21 research outputs found

    Procjena kliničkih i hematoloŔkih pokazatelja u razlikovanju infekcije virusom mačje imunodeficijencije i virusom leukemije mačaka

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    For this retrospective study clinical, haematological and virology parameters were analysed from 21 cats received at the Clinic for Internal Diseases of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, with severe clinical signs of feline leukaemia, feline immunodeficiency, or both diseases. The cats were of different breeds, different ages and forms of care. The history of the disease, temperature and breathing frequency were recorded for each cat. The presence of specific antibodies for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) was detected in serum samples from 10 cats, four females and six males. The presence of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) antigen was detected in 8 serum samples, from two females and six males. Three cats were FIV and FeLV positive, all of them male cats. Male cats and those with outdoor access are more often susceptible to infections. FeLV+ and FF+ (FeLV and FIV) cats are generally younger, than FIV + cats (seven of eight FeLV + cats are between 1 and 5 yrs old). Differences were noticed between FeLV and FIV positive animals in terms of haematological and biochemical values. Increased values for leukocytes, segmented and non-segmented neutrophils in cats positive for FeLV, FIV or both viruses were mainly determined, as well as a decreased number of thrombocytes, erythrocytes, Hb, HMT and MCV values in the majority of animals studied. In FeLV+ animals alterations in the number of lymphocytes (lymphocytosis and lymphopenia) were more prominent compared to FIV+ animals, in which leucocytosis was more prominent. No relationship between the severity of clinical symptoms and the age and sex of the animals was found.U radu su istraženi klinički, hematoloÅ”ki i viroloÅ”ki pokazatelji ustanovljeni kod 21 mačke zaprimljene na Klinici za unutarnje bolesti na Veterinarskom fakultetu SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, s izraženim kliničkim znakovima leukemije mačaka, mačje imunodeficijencije ili obiju bolesti zajedno. Mačke su se razlikovale po podrijetlu, dobi i načinu držanja. Za svaku mačku bilježena je klinička slika bolesti, vrijednosti temperature te frekvencija bila i disanja. Specifična protutijela za virus imunodeficijencije (engl. feline immunodeciciency virus, FIV) ustanovljena su u uzorcima seruma 10 životinja, od kojih su četiri bile ženskog, a Å”est muÅ”kog spola. FeLV (engl. feline leukemia virus) antigen ustanovljen je u osam uzoraka seruma, od kojih su dva bila podrijetlom od ženskog, a Å”est od životinja muÅ”kog spola. Tri uzorka bila su FIV i FeLV pozitivna, a pripadala su životinjama muÅ”kog spola. Životinje muÅ”kog spola i one koje su boravile na otvorenom, bile su znatno prijemljivije za infekciju. FeLV+ i FF+ mačke bile su uglavnom mlađe od FIV+ (sedam od osam FeLV pozitivnih mačaka bilo je u dobi od 1 do 5 godina starosti). Zabilježene su razlike između FeLV i FIV pozitivnih životinja s obzirom na hematoloÅ”ke i biokemijske pokazatelje. Uglavnom su ustanovljene poviÅ”ene vrijednosti leukocita, segmentiranih i nesegmentiranih neutrofila u mačaka pozitivnih na FeLV, FIV ili na oba virusa, jednako kao i smanjene vrijednosti trombocita, eritrocita, HMT i MCV u pretraženih životinja. U FeLV pozitivnih životinja uočljivije su bile promjene u broju limfocita (limfocitoza i limfopenija) u odnosu na FIV pozitivne životinje u kojih je bila prisutnija leukocitoza. Povezanost između izraženosti kliničkih simptoma te dobi i spola životinja nije ustanovljena

