37 research outputs found
The effects of conflict role and intensity on preschoolers’ expectations about peer conflict
Using a puppet procedure depicting hypothetical conflict involving the participant and a peer, 96 preschoolers’ (48 boys and 48 girls; M 1/4 5.14 years, SD 1/4 0.78 years) expectations about peer conflict were assessed as a function of their role in the conflict (i.e., initiator of or responder to initial provocation) and the intensity level of the conflict. Initiators of conflict expected less conflict escalation and subsequent problems with the same peer from the conflict than did responders, particularly following low-intensity conflict. Findings also indicated that, for low-intensity but not high-intensity conflict, girls expected the same peer to provoke them during a subsequent interaction more often than did boys. Results provide further support for assessing preschoolers’ understanding of conflict and are consistent with previous work demonstrating a self-serving bias in young children’s perceptions and reports of their conflicts with other children. Moreover, findings are discussed in terms of their implications for the development of peer relations.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline
Teorías sobre la motivación de logro: perpectiva evolutiva
Theories on achievement motivation have changed in many aspects since their
genesis, by incorporating new assumptions and variables. The emphasis is no longer on
unconscious motivation but on how to integrate information. However, not enough
attention has been payed to developmental aspects which are essential to understanding
achievement motivation at different ages, and to studying behavioural changes based on
achievement motivation when new activities are carried out successfully. The three most
important developmental changes taking place are: changes in concepts related to
achievement motivation, information processing changes, and changes in social
experience. Finally the need to extend research on this subject is underlined.Las teorías de la motivación de logro han cambiado en muchos aspectos desde
sus orígenes, incorporando nuevos supuestos y variables. Ya no se pone el énfasis en las
motivaciones inconscientes, sino en la forma de integrar la información. Pero se ha
descuidado el aspecto evolutivo, que no es sólo esencial para la comprensión de la
motivación de logro en las diferentes edades, sino también para el estudio de los
cambios de la conducta orientada al logro a medida que se dominan nuevas actividades.
Los tres cambios evolutivos más importantes son los cambios de los conceptos
relacionados con la orientación al logro, los cambios en el procesamiento de la
información y los cambios en la experiencia social. Se señala la necesidad de ampliar
las investigaciones sobre el tema