282 research outputs found

    Recording Of Custodial Interrogations: Policies And Practices

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    Within the last century, interrogation practices throughout the United States have notably changed. Police interrogations went from physical harm (i.e., the third degree) to psychologically suggestive techniques. These psychologically coercive techniques put suspects at risk of giving a false confession, which is one of the contributing factors in wrongful convictions. One remedy to reduce false confessions is to electronically record interrogations. Very little is known about the specific policies and practices of electronic recordings during interrogation within law enforcement agencies. Policies and practices vary by state and by agency, which makes it difficult to identify agencies that do electronically record interrogations. The current study set out to gain more information about the practices and policies of the electronic recording of interrogations in law enforcement agencies across Michigan. Mail-in survey data was obtained from a stratified random sample of law enforcement agencies across Michigan. Results indicate that the majority of the law enforcement agencies in our sample electronically record custodial interrogations. This study provides important insight on the policies and practices related to electronic recordings of interrogations among law enforcement agencies

    Palermo, metropolitan mainstreams with a twist

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    Palermo, administrative capital of Sicily, with its metropolitan region, hosts around one million people. A city with long history which has been, for long periods, one of the richest cities in Europe. At the end of the first millennium, during the Arab domination, Palermo was described as the most beautiful and happy city in the world. An history of multifaceted dominations the one following the other. In XXth century, the worst days had come. After the the world wars, Palermo was one of the cities in Italy which couldn’t - or wouldn’t - step out of post-war era. The city grew, but who decided how wasn’t the public interest: from the country the Mafiosi had come, willing to take their place in the city. And it was them, with the complicity of the leading political class, to draw the city to come. Remember Vito Ciancimino, member of Democrazia Cristiana, major in the seventies, the one who signed - in just one night - for the demolition of numbers of liberty villas, to be substituted by condominiums. Another paradigmatic story regards the airport, built during the 50s. The technicians had suggested to build it on the east of the metropolitan area, but mysterious powers moved it to the other side, shifting the growth of the city to lands bought at low prices by the Mafia. Who paid the bill? In 1972, when technological aids for flight were not developed, the Alitalia 112 flight collided with Montagna Longa, a mountain near the airport. 115 victims of the Mafia, not even acknowledged as that. And the city? The historical centre, one of the biggest and richest in Europe, remained abandoned, restructuring being less profitable than building new neighbourhoods. In the 90s, with the first left-wing administrations of its history, the city had its ‘spring’. In consequence of 1992 Mafia slaughters, the city reacted, a new season had begun. Buildings destroyed since second world war started to be restructured, the focus moved to the historical centre, a detailed plan was designed, local development was launched with partial results. With the new millennium the spring has shifted to a new autumn. A new administration, right-wing sided, promoted the building - more often the design - of infrastructures and flag projects. But suddenly something happened. A major known just for his wild nights - made of alcohols and young ladies -, dozens of scandals - for instance those regarding the management of waste -, fiscal crisis, a second mandate coming from debated elections - pre-empted ballotpapers were found, judicial enquiries are questioning the validity of the process - have undermined the credibility of the administration. Thus, everything seems blocked, the city is stuck, mainstream pressures are slowed by a viscous atmosphere. What has not stopped is private led neighbourhoods upgrading. Palermo’s metropolitan mainstream are going on, but ancient drifts deviate them. Everything reveals backsides, contradiction is normality. Resistance appears where you may not imagine. We’ve tried to show it in the map, where some stories are strangely mixed, some narratives pertaining to different categories than usual. Palermo, Southern Europe, Metropolitan Mainstream with a twis

    Integrating urban metabolism and life cycle assessment to analyse urban sustainability

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    In recent decades, the close correlation between urban development and the concept of sustainability has become increasingly evident and important. This is demonstrated by European Union policies concerning EU cities and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including sustainable development goal (SDG) 11: Sustainable cities and communities. In the context of increasing urbanization, it is essential to find innovative methods to manage urban living systems and to establish a standard method for assessing the environmental performance of cities and their infrastructures. A unified and complete methodology for assessing policies for urban sustainability that takes into consideration urban complexity is currently lacking. In this paper, we integrate the Urban Metabolism and Lice Cycle Assessment approach to assess urban sustainability by developing a multi-dimensional measure framework applied to cities. Our aim is to provide a holistic view of the city and unveiling the interconnections among a set of urban dimensions identified by means of an approach based on complex systems science and complex networks. We also propose a specific survey to investigate the city in a multi-dimensional perspective and suggest key indicators based on network centrality measures for investigating and comparing the interconnections among a set of urban dimensions specifically identified (e.g. energy, material, transport). Finally, a case study based on Beijing is considered to show potential applications

    Rituximab ameliorated severe hearing loss in Cogan's syndrome: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rituximab is a monoclonal antibody inducing depletion of B lymphocytes and presently approved for the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and rheumatoid arthritis. Here is the first report of the use of this drug in a case of Cogan's syndrome (CS).</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>a 25-year-old Italian woman was referred with conjunctival hyperaemia, interstitial keratitis, moderate bilateral sensorineural hearing loss accompanied by tinnitus, dizziness, nausea and vertigo, poorly responsive to oral and topical steroidal therapy. Diagnosis of typical CS was made. The administration of a combined immunosuppressive treatment resolved ocular inflammation, dizziness, nausea, and vertigo but gave little results in controlling progressive hearing loss. A noticeable improvement in hearing function was documented by pure tone audiometry after infusion of Rituximab.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>in CS, hearing function is often the most difficult parameter to control with therapy. A positive effect of Rituximab on was observed in our case. The drug also allowed to significantly reduce the number of adjuvant immunosuppressive medications.</p