    Ekstremne padavine u Republici Srpskoj - analiza 2010. i 2011. godine

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    One of the consequences of global and regional climate changes is the alterations in the intensity and frequency of precipitation in certain areas and on local levels. This paper presents monthly precipitation in 2010 and 2011, with deviations that are measured in millimeters and given in percentage and in accordance to percentiles, based on which we estimated the category of rainfall/aridity that is further connected with probability, i.e. reassurance period. Based on the analysis of precipitation, it was estimated that 2010 was extremely rainy regarding the period of past 60 years and that 2011 was most arid over the period of interest. The results implied the necessity to include data on risks of extreme climate phenomena, in this case, precipitation, when it comes to creating plans and strategic documents of Republika Srpska. Besides, frequent shifts of extremely rainy and arid years and their influence on floods and drains affect the complexity of technical and technological solutions for irrigation and drainage systems. In other words, extreme precipitation should be a crucial parameter of the integral management of the water resources in Republika Srpska.Jedna od posljedica globalnih i regionalnih klimatskih promjena su i promjene intenziteta i frekvencija padavina u pojedinim oblastima ili lokalno. U radu su prikazane mjesečne količine padavina tokom 2010. i 2011. sa odstupanjima u milimetrima i procentualno kao i prema pripadajućem percentilu, na osnovu čega se i utvrđuje kategorija kiÅ”nosti/suÅ”nosti a koji je u vezi s vjerovatnoćom tj povratnim periodom. Na bazi analiza količine padavina utvrđeno je da je 2010. godina bila ekstremno kiÅ”na u posljednjih 60 godina a da je 2011. godina bila najsuÅ”nija u instrumentalnom periodu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost uključivanja podataka o rizicima ekstremnih klimatskih pojava, u ovom slučaju padavina, kod izrade planskih i strateÅ”kih dokumenata Republike Srpske. Sem toga, česte smjene ekstremno kiÅ”nih i suÅ”nih godina i njihov uticaj na pojavu poplava i suÅ”a utiču i na kompleksnost kod tehničkih i tehnoloÅ”kih rjeÅ”enja za izgradnju sistema za navodnjavanje ali i odvodnjavanja voda. Drugim riječima, ekstremne padavine treba da budu veoma bitan parametar integralnog upravljanja vodnim resursima Republike Srpske

    Određivanje pragova ekstremnih vrednosti temperature vazduha u Republici Srpskoj

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    The goal of this paper is to determine the state of extreme air temperature in Republic of Srpska and to establish their thresholds as the limits of unsuitability of the climate. The air temperature much above and much below was investigated. The spatial distribution of minimal air temperatures in Republic of Srpska during the studied period 2006-2010 shows the meridian, parallel and altitude regularity. The average annual maximums increase slowly from the north towards the south and insignificantly from the west towards the east of Republic of Srpska.Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi stanje ekstremnih vrednosti temperature vazduha u Republici Srpskoj i odrede njihovi pragovi kao granice nepovoljnosti klime. Proučavane su temperatura vazduha mnogo ispod normalne i temperatura vazduha mnogo iznad normalne. Prostorni raspored minimalnih temperatura vazduha u Republici Srpskoj tokom proučavanog perioda 2006-2010. godina pokazuje meridijansku, uporedničku i visinsku zakonomernost. Srednji godiŔnji maksimumi sporo rastu od severa ka jugu i neznatno od zapada ka istoku Republike Srpske

    Određivanje pragova ekstremnih vrednosti temperature vazduha u Republici Srpskoj

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    The goal of this paper is to determine the state of extreme air temperature in Republic of Srpska and to establish their thresholds as the limits of unsuitability of the climate. The air temperature much above and much below was investigated. The spatial distribution of minimal air temperatures in Republic of Srpska during the studied period 2006-2010 shows the meridian, parallel and altitude regularity. The average annual maximums increase slowly from the north towards the south and insignificantly from the west towards the east of Republic of Srpska.Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi stanje ekstremnih vrednosti temperature vazduha u Republici Srpskoj i odrede njihovi pragovi kao granice nepovoljnosti klime. Proučavane su temperatura vazduha mnogo ispod normalne i temperatura vazduha mnogo iznad normalne. Prostorni raspored minimalnih temperatura vazduha u Republici Srpskoj tokom proučavanog perioda 2006-2010. godina pokazuje meridijansku, uporedničku i visinsku zakonomernost. Srednji godiŔnji maksimumi sporo rastu od severa ka jugu i neznatno od zapada ka istoku Republike Srpske

