4 research outputs found

    Financing and acceptance by the target group concerning a Facebook page for the Telebasel News Broadcast 7vor7

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    Mit dieser Bachelorthesis wird überprüft, ob sich der Schweizer Lokalsender Telebasel eine Facebook-Seite für die Nachrichtensendung „7vor7“ leisten kann. Um dies herauszufinden wird untersucht, ob sich die Werbekunden von Telebasel vorstellen können, auf einer Facebook-Seite der Nachrichtensendung „7vor7“ Werbung zu schalten. Zudem wird die Frage geklärt, ob das Zielpublikum der Sendung an einer möglichen Facebook-Seite interessiert ist. Um eine Antwort auf diese beiden Fragen zu bekommen, werden zwei schriftliche Befragungen durchgeführt. Die Resultate beider Umfragen werden zueinander in ein Verhältnis gesetzt, damit eine Antwort auf die Fragestellung formuliert werden kann. Die Arbeit besteht aus drei Teilen: Zu Beginn wird der Leser an das Thema herangeführt. Im zweiten Abschnitt der Arbeit wird der Stand der Forschung beschrieben. Anschliessend folgt das Kapitel der beiden empirischen Untersuchungen. Danach folgt ein Fazit über die Arbeit. Ein Ausblick schliesst die Arbeit ab.This bachelor thesis explores if the Swiss local TV station Telebasel can afford a Facebook site for the News Broadcast „7vor7“. A survey of Telebasel advertisers will be conducted to determine if the project could be financially supported through the placement of advertisements on the Facebook page of News Broadcast „7vor7“. A second survey will be conducted with a target audience of the broadcast to measure the level of interest in having a Facebook page. The results of the surveys will be used as the main supporting factors for the conclusions and recommendations regarding implementation of a News Broadcast „7vor7“ Facebook page. This thesis consists of three parts: The first section introduces the reader to the objectives of the thesis project. The second section describes the current state of research. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the main conclusions and recommendations based on the findings of the research

    Le lenti del passato. Approcci multiscalari all'archeologia

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    Il presente volume raccoglie gli Atti del Convegno di Studi dal titolo "Le lenti del passato. Approcci multiscalari all'archeologia", tenutosi a Padova dal 21 al 22 dicembre 2021 e organizzato dagli allievi della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici dell'UniversitĂ  di Padova con il sostegno del Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali. Il Convegno, aperto a tutti gli Specializzandi inBeni Archeologici del terrirorio nazionale, ha visto il susseguirsi di numerose relazioni volte ad affrontare lo studio del dato archeologico secondo un approccio multiscalare e multidisciplinare, dalla piĂą ampia osservazione del paesaggio e delle dinamiche di ampio respiro al singolo contesto archeologico, dallo studio dei manufatti alle analisi di laboratorio. Oggetto privilegiato dei contributi sono state le metodologie di indagini declinate secondo molteplici approcci, prendendo in analisi contesti estremamente variegati sia dal punto di vista della collocazione geografica che cronologica. Il volume, che raccoglie e organizza in quattro sezioni (Macroscala, Mesoscala, Scala di intransito, Microscala) queste ricerche, vuole rappresentare non solo l'esito editoriale di una fruttuosa esperienza di confronto ma anche uno spunto per futuri incontri di studi che vedano come protagonisti gli allievi delle Scuole di Specializzazione italiane

    Tie2 expressing monocytes in the spleen of patients with primary myelofibrosis

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    Primary myelofibrosis (PMF) is a Philadelphia-negative (Ph-) myeloproliferative disorder, showing abnormal CD34 + progenitor cell trafficking, splenomegaly, marrow fibrosis leading to extensive extramedullary haematopoiesis, and abnormal neoangiogenesis in either the bone marrow or the spleen. Monocytes expressing the angiopoietin-2 receptor (Tie2) have been shown to support abnormal angiogenic processes in solid tumors through a paracrine action that takes place in proximity to the vessels. In this study we investigated the frequency of Tie2 expressing monocytes in the spleen tissue samples of patients with PMF, and healthy subjects (CTRLs), and evaluated their possible role in favouring spleen angiogenesis. We show by confocal microscopy that in the spleen tissue of patients with PMF, but not of CTRLs, the most of the CD14 + cells are Tie2 + and are close to vessels; by flow cytometry, we found that Tie2 expressing monocytes were Tie2 + CD14 low CD16 bright CDL62 - CCR2 - (TEMs) and their frequency was higher (p = 0.008) in spleen tissue-derived mononuclear cells (MNCs) of patients with PMF than in spleen tissue-derived MNCs from CTRLs undergoing splenectomy for abdominal trauma. By in vitro angiogenesis assay we evidenced that conditioned medium of immunomagnetically selected spleen tissue derived CD14 + cells of patients with PMF induced a denser tube like net than that of CTRLs; in addition, CD14 + Tie2 + cells sorted from spleen tissue derived single cell suspension of patients with PMF show a higher expression of genes involved in angiogenesis than that found in CTRLs. Our results document the enrichment of Tie2 + monocytes expressing angiogenic genes in the spleen of patients with PMF, suggesting a role for these cells in starting/maintaining the pathological angiogenesis in this organ