47 research outputs found

    A Simplified Simulation Model for Predicting Radiative Transfer in Long Street Canyons under High Solar Radiation Conditions

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    Modeling solar radiation in street canyons is crucial to understanding the solar availability of building façades. This article describes the implementation of a simulation routine, developed in the Matlab® computer language, which is aimed at predicting solar access for building façades located in dense urban conglomerates comprising deep long street canyons, under high solar radiation conditions, typical in southern countries of Europe. Methodology is primarily based on the configuration factor theory, also aided by computer simulation, which enables to assess the interplay between the surfaces that compose the so-called street canyon. The results of the theoretical model have been cross-checked and verified by on-site measurements in two real case studies, two streets in Cadiz and Seville. The simplified simulation reproduces the shape of the curve for on-site measured values and weighted errors for the whole model do not surpass 10%, with a maximum of 9.32% and a mean values of 6.31%. As a result, a simplified predictive model that takes into account direct, diffuse and reflected solar radiation from the surfaces that enclose the canyon, has been devised. The authors consider that this research provides further improvement, as well as a handy alternative approach, to usual methods used for the calculation of available solar radiation in urban canyons, such as the Sky View Factor or the ray tracing

    Estudio y categorización de los parques de atracciones para una propuesta conceptual del nuevo parque de atracciones de Zaragoza

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    Proyecto para la Cátedra de Diseño de Servicios para la Ciudadanía de la Universidad de Zaragoza con el objetivo principal de realizar un informe exhaustivo de la situación actual de los parques de atracciones, ayudando al Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza en la elaboración del pliego de condiciones para la nueva licitación del recinto actual del Parque de Atracciones de Zaragoza. Se definen el alcance y objetivos del proyecto, enmarcándolo en la fase de investigación en base a la metodología de Service Design Thinking. Para conocer la situación actual se realiza un análisis del actual parque junto con entrevistas a distintos stakeholders, detectando las necesidades de la población respecto al futuro parque. Simultáneamente, se crea un inventario de parques europeos que permita categorizarlos en distintos aspectos para conocer las distintas tipologías y ver cuáles de ellas son las que se adaptarían mejor a la ciudad de Zaragoza por sus características y posibilidades. Con estos datos del inventario, se realiza una ficha para cada parque con toda la información relevante. Como última parte de la investigación, se hace un análisis de las tendencias y novedades del sector en distintos aspectos que atañen a un parque de atracciones. Hay que conocer que están haciendo los parques para mantenerse actualizados. Basadas en esta investigación, se elaboran diferentes propuestas. Propuestas transversales que se adaptarían a cualquier tipo de parque que se haga finalmente, y propuestas conceptuales de parque completo.<br /

    Plan de intervención fisioterápica en un nadador con aletas tras una escisión de Os Trigonum: a propósito de un caso

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    Introducción: el síndrome Os Trigonum es el resultado de una lesión por uso excesivo del tobillo causada por el movimiento repetitivo o mantenido de flexión plantar.El Os Trigonum (OT) corresponde a la osificación separada del tubérculo lateral de la cara posterior del talus, es el segundo hueso accesorio más común encontrado en el pie, con una prevalencia general que varía del 12.7% al 23.5% en la población general. A pesar de su alta prevalencia, generalmente no produce dolor ni limitación de movimiento en la flexión plantar del tobillo.Metodología: es un estudio observacional descriptivo longitudinal intrasujeto de n=1. Se trata de un nadador con aletas de élite de 21 años, intervenido de Os trigonum seis meses después de los primeros síntomas debido a diagnósticos previos erróneos. Se plantea un tratamiento de doce semanas con tres sesiones semanales, en las que se realizan distintos abordajes fisioterápicos donde inicialmente se busca una reducción del dolor e hinchazón, y posteriormente, la normalización de la movilidad, de la fuerza y la propiocepción y la readaptación a la natación con aletas. Desarrollo: tras finalizar el tratamiento se observa una disminución notable del dolor percibido por el paciente en la escala visual analógica (EVA) y la normalización del movimiento, fuerza y del tobillo previamente intervenido. Conclusiones: el tratamiento propuesto obtiene resultados positivos disminuyendo dolor e hinchazón, normalizando el rango de movimiento (ROM) y fuerza del sujeto. También se obtiene una óptima readaptación al deporte.<br /

    Transparencia y rendición de cuentas a nivel local: Comparación Cataluña, Comunidad de Madrid y Comunitat Valenciana