    Assessment of Empirical Methods for Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration in Different Climatic Zones of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The study evaluated nine empirical methods for estimating reference evapotranspiration (ETo) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) across different climatic zones. The methods compared were the Hargreavesā€“Samani method (HS), the modified Hargreavesā€“Samani method (HM), the calibrated Hargreavesā€“Samani method (HC), the Priestleyā€“Taylor method (PT), the Copais method (COP), the Makkink method (MAK), the Penmanā€“Monteith method based on air temperature and overall average windspeed (PMT2), the Penmanā€“Monteith method based on air temperature and regional average windspeed (PMT1.3), and the Penmanā€“Monteith method based on air temperature and site-specific windspeed (PMTlok). These methods were tested against the ā€œFood Agricultural Organization-Penman Monteith approachā€ (FAO-PM). The evaluation was performed using data from 20 meteorological stations in BiH, considering a common irrigation season (Aprilā€“October) for two periods (2000ā€“2005 and 2018ā€“2022). The stations represented three climatic zones: semi-arid (SA), dry sub-humid (DSH), and moist sub-humid (MSH). The performance and ranking of the ETo methods were analyzed using the TOPSIS method. The trend of ETo during the common irrigation season for the period from 2018 to 2022 was determined using the Mannā€“Kendall test. The results of the study indicated that the HC method showed the best performance across all three climatic zones. The average root mean square error (RMSE) was 0.67 mm dayāˆ’1, 0.49 mm dayāˆ’1, and 0.50 mm dayāˆ’1 for the SA, DSH, and MSH zones, respectively. As an alternative to the HC method, the PT method is recommended for its favorable results in both periods and in all zones. On the other hand, the HS method exhibited the highest average overestimation, particularly in the MSH zone, where ETo values were 18% higher compared with those of the FAO-PM method. The COP method also showed high overestimation and was not recommended for use. Regarding the MAK method, it resulted in underestimation during the period from 2000 to 2005, ranging from 17% in the DSH zone to 11% in the MSH zone. However, its performance improved during the period from 2018 to 2022, for which it ranked second place in the MSH zone. Among the PMT methods, the PMTlok, which utilized local average windspeed, yielded the best results. Despite performing well in the neighboring country of Serbia, the HM method showed poor overall performance in BiH. The findings of this study can serve as a foundation for further research in BiH to enhance irrigation practices in response to climate changes

    Prevalence of Metabolic X Syndrome in the Interior of Croatia: The Baranja Region

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    Metabolic syndrome (MS), a constellation of metabolic risk factors associated with development of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, has emerged as a public health problem of enormous proportions in developed and developing countries. We have reported previously its prevalence in several isolated island populations in the Eastern Adriatic coast of Croatia. In spite of leading a relatively traditional life style pattern including the practice of a typical Mediterranean diet, the prevalence of MS in these populations is high and comparable to those in developed nations. However, data on prevalence of the syndrome in mainland Croatia is limited. We have, therefore, conducted a study in an outbred population comprising of Croats, Hungarians and Serbs from the Baranja region of mainland Croatia. Although this is an ethnically heterogenous population, the constituent groups exchange mates and therefore, are not reproductively isolated. The life style patterns are also similar. We observed similar prevalence of MS in these groups. We assessed MS following the definitions prescribed in the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP). Overall prevalence is considerably high in this cosmopolitan group, by WHO criteria 26% in males and 38% in females, and by NCEP criteria 84% in males and 71% in females. It is likely that, in addition to genetic risk factors, a host of environmental factors that include dietary habit and relatively urban life style in a modernized society influence the levels of the constituent metabolic traits leading to increase prevalence of MS


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    Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex stress related disorder, that follows a severe traumatic experience, characterized with an intense sense of terror, fear, and helplessness. The aim of this study is to identify associations of genetic variations within candidate genes DRD2 and DRD4 with various PTSD related phenotypes. PTSD lifetime and PTSD current subjects were analyzed separately, each of them were analyzed in a Case/Control design, as well as regarding BSI and CAPS within cases only. Subjects and methods: 719 (487 male, 232 female) participants who had experienced war-related trauma between 1991 and 1999 in Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo and Croatia were included in the study. Sociodemographic questionnaire, Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) were used to collect clinical data. Results: The DRD2 rs1800497 variant and a variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) located in exon three of DRD4 were investigated for association with PTSD. In case control analyses we did not identify any significant associations. Within the PTSD current patients, we identified an association of DRD2 rs1800497 with BSI in the genotypic and the recessive model with the T allele as the risk allele. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that rs1800497 of DRD2 gene is involved in pathogenesis of PTSD


