429 research outputs found

    Exotic prepotentials from D(-1)D7 dynamics

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    We compute the partition functions of D(-1)D7 systems describing the multi-instanton dynamics of SO(N) gauge theories in eight dimensions. This is the simplest instance of the so called exotic instantons. In analogy with the Seiberg-Witten theory in four space-time dimensions, the prepotential and correlators in the chiral ring are derived via localization formulas and found to satisfy relations of the Matone type. Exotic prepotentials of SO(N) gauge theories with N=2 supersymmetries in four-dimensions are also discussed.Comment: 19 page

    Interactions of Pyramidal Structures with Energy and Consciousness

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    The purpose of the great stone pyramids of ancient civilizations remains a mystery.  Although pyramids are sometimes reputed to have certain powers or energies associated with them, documented evidence is scarce, and scientific theory is lacking.  This paper explores a few key questions:  (1) Is there an energy field associated with pyramidal structures that can perform work? If so, what is the nature of this energy field?  Are there effects of pyramidal structures on humans, other organisms, and inanimate objects?  (2) Does consciousness interact with pyramidal structures to produce or modify any effects?  Do belief and intention matter?   Evidence is shown that pyramidal structures collect or allow what may be a novel form of energy--cosmic energy or bioenergy--to flow in an unusual manner, producing a variety of unanticipated effects unexplainable by conventional science.  The restoration of razor blades to sharpness; rapid drying and preservation of foods; accelerated healing of human injuries and sick animals; and increased growth of plants with larger biomass are some of these effects.  In a controlled study on seed germination and growth, we observed an interaction of consciousness, whereby distant intent to facilitate faster plant growth together with placing plants under a pyramidal structure led to positive synergistic effects on plant growth, greater than intent alone or pyramid alone.  Alignment with geomagnetic north is important to obtaining these effects.  The collective evidence suggests that pyramidal structures may be psychotronic generators that work together with consciousness and a form of energy to produce advantageous effects on matter

    Hyperbole and understatement in the depiction of the emotions

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    The Biofield: Bridge Between Mind and Body

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    Centuries ago, science discarded all notions of a vital force, although it retained concepts of invisible physical forces despite frequent objection by strict empiricists. Yet the concept of a vital force or élan vital is central to virtually all indigenous knowledge and perennial wisdom worldwide. It is often regarded as the quintessence of life. In recent decades a concept similar to the "vital force" has emerged at the frontiers of science, known as the "biofield." The biophysical paradigm embraces a "field" view of life that may be considered complementary to the dominant "particle" view, the biomedical paradigm. While the latter maintains that life is composed of a hierarchy of organized biological substructures down to the level of biomolecules and genes, the biophysical paradigm maintains that the essence of life is like a flame, burning matter into energy, and dancing like a flame--coherent yet somewhat chaotic. The biofield is a field of energy intimately connected with each organism that holds information central to its higher order of being. It has been proposed as having mind-like properties as super-regulator of the biochemistry and physiology of the organism, coordinating all life functions, and key to understanding life's integral wholeness. Although Western science has essentially neglected the field concept of life in recent decades, today more scientists embrace it for its integrative and explanatory powers

    Student Career Preferences: In Support Of A New Learning Paradigm

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    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, throughout their careers, college graduates change multiple jobs and several careers, often remotely related to one another or to their major field of study. Experts project that the majority of newly created jobs requiring college education would involve extensive and prolonged on-the-job training of new hires, with soft skills gaining more prominence as determinants of professional success. Conversely, over the past several decades, higher education has followed a trend of compartmentalization of college education into narrowly defined disjointed disciplines each with a strict degree program. Such one-size-fits-all educational programs are unlikely to prepare prospective professionals for gainful employment in the emerging economy considering the new success indicators. This study presents a comparative exploratory analysis of accounting students’ career preferences by gender, age, grade point average, and academic classification. The study reveals notable differences in career preferences among students enrolled in the same academic program due to differences in gender, age, and academic classification