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    La transparencia permite una mayor apertura y orientación a los ciudadanos para la toma de decisiones políticas y para el fomento del ordenado funcionamiento de las gestiones públicas por medio de la rendición de cuentas por parte de las administraciones. Según el Índice de Percepción de la Corrupción, España presenta una puntuación en el año 2019 de 6,2 ocupando la posición 30 de 180 países lo que representa un nivel bajo en comparativa con el resto del mundo y por debajo de la media de los países analizados, todo ello se ve reflejado a nivel práctico en la falta de confianza por parte de la ciudadanía hacia sus propias instituciones amenazando de esta forma, a la estabilidad política.Para el estudio del caso español en materia de transparencia se ha tomado una muestra de las tres Comunidades Autónomas más representativas a nivel económico, social y político: Cataluña, Comunidad de Madrid y Comunitat de Valencia. Ha resultado que existen sesgos a nivel municipal pero se ha avanzado en materia de rendición de cuentas a nivel local. No obstante, estos avances no son suficientes para que se modifique la percepción y confianza por parte de la ciudadanía.<br /

    New Computational Techniques for Solar Radiation in Architecture

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    Many architectural examples rank among masterpieces for its beautiful and harmonious use of solar radiation. However, their creation had to rely solely on intuition because they possessed a curvilinear nature. As the necessary tools required for evaluating shapes derived from the sphere or the circle were not available, such forms could not be assessed. Circular emitters represent an important issue not merely in architecture but in the field of configuration factors calculation. The circle form is present in a variety of devices and emitters that find ample application in the realms of thermal engineering, daylighting in architecture and artificial light, amongst others. In the past, several factors have been found for specific positions of the unit area in relation to the sources of such surface, centered with respect to the circle, but not for a generic location whether parallel or inclined. In this respect, perpendicular semicircles have been totally disregarded. As a result, calculation for the said configuration factors was sustained by iterative methods, which do not provide the desired accuracy in every situation and also require considerable effort and time in terms of computational capacity. In previous researches, new configuration factors have been devised for complex forms and shapes, such as the paraboloid, the ellipsoid, the sphere and the straight cone, which are ever present in architecture and engineering. What is more, several configurations of volumes that include similar elements could also be assessed by virtue of adroit mathematical deduction. As a result, researchers and designers were provided with new configuration factors, so that the design process is entirely freed from iterative methods. In this chapter, an exact analytical solution derived from complex double integration is presented. The expression obtained significantly soothes the calculation of the configuration factor between a circular emitter and a point that lies in a plane located at any position to the former, not only in an axis perpendicular to its center. Those results were checked against more conventional formulas. Based on such calculus procedures, an entirely new factor for the semicircle to a perpendicular plane that contains the straight edge has been deducted. Likewise, the solution has been converted into an original algorithm and programmed in simulation software developed by the authors so that interactive maps of the radiative field can be visualized in a consistent and accurate way. Thus, computer simulation techniques, engineering and image applications will be greatly enhanced and benefitted

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    Patient with fracture due to postmenopausal osteoporosis in Spain: medical care pathway

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    Summary Background: In Spain, the flow of medical care for a patient with a fracture due to postmenopausal osteoporosis (PO) in the hospital system is not understood. A literature review has been carried out in order to define the hospital care pathway for patients with fracture due to PO in normal clinical practice, taking into account the different medical specialisms involved. In addition, it was attempted to determine the role of each specialist and the most common referral services. Material and methods: The databases PubMed/Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge, EMBASE and Google Scholar; IBECS (Spanish Bibliographical Index in Health Sciences (Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud)) and MEDES (Medicine in Spanish (Medicina en Español)) were consulted, as well as the web pages of the Spanish Society of Rheumatology, the Spanish Society for Bone and Mineral Metabolism Research, the Spanish Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, and the Spanish Association for the Study of the Menopause, to identify publications appearing between 2000 and 2010 in English or Spanish. The principal national clinical practice guides (CPG) for PO were reviewed. Results: A total of 114 articles were identified. After discounting non-relevant publications, duplicate publications and those published in languages other than English or Spanish, 13 articles were selected. 4 articles were excluded (n=2 screening for osteoporosis, n=1 risk factors, n=1 cost studies), with a total of 9 articles being reviewed. All the articles were international (n=9), including American (n=4), Canadian (n=2), Swiss (n=1), Irish (n=1) and multinational (n=1), and described the outpatient management of fractures due to PO mainly in the extra-hospital environment. Notable in this environment is the essential role of the orthopaedic surgeon and the need for their coordination with family doctors to guarantee the optimum follow up of patients and the prevention of second fractures. The CPGs reviewed referred only to the diagnosis and therapeutic management of the patient with PO. No information was found on referral services, or on the role of each specialist in the management of these patients. Conclusions: The care pathway for patients with osteoporotic fracture, and which professionals are involved, are poorly described in the literature, both nationally and internationally. The clinical management of patients with fracture due to osteoporosis in hospitals is an area of healthcare which needs description and analysis