_{\rm e} and I(W)I(W), and Ό‟=6\overline{\mu}=6.Comment: In IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 201
