171 research outputs found

    The Crab Nebula\u27s Dynamical Age as Measured from its Northern Filamentary Jet

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    We present a deep [O III] 4959,5007 image of the northern filamentary jet in the Crab Nebula taken with the 8.2m Subaru telescope. Using this image and an image taken with the KPNO 4m in 1988 (Fesen & Staker 1993), we have computed proper motions for 35 locations in the jet. The results suggest that when compared to the main body of the remnant, the jet experienced less outward acceleration from the central pulsar\u27s rapidly expanding synchrotron nebula. The jet\u27s apparent expansion rate yields an undecelerated explosion date for the Crab Nebula of 1055 plus or minus 24 C.E., a date much closer to the appearance of the historic 1054 C.E. guest star than the 1120 - 1140 C.E. dates estimated in previous studies using filaments located within the remnant\u27s main nebula. Our proper motion measurements suggest the jet likely formed during the 1054 supernova explosion and represents the remnant\u27s highest velocity knots possibly associated with a suspected N-S bipolar outflow from the supernova explosion

    The Keck Lyman Continuum Spectroscopic Survey (KLCS): The Emergent Ionizing Spectrum of Galaxies at z∌3z\sim3

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    We present results of a deep spectroscopic survey designed to quantify the statistics of the escape of ionizing photons from star-forming galaxies at z~3. We measure the ratio of ionizing to non-ionizing UV flux density _obs, where f900 is the mean flux density evaluated over the range [880,910] A. We quantify the emergent ratio of ionizing to non-ionizing UV flux density by analyzing high-S/N composite spectra formed from sub-samples with common observed properties and numbers sufficient to reduce the statistical uncertainty in the modeled IGM+CGM correction to obtain precise values of _out, including a full-sample average _out=0.057±0.0060.057\pm0.006. We further show that _out increases monotonically with Lyα\alpha rest equivalent width, inducing an inverse correlation with UV luminosity as a by-product. We fit the composite spectra using stellar spectral synthesis together with models of the ISM in which a fraction f_c of the stellar continuum is covered by gas with column density N(HI). We show that the composite spectra simultaneously constrain the intrinsic properties of the stars (L900/L1500)_int along with f_c, N(HI), E(B-V), and fesc,absf_{esc,abs}, the absolute escape fraction of ionizing photons. We find a sample-averaged fesc,abs=0.09±0.01f_{esc,abs} =0.09\pm0.01, and that subsamples fall along a linear relation ⟹fesc,abs⟩∌0.75[W(Lyα)/110A]\langle f_{esc,abs}\rangle \sim 0.75[W(Ly\alpha)/110 A]. We use the FUV luminosity function, the distribution function n[W(Lyα)]n[W(Ly\alpha)], and the relationship between W(Lyα)W(Ly\alpha) and _out to estimate the total ionizing emissivity of z∌3z\sim3 star-forming galaxies with Muv < -19.5: Ï”LyC∌6×1024\epsilon_{LyC}\sim 6\times10^{24} ergs/s/Hz/Mpc3^3, exceeding the contribution of QSOs by a factor of ∌3\sim 3, and accounting for ∌50\sim50% of the total Ï”LyC\epsilon_{LyC} at z∌3z\sim3 estimated using indirect methods.Comment: 45 pages, 31 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Chandra View of DA 530: A Sub-Energetic Supernova Remnant with a Pulsar Wind Nebula?

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    Based on a Chandra ACIS observation, we report the detection of an extended X-ray feature close to the center of the remnant DA 530 with 5.3 sigma above the background within a circle of 20'' radius. This feature, characterized by a power-law with the photon index gamma=1.6+-0.8 and spatially coinciding with a nonthermal radiosource, most likely represents a pulsar wind nebula. We have further examined the spectrum of the diffuse X-ray emission from the remnant interior with a background-subtracted count rate of ~0.06 counts s^-1 in 0.3-3.5 keV. The spectrum of the emission can be described by a thermal plasma with a temperature of ~0.3-0.6 keV and a Si over-abundance of >~7 solar. These spectral characteristics, together with the extremely low X-ray luminosity, suggest that the remnant arises from a supernova with an anomalously low mechanical energy (<10^50 ergs). The centrally-filled thermal X-ray emission of the remnant may indicate an early thermalization of the SN ejecta by the circum-stellar medium. Our results suggest that the remnant is likely the product of a core-collapsed SN with a progenitor mass of 8-12 Msun. Similar remnants are probably common in the Galaxy, but have rarely been studied.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ; complete the abstract on astro-ph and correct some typo

