98 research outputs found

    Coverage-Guaranteed Sensor Node Deployment Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Deployment quality and cost are two conflicting aspects in wireless sensor networks. Random deployment, where the monitored field is covered by randomly and uniformly deployed sensor nodes, is an appropriate approach for large-scale network applications. However, their successful applications depend considerably on the deployment quality that uses the minimum number of sensors to achieve a desired coverage. Currently, the number of sensors required to meet the desired coverage is based on asymptotic analysis, which cannot meet deployment quality due to coverage overestimation in real applications. In this paper, we first investigate the coverage overestimation and address the challenge of designing coverage-guaranteed deployment strategies. To overcome this problem, we propose two deployment strategies, namely, the Expected-area Coverage Deployment (ECD) and BOundary Assistant Deployment (BOAD). The deployment quality of the two strategies is analyzed mathematically. Under the analysis, a lower bound on the number of deployed sensor nodes is given to satisfy the desired deployment quality. We justify the correctness of our analysis through rigorous proof, and validate the effectiveness of the two strategies through extensive simulation experiments. The simulation results show that both strategies alleviate the coverage overestimation significantly. In addition, we also evaluate two proposed strategies in the context of target detection application. The comparison results demonstrate that if the target appears at the boundary of monitored region in a given random deployment, the average intrusion distance of BOAD is considerably shorter than that of ECD with the same desired deployment quality. In contrast, ECD has better performance in terms of the average intrusion distance when the invasion of intruder is from the inside of monitored region

    VSMURF:A Novel Sliding Window Cleaning Algorithm for RFID Networks

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is one of the key technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) and is used in many areas, such as mobile payments, public transportation, smart lock, and environment protection. However, the performance of RFID equipment can be easily affected by the surrounding environment, such as electronic productions and metal appliances. These can impose an impact on the RF signal, which makes the collection of RFID data unreliable. Usually, the unreliability of RFID source data includes three aspects: false negatives, false positives, and dirty data. False negatives are the key problem, as the probability of false positives and dirty data occurrence is relatively small. This paper proposes a novel sliding window cleaning algorithm called VSMURF, which is based on the traditional SMURF algorithm which combines the dynamic change of tags and the value analysis of confidence. Experimental results show that VSMURF algorithm performs better in most conditions and when the tag’s speed is low or high. In particular, if the velocity parameter is set to 2 m/epoch, our proposed VSMURF algorithm performs better than SMURF. The results also show that VSMURF algorithm has better performance than other algorithms in solving the problem of false negatives for RFID networks

    Optimization of Self-Directed Target Coverage in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network

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    Video and image sensors in wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs) have directed view and limited sensing angle. So the methods to solve target coverage problem for traditional sensor networks, which use circle sensing model, are not suitable for WMSNs. Based on the FoV (field of view) sensing model and FoV disk model proposed, how expected multimedia sensor covers the target is defined by the deflection angle between target and the sensor’s current orientation and the distance between target and the sensor. Then target coverage optimization algorithms based on expected coverage value are presented for single-sensor single-target, multisensor single-target, and single-sensor multitargets problems distinguishingly. Selecting the orientation that sensor rotated to cover every target falling in the FoV disk of that sensor for candidate orientations and using genetic algorithm to multisensor multitargets problem, which has NP-complete complexity, then result in the approximated minimum subset of sensors which covers all the targets in networks. Simulation results show the algorithm’s performance and the effect of number of targets on the resulting subset

    Vehicle trajectory prediction based on hidden Markov model

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    In Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), logistics distribution and mobile e-commerce, the real-time, accurate and reliable vehicle trajectory prediction has significant application value. Vehicle trajectory prediction can not only provide accurate location-based services, but also can monitor and predict traffic situation in advance, and then further recommend the optimal route for users. In this paper, firstly, we mine the double layers of hidden states of vehicle historical trajectories, and then determine the parameters of HMM (hidden Markov model) by historical data. Secondly, we adopt Viterbi algorithm to seek the double layers hidden states sequences corresponding to the just driven trajectory. Finally, we propose a new algorithm (DHMTP) for vehicle trajectory prediction based on the hidden Markov model of double layers hidden states, and predict the nearest neighbor unit of location information of the next k stages. The experimental results demonstrate that the prediction accuracy of the proposed algorithm is increased by 18.3% compared with TPMO algorithm and increased by 23.1% compared with Naive algorithm in aspect of predicting the next k phases' trajectories, especially when traffic flow is greater, such as this time from weekday morning to evening. Moreover, the time performance of DHMTP algorithm is also clearly improved compared with TPMO algorithm.This work is support by National Natural Science Foundation of P. R. China (Grant No.61572260, 61373017 and 61572261), Peak of Six Major Talent in Jiangsu Province(Grant No.2010DZXX026), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No.2014M560440), Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Research Funds (Grant No.1302055C), Scientific & Technological Support Project of Jiangsu Province(Grant No. BE2015702), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(Grant No. BK20130882).http://www.itiis.orgam2017Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    A Novel Deployment Scheme Based on Three-Dimensional Coverage Model for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Coverage pattern and deployment strategy are directly related to the optimum allocation of limited resources for wireless sensor networks, such as energy of nodes, communication bandwidth, and computing power, and quality improvement is largely determined by these for wireless sensor networks. A three-dimensional coverage pattern and deployment scheme are proposed in this paper. Firstly, by analyzing the regular polyhedron models in three-dimensional scene, a coverage pattern based on cuboids is proposed, and then relationship between coverage and sensor nodes’ radius is deduced; also the minimum number of sensor nodes to maintain network area’s full coverage is calculated. At last, sensor nodes are deployed according to the coverage pattern after the monitor area is subdivided into finite 3D grid. Experimental results show that, compared with traditional random method, sensor nodes number is reduced effectively while coverage rate of monitor area is ensured using our coverage pattern and deterministic deployment scheme

    A Review of the Topologies Used in Smart Water Meter Networks: A Wireless Sensor Network Application

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    This paper presents several proposed and existing smart utility meter systems as well as their communication networks to identify the challenges of creating scalable smart water meter networks. Network simulations are performed on 3 network topologies (star, tree, and mesh) to determine their suitability for smart water meter networks. The simulations found that once a number of nodes threshold is exceeded the network’s delay increases dramatically regardless of implemented topology. This threshold is at a relatively low number of nodes (50) and the use of network topologies such as tree or mesh helps alleviate this problem and results in lower network delays. Further simulations found that the successful transmission of application layer packets in a 70-end node tree network can be improved by 212% when end nodes only transmit data to their nearest router node. The relationship between packet success rate and different packet sizes was also investigated and reducing the packet size with a factor of 16 resulted in either 156% or 300% increases in the amount of successfully received packets depending on the network setup

    An Improved SMURF Scheme for Cleaning RFID Data

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