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    Este plan de trabajo realiza un análisis comparado de la tensión disidencia/normalización sexual en un corpus de textos literarios y audiovisuales argentinos y alemanes de las décadas del ochenta y el noventa del siglo XX. El eje que permite el recorte del corpus dentro de un amplio espectro de representaciones de las sexualidades está constituido por el abordaje y profundización del concepto de disidencia sexual, teniendo en cuenta tanto prácticas, agenciamientos y enunciaciones que resultan disidentes en un contexto específico de inteligibilidad de ciertas normas para la sexualidad (tanto la matriz heterosexual como la homonorma). La perspectiva comparada entre Alemania y Argentina permite analizar cómo estos modos de subjetivación normativa e identitaria tienen sus propias particularidades en espacios geo-políticos diferentes a Estados Unidos, cuya historia de la disidencia ha hegemonizado el campo de estudios. En este sentido, entonces, puede verse en el abordaje de textos culturales cómo la ruptura epistémica que supuestamente acaeciera en los noventa con la teoría queer norteamericana ya había ocurrido en los setenta no sólo en Estados Unidos sino en otros espacios geo-políticos. En ese sentido, pensar en los ochenta y noventa en Argentina y Alemania implica más una continuidad con los movimientos de liberación de los setenta que una ruptura. A diferencia de Alemania que tiene una mayor continuidad desde los setenta a los noventa, el caso de Argentina está atravesado por el hiato que significa la última Dictadura Militar para las representaciones sexo-disidentes. En este sentido, la literatura permitió una mayor continuidad (en escritores argentinos desde el exilio o publicados con posterioridad). El cine, por sus modos de producción, recién en los años noventa con el Nuevo Cine Argentino posibilitó otras formas de abordar la sexualidad. A su vez, es importante tener en cuenta que tanto en Alemania como Argentina se dan formas locales de agenciamiento y enunciación de la sexualidad, que no son equivalentes a los modelos gay y queer norteamericanos. Ya en los setenta, por ejemplo, se desatan dentro de los movimientos de liberación debates y pugnas sobre distintos modelos −en Alemania la Tuntestreit en torno a la representatividad de lxs Tunten en la Schwulenwebegung y en Argentina los debates en torno a la loca afeminada y su carácter revolucionario o conservador en el seno del Frente de Liberación Homosexual− que tienen continuidad y conviven en las décadas siguientes entre sí y con las importadas desde el modelo norteamericano. De este modo, en ambos espacios geo-políticos se pueden ver formas locales de enunciación disidente tensionadas no sólo con los modelos hegemónicos de homosexualidad sino también entre lo residual y lo emergente y entre lo disidente y la normalización (Schwul, Tunte, loca, marica, puto, chongo, torta)

    Fate of eprinomectin in goat milk and cheeses with different ripening times following pour-on administration

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    The distribution of eprinomectin in goat milk and cheeses (cacioricotta, caciotta, caprilisco) with different ripening times following a pour-on administration at a single dose rate (500 microg/kg of body weight) and a double dose rate (1,000 microg/kg of body weight) to goats with naturally occurring infections of gastrointestinal nematodes was studied. Milk residues of eprinomectin reached a maximum of 0.55+/-0.18 microg/kg and 1.70+/-0.31 microg/kg at the single and double doses, respectively. The drug concentrations decreased progressively until the fifth day after treatment, when they were less than the detection limit at both dose rates. The eprinomectin levels measured in all cheese types (both treatments) were higher than those recovered in milk at all the sampling times. In caciotta cheeses, the eprinomectin residues levels were constantly higher than other cheeses. With the exception of cheeses made with milk the first day after treatment, eprinomectin concentrations were nearly constant up to the fourth day then decreased by the fifth and sixth days after treatment. In all cases, at both the single and double dosages, the maximum level of eprinomectin residues in goat milk and cheeses remained below the maximum residual level of 20 microg/liter permitted for lactating cattle

    The effects of five anthelmintic treatment regimens on milk production in goats naturally infected by gastrointestinal nematodes

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    A study was carried out in Southern Italy on 90 Siriana breed goats with naturally occurring infections of gastrointestinal nematodes. Six similar groups of 15 goats were formed, one untreated control group and five groups treated once with ivermectin (I treatment) and once with netobimin (II treatment) at different times. Daily milk volume (ml) was recorded fortnightly for each animal for the whole lactation period. All the treated groups showed a total milk production that was statistically higher than that of the control group, and four of these groups showed at least one fortnightly measurement in which differences from the corresponding values of the control group were statistically significant (P<0.05). The best treatment timing seemed to be October-May, followed by February-June, December-May, and February-May

    Traditional medicines and ancestral knowledge. Embrace of the serpent (2015)

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    The film tells an epic journey where the confrontation of two different cultures is observed. In it two stories that occur in different historical times are intermingled. It begins with the meeting of Karamakate, a Cohihuano Indian, with a German anthropologist named Theo who is ill. He asks him to help him find the yakruna, a sacred plant, that grow where his people used to live and which he needs to cure his illness. After some doubts finally the Indian agrees to accompany him. Then the action takes place around 1940, when Karamakate is now an old Indian and has lost some of his memories. He meets Evans, an American ethnobotanist, who tells him that he is looking for the yakruna, a plant he met in a book written by a famous explorer who had been in those lands many years ago. The meeting reminds him of the one that happened approximately 30 years ago, and that still brings him back sad memories. The final scenes show, the decisions that Karamakate and Evans take against several dilemmas: to forgive or continue to distrust, to respect and try to understand the culture of the other or just use it for their benefit, to share the knowledge or let them die in oblivion.</p