    Strong Nebular Line Ratios in the Spectra of z~2-3 Star-forming Galaxies: First Results from KBSS-MOSFIRE

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    We present initial results of a deep near-IR spectroscopic survey covering the 15 fields of the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey (KBSS) using MOSFIRE on the Keck 1 telescope, focusing on a sample of 251 galaxies with redshifts 2.0< z < 2.6, star-formation rates 2 < SFR < 200 M_sun/yr, and stellar masses 8.6 < log(M*/M_sun) < 11.4, with high-quality spectra in both H- and K-band atmospheric windows. We show unambiguously that the locus of z~2.3 galaxies in the "BPT" nebular diagnostic diagram exhibits a disjoint, yet similarly tight, relationship between the ratios [NII]6585/Halpha and [OIII]/Hbeta as compared to local galaxies. Using photoionization models, we argue that the offset of the z~2.3 locus relative to z~ 0 is explained by a combination of harder ionizing radiation field, higher ionization parameter, and higher N/O at a given O/H than applies to most local galaxies, and that the position of a galaxy along the z~2.3 star-forming BPT locus is surprisingly insensitive to gas-phase oxygen abundance. The observed nebular emission line ratios are most easily reproduced by models in which the net ionizing radiation field resembles a blackbody with effective temperature T_eff = 50000-60000 K and N/O close to the solar value at all O/H. We critically assess the applicability of commonly-used strong line indices for estimating gas-phase metallicities, and consider the implications of the small intrinsic scatter in the empirical relationship between excitation-sensitive line indices and stellar mass (i.e., the "mass-metallicity" relation), at z~2.3.Comment: 41 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Version with full-resolution figures available at http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~ccs/mos_bpt_submit.pd

    Directly Tracing Cool Filamentary Accretion over >100 kpc into the Interstellar Medium of a Quasar Host at z = 1

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    We report the discovery of giant (50−100 kpc) [O ii] emitting nebulae with MUSE in the field of TXS 0206−048, a luminous quasar at z = 1.13. “Down-the-barrel” UV spectra of the quasar show absorption at velocities coincident with those of the extended nebulae, enabling new insights into inflows and outflows around the quasar host. One nebula exhibits a filamentary morphology extending over 120 kpc from the halo toward the quasar and intersecting with another nebula surrounding the quasar host with a radius of 50 kpc. This is the longest cool filament observed to date and arises at higher redshift and in a less massive system than those in cool-core clusters. The filamentary nebula has line-of-sight velocities &gt;300 km s−1 from nearby galaxies but matches that of the nebula surrounding the quasar host where they intersect, consistent with accretion of cool intergalactic or circumgalactic medium or cooling hot halo gas. The kinematics of the nebulae surrounding the quasar host are unusual and complex, with redshifted and blueshifted spiral-like structures. The emission velocities at 5−10 kpc from the quasar match those of inflowing absorbing gas observed in UV spectra of the quasar. Together, the extended nebulae and associated redshifted absorption represent a compelling case of cool, filamentary gas accretion from halo scales into the extended interstellar medium and toward the nucleus of a massive quasar host. The inflow rate implied by the combined emission and absorption constraints is well below levels required to sustain the quasar’s radiative luminosity, suggesting anisotropic or variable accretion

