14 research outputs found

    qqˉq\bar{q}-potential: a numerical study

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    We report the results of recent lattice simulations aimed at computing the qq and qˉ\bar q potential energies in the singlet and the octet (adjoint) representation.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, poster presented at the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2013), 29 July - 3 August 2013, Mainz, German

    On the color structure of Yang-Mills theory with static sources in a periodic box

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    We present an exploratory numerical study on the lattice of the color structure of the wave functionals of the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory in the presence of a qqˉq\bar q static pair. In a spatial box with periodic boundary conditions we discuss the fact that all states contributing to the Feynman propagation kernel are global color singlets. We confirm this numerically by computing the correlations of gauge-fixed Polyakov lines with color-twisted boundary conditions in the time direction. The values of the lowest energies in the color singlet and octet external source sectors agree within statistical errors, confirming that both channels contribute to the lowest (global singlet) state of the Feynman kernel. We then study the case of homogeneous boundary conditions in the time direction for which the gauge-fixing is not needed. In this case the lowest energies extracted in the singlet external source sector agree with those determined with periodic boundary conditions, while in the octet sector the correlator is compatible with being null within our statistical errors. Therefore consistently only the singlet external source contribution has a non-vanishing overlap with the null-field wave functional.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Il Vallo ferroviario: Distanza e IndividualitĂ 

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    Riflessioni progettuali sulle identitĂ  possibili di Roma elaborate nel workshop internazionale di progettazione organizzato dal DAC dell'Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" e da ISVEU

    Caudal analgesia in children: S(+)-ketamine vs S(+)-ketamine plus clonidine

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate postoperative analgesia provided by caudal S(+)-ketamine and S(+)-ketamine plus clonidine without local anesthetic. Methods: Forty-four children aged 1-5 years consecutively scheduled for inguinal hernia repair, hydrocele repair or orchidopexy were randomly assigned to receive a caudal injection of either S(+)-ketamine 1 mg.kg(-1) (group K) or S(+)-ketamine 0.5 mg.kg(-1) plus clonidine 1 mug.kg(-1) (group KC). Postoperative analgesia and sedation were evaluated by CHEOPS and Ramsay scale from emergence from general anesthesia for 24 h. Results: No statistical difference was observed between study groups with respect to pain and sedation assessment. A slight trend toward a reduced requirement for rescue analgesia in group KC was observed, although not statistically significant. Conclusions: Caudal S(+)-ketamine 1 mg.kg(-1) and S(+)-ketamine 0.5 mg.kg(-1) plus clonidine 1 mug.kg(-1) are safe and provide effective postoperative analgesia in children without adverse effects

    Psychosocial, behavioural, pedagogical, and nutritional proposals about how to encourage eating a healthy breakfast

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    Background: Even if more and more evidences have highlighted the importance of breakfast in the growth and development of children, from 10 to 30% of US and European children and adolescents regularly skip breakfast. Thus, there is still a lot to be done before breakfast becomes a daily habit. The aim of this paper is to try and understand how it is possible to overcome the real or imaginary difficulties associated with skipping breakfast by psychosocial, behavioural, pedagogical and nutritional proposals. Discussion. Schools are the best context where perform healthy interventions because it is here that children learn about the importance of good health at an age when the school still plays a major role in their education. Some school interventions, based on solid theories as the Self Determination Theory and the Behaviour Analysis, have been implemented in the last years to promote health behaviour such as intake of fruit and vegetables and physical activities. Cognitive behaviour therapy is the most closely monitored type of treatment/cure for obesity in randomised controlled trials. Moreover some associations such as the National Association of Food Science Specialists have drawn an own method to encourage food education at school and promote the importance of prevention. These projects could be used as starting point to perform interventions focus on breakfast. Summary. Increase the consumption of breakfast between children is very important. Efforts should be done to drawn new school projects based on scientific-evidences