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    Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a highly frequent and disabling psychiatric condition among war-affected populations. TheFK506-binding protein 5 (FKBP5) gene and the corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) gene have previously been implicated in an elevated risk of peritraumatic dissociation and PTSD development. Our aim was to investigate the association between FKBP5 and CRHR1 genotypes and PTSD diagnosis and severity among individuals who were affected by the Balkan wars during the 1990s. Subjects and methods: This study included participants with current PTSD, remitted PTSD and healthy volunteers (N=719, 487 males), who were recruited between 2013 and 2015 within the framework of the South Eastern Europe (SEE) - PTSD Study. Psychometric methods comprised the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), the Clinician Administrated PTSD Scale (CAPS), and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). FKBP5 rs1360780 and CRHR1 rs17689918 genotypes were determined using a KASP genotyping assay. Results: Tests for deviation from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium showed no significant results. Logistic and linear regression was used to examine the associations between the FKBP5 SNP rs1360780 and the CRHR1 SNP rs17689918 with PTSD diagnosis and severity, as well as general psychiatric symptom severity, separately for current and remitted PTSD patients. There were nominally significant associations under a dominant model between the rs1360780 C allele and PTSD diagnosis as well as symptom severity, which however, were not significant anymore after Bonferroni adjustment (????=0.002). For CRHR1 rs17689918 no significant associations were detected. Conclusion: We found nominally, but not Bonferroni corrected significant associations between the FKBP5 polymorphism rs1360780 and PTSD susceptibility among individuals affected by the Balkan wars. For elucidating this geneā€™s real resilience/ vulnerability potential, environmental influences should be taken into account


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    Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that occurs in some people who have experienced a severe traumatic event. Several genetic studies suggest that gene encoding proteins of catechol O-methyl-transferase (COMT) may be relevant for the pathogenesis of PTSD. Some researchers suggested that the elevation of interleukin-6 (IL6) correlates with major depression and PTSD. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the single nucleotide polymorphisms COMT rs4680 (Val158Met) and IL6 rs1800795 are associated with PTSD and contribute to the severity of PTSD symptoms. Subjects and methods: This study comprised 747 participants that experienced war between 1991 and 1999 in the South Eastern Europe conflicts. COMT rs4680 (Val158Met) and IL6 rs1800795 genotypes were determined in 719 participants (369 with and 350 without PTSD). The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), the Clinician Administrated PTSD Scale (CAPS) questionnaire and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) were used for data collection. Results: Regarding the COMT gene polymorphism, the results of the regression analyses for BSI total score were significant in the lifetime PTSD group in the dominant (P=0.031) and the additive allelic model (P=0.047). Regarding the IL6 gene, a significant difference was found for the recessive model predicting CAPS total score in the lifetime PTSD group (P=0.048), and indicated an association between the C allele and higher CAPS scores. n the allelic, genotypic and rezessive model, the results for BSI total score were significant in the lifetime PTSD group (P=0.033, P=0.028 and P=0.009), suggesting a correlation of the C allele with higher BSI scores Conclusion: Although our nominally significant results did not withstand correction for multiple tests they may support a relevance of the COMT (Val158Met) and IL6 rs1800795 polymorphism for aspects of PTSD in war traumatized individuals


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    Background: Individuals who are exposed to traumatic events are at an increased risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a condition during which an individual\u27s ability to function is impaired by emotional responses to memories of those events. The gene coding for neuropeptide Y (NPY) and the gene coding for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are among the number of candidate gene variants that have been identified as potential contributors to PTSD. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between NPY and BDNF and PTSD in individuals who experienced war-related trauma in the South Eastern Europe (SEE) conflicts (1991-1999). Subjects and methods: This study included participants with current and remitted PTSD and healthy volunteers (N=719, 232 females, 487 males), who were recruited between 2013 and 2015 within the framework of the South Eastern Europe (SEE) - PTSD Study. Psychometric methods comprised the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS), and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). DNA was isolated from whole blood and genotyped for NPY rs5574 via PCR - RFLP and NPY rs16147 and BDNF rs6265 using the KASP assay. Results: Tests for deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium showed no significant results. Analyses at the categorical level yielded no associations between the affected individuals and all three SNPs when compared to controls. Within lifetime PTSD patients, the major alleles of both NPY variants showed a nominally significant association with higher CAPS scores (p=0.007 and p=0.02, respectively). Also, the major allele of rs5574C>T was associated with higher BSI scores with a nominal significance among current PTSD patients (p=0.047). The results did not withstand a Bonferroni adjustment (????=0.002). Conclusion: Nominally significant associations between NPY polymorphisms and PTSD susceptibility were found that did not withstand Bonferroni correction