    Metal Enrichment in the Reionization Epoch

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    The presence of elements heavier than helium ("metals") is of fundamental importance for a large number of astrophysical processes occurring in planet, star and galaxy formation; it also affects cosmic structure formation and evolution in several ways. Even a small amount of heavy elements can dramatically alter the chemistry of the gas, opening the path to complex molecules. Metals might enhance the ability of the gas to radiate away its thermal energy, thus favoring the formation of gravitationally bound objects; they can also condensate in a solid phase (dust grains), partly or totally blocking radiation from luminous sources. Finally, they represent useful tracers of energy deposition by stars and probe the physical properties of the environment by absorption or emission lines. Last, but certainly not least, life -- as we know it on Earth -- is tightly related to the presence of at least some of the heavy elements. In this pedagogical review I will concentrate on the connection between early metal enrichment and cosmic reionization. As we will see these two processes are intimately connected and their joint study might turn out to be fundamental in understanding the overall evolution of the Universe during the first billion years after the Big Bang, an epoch corresponding to redshifts z>6.Comment: Book chapter in Understanding the Epoch of Cosmic Reionization: Challenges and Progress, Springer International Publishing, Ed. Andrei Mesinger, ISBN 978-3-319-21956-1. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:astro-ph/0007248 by other author

    The Infrared Detection of the Pulsar Wind Nebula in the Galactic Supernova Remnant 3C 58

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    We present infrared observations of 3C 58 with the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Using the IRAC camera, we have imaged the entire source resulting in clear detections of the nebula at 3.6 and 4.5 microns. The derived flux values are consistent with extrapolation of the X-ray spectrum to the infrared band, demonstrating that any cooling break in the synchrotron spectrum must occur near the soft X-ray band. We also detect the torus surrounding PSR J0205+6449, the 65 ms pulsar that powers 3C 58. The torus spectrum requires a break between the infrared and X-ray bands, and perhaps multiple breaks. This complex spectrum, which is an imprint of the particles injected into the nebula, has considerable consequences for the evolution of the broadband spectrum of 3C 58. We illustrate these effects and discuss the impact of these observations on the modeling of broadband spectra of pulsar wind nebulae.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Gas Accretion in Star-Forming Galaxies

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    Cold-mode gas accretion onto galaxies is a direct prediction of LCDM simulations and provides galaxies with fuel that allows them to continue to form stars over the lifetime of the Universe. Given its dramatic influence on a galaxy's gas reservoir, gas accretion has to be largely responsible for how galaxies form and evolve. Therefore, given the importance of gas accretion, it is necessary to observe and quantify how these gas flows affect galaxy evolution. However, observational data have yet to conclusively show that gas accretion ubiquitously occurs at any epoch. Directly detecting gas accretion is a challenging endeavor and we now have obtained a significant amount of observational evidence to support it. This chapter reviews the current observational evidence of gas accretion onto star-forming galaxies.Comment: Invited review to appear in Gas Accretion onto Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, eds. A. J. Fox & R. Dav\'e, to be published by Springer. This chapter includes 22 pages with 7 Figure

    Gas Accretion via Lyman Limit Systems

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    In cosmological simulations, a large fraction of the partial Lyman limit systems (pLLSs; 16<log N(HI)<17.2) and LLSs (17.2log N(HI)<19) probes large-scale flows in and out of galaxies through their circumgalactic medium (CGM). The overall low metallicity of the cold gaseous streams feeding galaxies seen in these simulations is the key to differentiating them from metal rich gas that is either outflowing or being recycled. In recent years, several groups have empirically determined an entirely new wealth of information on the pLLSs and LLSs over a wide range of redshifts. A major focus of the recent research has been to empirically determine the metallicity distribution of the gas probed by pLLSs and LLSs in sizable and representative samples at both low (z2) redshifts. Here I discuss unambiguous evidence for metal-poor gas at all z probed by the pLLSs and LLSs. At z<1, all the pLLSs and LLSs so far studied are located in the CGM of galaxies with projected distances <100-200 kpc. Regardless of the exact origin of the low-metallicity pLLSs/LLSs, there is a significant mass of cool, dense, low-metallicity gas in the CGM that may be available as fuel for continuing star formation in galaxies over cosmic time. As such, the metal-poor pLLSs and LLSs are currently among the best observational evidence of cold, metal-poor gas accretion onto galaxies.Comment: Invited review to appear in Gas Accretion onto Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, eds. A. J. Fox & R. Dav\'e, to be published by Springe
